But as long as you step into this area, you will feel the amazing gravity, which is after the magic gravity reaches the Holy Land mage.

The effect of Li Zhi's gravity technique is much stronger than before. The gravity on the ground is usually tens of times and tens of times of force. Not only the body, but also the cells inside bear the gravity.

According to Li Zhi, although it's hard for Badi soldiers to resist tens of times of gravity, they won't crush him. They don't use earth magic to counteract their eyesight, but use their bodies to bear it.

At this time, he stood on his head and relied on two fingers to continuously exercise his finger strength and arm strength.


Dripping sweat fell from his head to the ground

All of a sudden, Yale walked in excitedly, "ah, third brother, the curator is here." then he walked forward and accidentally stepped into the gravity area, supporting himself with both hands.

The whole person quickly pulled Yale out of the gravity area, Yale whimpered, gasped and breathed.

He said in surprise, "did you set up gravity in the room?"

It felt so bad that my heart stopped, thanks to the short time.

Otherwise, Yale's small stature will definitely have problems. Li Zhi took a bath, changed his clothes, and went to the reception hall with Yale.

Li Zhiqian said humbly to director Maiya, director Maiya: "I'm sorry, I don't want to auction this stone carving."

Curator Maia, leaning on a crutch, looked at him with a smile and said, "don't mind if you can agree to the exhibition. I'm already satisfied. The most important thing is that I want to meet the genius of stone carving."

At this time, the person in charge of the hotel left. The person in charge laughed at the suggestion of curator Manya, and then said to Yale behind Li Zhi, "young master Yale, young master Li Zhi, the people of the Rhine Empire have been to the hotel and want to see young master Li Zhi."

Curator Maia laughed, "it seems that Li Zhi, you are very busy now. I won't disturb you. I'll leave first."

Then curator Maia left the reception room with his men

Li Zhi looked at the person in charge of the hotel and said, "help me stop it. I don't want to see the people of the Dark Alliance now."

Li Zhi simply refused all solicitations. Li Zhi knew that if he met with the four empires or the holy alliance now, it would easily cause strong dissatisfaction from the Holy See.

In the afternoon, Li Zhi and Yale went to the Lucas family. Yale did not say: "third, the Lucas family is not simple. If you want to get back the sword, it is very difficult. The family is relatively old and has a history of thousands of years. In the kingdom of Finland, although the wealth is average, the aristocracy has great influence. The most important thing is that the head of Lucas is very stubborn and likes to collect the inheritance treasure of your family."

It's the personal weapon of the first generation of dragon blood soldiers. Although the dragon blood soldiers haven't appeared for thousands of years, it's of great significance. Moreover, the weapon of your family needs at least several hundred thousand gold coins, but even if there are gold coins, the head of Lucas family is stubborn and hard to get them. Li Zhi said firmly after hearing this: "I know, but no matter how difficult it is, I will take them back."

Yale has said: "Li Zhi, if you don't let my second uncle help us use the relationship of our chamber of Commerce to give him a little pressure, isn't it a big deal?"

Li Zhi knew that Yale was kind-hearted, but he didn't like to let others help him with it. He said with a smile, "I'll try first. As the second day in the history of Yulan, I think he'd better face up. If he can't, he'll ask the Yale boss."

All of a sudden, there was a commotion behind Li Zhi. Then Beibei came out of Li Zhi's side and looked at Yale with a pleasant eye. Then he looked at Li Zhi and said, "boss, the carriage is so slow. I've had a sleep. Why haven't I got to fenlaicheng yet?"

Li Zhi reported Beibei's good news. He arrived in a short time. Suddenly, the tree screamed and the carriage stopped. Li Zhi and Yale, sitting in the carriage, felt the carriage shake. There was a harsh sound outside. Then, the voice said, "please come out first, young master Li Zhi and young master Yale."

Li Zhi's heart as like as two peas in the original book, the Dark Alliance's burglar has come. It's just Li Zhi's way. Now Li Zhi is in the light of the Holy See's surveillance. If he solves it, the group will expose his strength, and the plan will fail.

Li Zhi said: "don't resist and leave directly, boss. They won't embarrass you. As for me, you don't have to worry." Yale looked at Li Zhi suspiciously, then thought of the latter's strength, and nodded and got out of the carriage.

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