Malone respectfully said: "well, let's have a rest. I'll leave first."

The bonfire was burning, and most of the people in the motorcade couldn't sleep. They surrounded the bonfire one by one. Except for a few people who were sleeping, others were discussing the battle just now.

From time to time, some people look at Li Zhifan's heart, feel the wind and the earth around him, and feel the three-year cultivation of the Warcraft mountains around him.

Li Zhi knows a lot about his cultivation intention. Whether he is a soldier or a magician, he should finally understand nature.

He murmured to himself that he had got one before. "Grandfather said that life is the best teacher." he thought of grandfather Delin, who had been closed for a long time. He should be near the waterfall.

The most gratifying thing is that it has changed the fate of grandfather green. You only know that the soul is good, and even the level of the master of the universe can not be revived. This is the pain of Lin Lei.

People in the team continued to discuss, while Li Zhi continued to practice.

"Lord Li Zhi!"

Li Zhi, when you look back, it turns out that it's the young gene. Li Zhi smiles on his face, "what's wrong with gene?

Keane was very happy to hear Li Zhi call his name. "My Lord, I have a request." Li Zhi relaxed to Keane, and Keane worshipped his eyes and said, "my Lord, your sword was so powerful just now. I've been bullied since I was a child. I want to be a powerful soldier. Can you teach me? "

Li Zhi thought that if he married Jennie, it would be good for his brother-in-law to teach him to practice today. Thinking of this, he always said: "yes, soldiers need perseverance and perseverance, and they have to bear hardships, otherwise it is difficult to achieve.

Keane, a serious adult, "I'm not afraid of hardship. I'll try my best to practice. A soft voice sounded sharp. Then Jennie, who was wearing a light blue dress, came to him and said," wear it cold at night. "

Keane curled his lips. "I don't want it!"

As soon as Jennie frowned and couldn't help her brother, Keane said, "sister, you see Li Zhi is wearing such a dress. I have to wear so many."

Li Zhi shakes his head. Keane is even better than himself. He is no longer afraid of the cold winter.

"Put it on."

Li Zhi's words were more useful than Jennie's words. He immediately put on his clothes. Jennie said with thanks, "thank you, Mr. Li Zhi." Li Zhi ordered. Jennie and Li Zhi looked at each other, and their faces turned red.

Li Zhi inadvertently noticed that Jennie's hand was just like the original world track. Her hand was very rough, not like that of a 17-year-old girl.

She went back to Li Zhiqian's smiling face and said, "don't disturb Mr. Li. Goodbye. Mr. Li also needs a rest."

Li Zhi looked at Keene and said, "are you really willing to learn from me?"

Lord Keane, "of course, I want to be a strong fighter and beat down all the villains who bullied my sister.

Li Zhi couldn't laugh or cry. The motive of Keene's cultivation was very simple. Li Zhi cut his head and said, "you calm down, I'll teach you."

Keane knelt down happily and Ann said, "see you master."

With a wave of Li Zhi's hand, Keene couldn't get down on his knees. Of course, Li Zhi didn't want him to worship himself as a teacher. He was his younger brother-in-law, and his seniority was in disorder. "This can't be done."

If Keane wants to practice by himself, he should be called a teacher.

"If you call me a teacher, I won't teach you," Li said with a cold face

Keane had to say, "OK, big brother Li Zhi!"

Li Zhi said with a smile: "go back to rest, or your sister will call you."

Keane nodded, "good night, big brother Li Zhi! My sister is beautiful

Then he left. Li Zhi watched her leave. He was a jerk..

The next morning, lonz said, "my Lord is going to the imperial city this evening. Let's have some breakfast."

Li Zhi takes Beibei to walk over. Heilu doesn't need to eat. He has gone to the Warcraft mountains to eat.

Keane jumped out of the car and said to Jenny, "sister, I got out of the car."

Lambert has no worries today. Dr. jenniland knows very well that you are really kind and simple.

Lambert showed a smile and said, "don't get busy, miss."

"What's the matter with grandfather Lambert?" Jennie asked

Lambert said: "Miss, as you can see, we met robbers on this road. When we got to the edge of the city, we had to separate from the motorcade. It was very dangerous for me to take you on the road."

When Jennie recalled the scene of landing, what should he do when he was nervous?

Lambert said, "Miss, don't you notice Mr. Li Zhi? The robber's hand was chopped to death by his sword, and there would be no danger with the protection of Lord Li Zhi. "

Jennie is 18 years old, not like Keane

"A strong man like granddad Lambert, will they agree to my invitation?"

After leaving Lambert, he didn't feel encouraged. "Don't worry, just say that Li Zhi's daughter, the mayor of Cheshire, is going to inherit the throne of the mayor and ask him to protect you. When you go to Cheshire, you will thank him. Don't say more, don't say that you used to live in the countryside."

Lambert knew that if he told the other party the details, the other party would not agree.

Jennie did not consciously agree, I know, Lambert encouraged said: "go!"

Jennie took a deep breath, summoned up courage, and got out of the car to see Jennie get off. Lambert sighed, ma'am, you can't even die.

If Jennie had to go back to inherit the city, count Wade was dead, but the eldest lady would not let Keane inherit the city.

If there is a level 9 strong man to protect, you can be sure. Lambert heard last night that McKinley's Paris strong man was killed by Li Zhi, and he guessed that Li Zhi should be a level 9 strong man.

With such strong protection, we should be more confident. Li Zhi was lying on the carriage at this time, thinking that he would soon arrive at O'Brien empire.

At this time, a beautiful figure came into his sight. He heard the conversation between Lambert and Jennie just now. Of course, he knew the purpose of Jennie's trip.

Li Zhi stood up and said, "Miss Jennie."

Jennie came over and whispered, "Hello, Mr. Li Zhi."

With a smile, Li Zhi said, "just call me brother Li Zhi."

Jennie's heart a joy, originally she is close to the relationship, good for the escort Li Zhi asked“ What can I do for you

"Brother Li Zhi, my brother and I went to my father's County town to inherit the title of the city leader this time, but it was very dangerous on the way. I want to ask my brother to protect us," Jennie said nervously

She stammered lovable appearance let Li Zhi smile, don't smile fortunately, Jenny face more red, stammered and said: "brother Li Zhi, what are you laughing at?"

Li Zhi didn't want to embarrass others. He said with a smile, "you don't know. I promised Keane to teach him how to cultivate soldiers. Naturally, I will go with you."

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