Because of the expected answer, Li Zhi is not interested in this time. Nayeni. Li Zhi's eyes seem casual, but he seems to be able to see through people's hearts. He shouldn't be flustered. He just woke up and has the memory of the past dynasties. He hopes Li Zhiwen can give a perfect answer to any question, but it's a bit difficult for others not to ask him.

Outside came the return hand of Xiao's student Li Zhihui, who asked nayeni to stand beside him. Unexpectedly, his voice came in.

It's a wild woman out there, standard. The most important thing about the devil's figure is that her eyes are actually blood. Her red eyes flash with wild light. Wearing leather armor sets off her figure. Her figure is very hot. See you

King nayeni, her voice with charm, but it has a warrior like sonorous, with her kneeling.

Li Zhi was dizzy and felt a wave coming. Although Li Zhi has seen that crazy women are not so simple.

But I didn't expect that his real face was so hot. Even though he had been through a lot of battles, he was also affected. He looked at nyeni without any trace. That's right

Yeni's face is full of holy light and is upright. It's really not the voice of Li Zhi, a man. Let's get on with it. I think some things need to be explained clearly.

There was a sudden sound. The woman surnamed Ye felt as if she had encountered this situation for the first time.

What surprised her was that the man in front of her had the same experience as other creatures, but he was calm and never influenced by him. He was an adult

She respectfully said that my feelings have been betrayed and stimulated, so sometimes I'm not conscious and I don't remember many things.

Just now, I don't know how to attack adults, and I don't know how long it will be. If there are no two, I'm afraid I'll be oblivious and willing to try. I'm willing to follow Li Zhida to repay my kindness.

Her eyes are calm, Li Zhi nodded, seemingly casually asked, which soldier you used to be, which clan you belong to, where you live.

One day, as soon as his voice fell, Li Zhi felt a flash of murderous spirit coming from his side. In front of the woman's murderous demonstration is very good, but still let Li zhileng for a while, she thought. Moji beige is also called "what king what day" by the Ghanaians. It's not just that it seems that this name represents a special meaning, so I choose to forget. I only remember that I am a soldier, and I would like to be a pawn of an adult.

Li Zhi nodded,

"Yes, yes. Do you follow my orders?"

"Yes, my Lord," said the woman

Li Zhi nodded: "OK, kill that Yeni for me."

The woman as mechanical, suddenly took out a dagger, the dagger did not hesitate to rush up to that Yeni, her speed is very fast.

She did not dodge. She looked straight ahead. Her expression did not fluctuate. Her dagger did not hinder her. She tore his chest.

From the beginning to the end, her movements did not stop. Blood flowed out of nayeni's chest, and then she let go. The dagger in her hand was ready to rush through nayeni's body again, but nayeni passed the meal just now.

His wound healed again. Li Zhi did a good job. Let's have a rest. Li Zhi is very satisfied with the woman. She is stronger than the zodiac warriors.

At this time, the wound on Indonesia healed. The blood on the ground. The blood disappeared, but there was a trace of blood in the air.

The Duke of yenney was impolite and took out the dagger.

"Congratulations to your excellency for getting a sharp weapon."

Li Zhi laughs,

"You don't have enough chips to deal with this headache. You are the king of the Cana people. How can you be so humble?"

"Yeni was stunned. My soul belongs to the master and everything belongs to the master. I'm not qualified to talk about terms. I just woke up and I didn't hide anything. If the adult has orders, I will die."

Li Zhi waved his hand, and nayeni continued, "although I have just awakened, I have inherited the memory of the previous Cana kings, and we all have the memory of the past dynasties."

The space we are in now is the inverse rule space

Li Zhi was surprised. "What is the inverse rule of space? What is the inverse rule“

"It's not surprising that there are rules governing everything on that planet with nothing. Can such things be allowed to exist?" Li Zhi was surprised. He said yes, it's the space of Meini's return. This is also my destiny.

"The kana used to live in subordinate places, but they could not stand the barbarism and exploitation of the electors.

Under the rules of bondage, Cana and other peace loving races resisted, and there was no income to go. The rules were too strong, and the rulers' means were too vicious. The kings of Canada never gave up because of the fact of the rules. It's hard for Canadian royalty to escape.

That's why this space appeared. I don't know how many generations of the souls and blood of the kana people have guarded the kana royal family. They can grow up smoothly until they wake up, and then inherit the memory and ability to lead the people to continue to resist. "

Li Zhi thought about her shining face“ Does this space exist in the human body, or is this person space itself? "

Jennie shook his head. "I really don't know what form it is. I was sealed in a tree as soon as I was born.

Before I wake up, I have no memory. I can only have those memories when I wake up completely. "This time, he didn't lie.

Li Zhi is very interested in the mysterious kana people and the legendary rulers. All kinds of signs show that all the rulers have a certain relationship with the rules, or it's fun for him. Li Zhi suddenly said that if the space against the rules is just to carry you, "then you have awakened now, what will happen to the bearer who is about to complete this space?"

Li Zhi is afraid that Shan Shan will be hurt. Nayeni said: "there should be no influence. When I wake up my memory, this space will disappear. When a new king is born, a new space will also be born. It will start over and over again. It has no influence on the bearer."

Li Zhi nodded and did not pursue this issue. Instead, he began to think about it. It would be outrageous to put the treasure here in this space, but how can he take it?

Beyond the clouds, an unreal figure roared with anger: "a big living man has disappeared out of thin air. What do you think of it? It's a group of rubbish."

Four soldiers in Baoguang armor were kneeling on the cloud under his feet. When they heard the questions from the people above, several of them trembled.

One of them said, "Lord, that person's breath disappeared after appearing in the wild star. What should those rebellious people do? Please let me know. "

His words aroused the reaction of the other three,

"Those rebels should not live in this world, they should be killed."

One of them said, "it seems that the friend of that man is better known as the moral Saint than the traitors. If those abandoned by God are really associated with them, I'm afraid they will be in trouble. At that time, we will face not only the Ghanaians, but also other ethnic groups. I'm afraid it's not easy."

Another person also said: "yes, those people should have eradicated their subordinates for a long time. Recently, they feel that their information shows signs of recovery. Maybe they have revived the demon. If so, they must kill him before he fully wakes up."

"Well, I'll make up my mind about it. Morrow, go and put an end to the rebels

The man with the lute nodded, "it's the Lord."

Li Zhi, with a smile, said to nayeniyi, "you don't have to keep a straight face. These things will disappear with your awakening sooner or later. Don't you think it's a pity? Besides, I will give you more things as my compensation. What's your dissatisfaction? "

In fact, if Li Zhi was not afraid of pulling out the tree of life, which would affect Shanshan, he would like to carry the tree back. Douya should like this green plant very much.

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