Seeing the stone carving's indifferent eyes makes me indifferent to the common people, and I feel like I have a soul to look at it. He was as like as two peas.

He looked at the stone carvings and said, "Li Zhi, you can't be a master of stone carvings. You have finished such a perfect work in such a short time. In my heart, this work is thousands of times better than love. The more you look at it, the more happy you are."

Li Zhi is a little helpless. This guy is really narcissistic.

In the twinkling of an eye, the temperature in fenlai City dropped in December, and it had snowed in October this year.

Fenlai city is snow-white. Many nobles stay at home and do not want to go out. Li Zhi wears a loose robe and walks on the street. Only then does he creak on the snow. The deep fenlai city is very beautiful. The mansions on both sides of LVYE road are in the sunshine.

The cold reflected brilliance. Beautiful scenery. The pine branches of the mansion in front of us are even more white and beautiful.

Li Zhi is in a good mood. His estimated time is about a month away from the day of destruction, but it is sure to be a disaster. But is it right or wrong to release his brother.

Because in the original fate of the track, the day of destruction, life, countless deaths and injuries, but after the introduction of the rules of fate.

Li Zhi has an understanding of Mingming's providence. A person's destiny is fixed. Every plane has its own destiny. Destiny is the rule that cannot be changed. Of course, it is a dynamic rule.

It's not that any change is not allowed, but the fate of an individual is the most dynamic, and there will be innumerable fortunes when there is an opportunity, and a country's destiny will appear.

It is hard to say the fate of a plane, unless there is a strong power to reverse it. There won't be a big shift.

Such a catastrophe as the day of destruction, which obviously belongs to the Holy Alliance and the Dark Alliance, is not controlled by such a small person as Li Zhi.

Even if he doesn't pull out the soft sword of consultation and doesn't come, the disaster will come, but the time and key people will change.

Therefore, Li Zhi didn't have much remorse for releasing this great demon. He wasn't a Buddhist monk and didn't have to be compassionate. Moreover, those who died were also driven by fate and would die on the day of destruction.

Beibei said on his shoulder: "boss, it seems that the two sides of the ground have been repaired. There are a lot of decorations."

On the way, Li Zhi didn't pay attention. Beibei only noticed that it was different from the past. Li Zhi finds magnolia flowers as decoration in front of the Fu Di gate. Li Zhi suddenly realizes that it's December now, and the Magnolia Festival is coming in a few days. Li Zhi knows that the Magnolia Festival is very good.

However, January 1, 10000 in Yulan is the most noisy day in Yulan mainland. No wonder we should pay so much attention to it.

However, Li Zhi felt very ironic, because at this time, a servant stepped on the ladder and suddenly fell. His foot was empty and his head hit the ground. The people next to him immediately panicked and immediately held him, "are you ok?"

The man's weak voice said: "I have adult dizzy, he fell down the impact strength is not big, saved a small life."

The steward said helplessly: "well, you go to have a rest. Ke Er, you go to take care of him. How did he fall like this? This is that the injured was helped away."

Li Zhi saw this scene as like as two peas in the heart. This is also the story of the original fate. Li Zhi felt that he had changed many things. But there were some things that had not changed. For instance, what happened today is exactly the same as the original world. And Li Zhi did not know why. Suddenly she rose today and walked outside.

It suddenly occurred to him that Lin Lei wanted to go out for a walk in the original world. He subconsciously followed the form of things in the original book, and did not know whether he was influenced by the book or the fate.

With the threshold that he is not as good as the rule of fate, Li Zhi has a new understanding of this sudden behavior in his mind.

There is no one in the world with the same thinking, even twins. It can be said that he and Lin Lei are different in thinking and dealing with things.

But because of the same identity, the same body, under the influence of the outside world, will do many similar things, this is the fate, is also God's will.

If he doesn't have the global strength to get rid of these jumps, he will follow the original fate track. This is fate. In short, it is a well-established rule.

But it's even more difficult to master. He knows this truth. Li Zhi doesn't want to copy Lin Lei's life path, nor is he willing to be bound by fate.

We can only make some subtle changes, through the butterfly effect. To influence things in the future, as his strength increases, more and more things will be changed.

He sighed, "the things of fate are unpredictable."

It's hard to master the time of a month.

When the Magnolia continent in the first 100 million years and 9999 intersection of that night, snowflakes, Fen Lai city's temperature is very low.

But Yulan city is brilliant all night, tomorrow is Yulan Festival, the night soon all over the sky snow subsided, whether it is noble or civilian.

In the morning of this day, the arrival of Yulan festival will be celebrated, especially the beautiful scenes above the temple of light of the Holy See of light begin to appear, which are all shaped by magic into fenlai city.

This day has also become a joyful ocean. Outsiders gather in the vast square in front of the temple of light, and everyone cheers for the Yulan Festival.

The temple of light also held a lively activity, Li Zhi. Waiting for the four brothers in the restaurant, looking at the people outside, crowded.

George said, "third, shall we go to the Debs' wedding party? The wedding banquet of Kalan in Debs family is just this day, which is also a good day. Many people in Yulan city choose this day to get married. "

Li Zhi shakes his head and looks at the scenery outside. After today, fenlai city no longer exists.

It's nine years since Li Zhi came to Finland. It's a fake for him to say that he has no feelings for this place for nine years. Yale and George look at each other with his mindless words.

I don't know why Li Zhi said that. I didn't say, "what do you mean by that? What do you mean, after today, fenley city doesn't exist. "

Yale knows Li Zhi very well and knows that he is in a stable situation and will not say such words suddenly. Then he will have a problem if he says it suddenly.

Li Zhi said to him, "don't ask why, boss. You will know after a while."

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