At this time, she was a little happy. After all, she was an 18-year-old girl. Everyone would have some ideas about excellent young people.

Taking a deep breath, Li Zhi continues to go back to bed to practice the power of the law of perception. No matter when or where he is, he will not give up. What he practices is not only revenge for his parents, but also more strength to protect the people he cares about.

Li Zhi knows that the mainland will be in chaos in the next hundred years. Without enough strength, it is impossible to protect the people he cares about. Although he can have a relationship with Beirut and let him protect his wife and others.

But it's impossible for Beirut to protect even the families of good brothers, because my Dawson chamber of Commerce will be controlled by the powerful God from the gebada plane.

Yale will also be controlled by the God of death, and even George will be killed. If Li Zhi does not have enough strength, all this will happen.

This is not what Li Zhi would like to see. The rest of the killers were solved by Li Zhi, so they were not attacked in the morning, although all the killers were solved.

But it's not sure if Mrs. Wade will send someone again, so Li Zhi wants to see them all by water.

Yulan River in Wunei of Yulan continent. The North Sea crossed the Empire of O'Brien, the Empire of Yulan, the Empire of Luo and the Empire of Rhine, among which some branches of the Yilan river.

It can be said that the Yulan river has nurtured the people of the Yulan continent in various regions. Li Zhi looks at the broad river with great emotion. The river is really broad.

It costs 10000 gold coins to reach the nearest estuary of the city. The distance is often less than a hundred Li.

Jennie walked out of the cabin. The wind in the middle of Li Zhi was very strong. The wind on the boat moved Jennie's dress.

She went up to Li Zhi and said, "brother Li Zhi has let you spend money."

She was a little embarrassed. In Jennie's and Keane's opinion, 10000 gold coins were already a lot. Unexpectedly, Li Zhi rented a ship directly, and the land price of the ship was still very expensive.

The distance from Blackstone city to shire is 10000 gold coins. There is a black leopard beside Li Zhi. In order to show respect for the strong, he gives a very low discount.

Li Zhi protected their sisters and brothers for free, but he also paid 10000 gold coins to rent a boat. I'm really embarrassed.

Li Zhi went to the front of the deck and said, "don't you think the scenery is very beautiful?"

His hand stroked the chain in front of him. Looking around, he was still excited by the waves of the river.

The Yulan river has existed for hundreds of thousands of years. We should be open-minded. Facing the vast river, he felt something in his heart.

Hundreds of thousands of years of people and countries have long gone, and such a long history is so insignificant compared with the heart failure of the country and personal resentment.

Today, there are six giants, four empires, the Holy See and the dark family in Yulan. Li Zhi's heart is very calm and comes to this world.

Li Zhi began to wash his mind slowly. With hundreds of thousands of years of experience, Li Zhi's ideas became different.

Slowly turning into a butterfly, the captain drove very easily. Although the Yulan river was shut down, it was safer than in the sea. They chatted with the sailors.

The captain said triumphantly, "see that black hat confiscated? You see, my son will soon recover a Warcraft. "

The sailor beside laughed, "Captain, leopard beast, can your son accept it?"

The captain sighed, "advanced Warcraft, how is that possible? I especially admire those strong soldiers who recruited disciples in Wushen sect last year. You don't know that so many strong soldiers riding on giant Warcraft or flying over a strong man used to fight for a place. The experts in that battle moved too fast. I can only see the shadow. "

Sailors also boast about the experts they see. Almost every child wants to be a strong man in the Empire of O'Brien, and entering the gate of Wushen is their ultimate goal.

Li Zhipan sits on his knees, blowing in the flat wind on the deck, feeling the Magnolia around him and the so-called potential of heaven and earth, which is endless knowledge. He feels his soul, immerses himself in the surroundings, even feels the width of the Magnolia River, and feels the infinite space and nature around him. Six days have passed since Li Zhipan began to work.

Keane looked at Li Zhi and said to Jennie, "Sister Li Zhi, is it OK if you don't eat or drink?"

"I didn't know Beibei wouldn't let us get close," Jennie said

The captain came to him and said, "don't worry. People are different from us. In front of them, the cliff can't stop them. Millions of troops can't stop them. I've heard that a strong man can not eat or drink for several months."

They were all surprised to hear what the captain said. Just then a voice appeared, "is that so?"

Then they saw that Li Zhi jumped directly from the boat with Heiyu epee.

Jennie exclaimed, "big brother Li Zhi!"

The others ran to the deck, and they were shocked to find that Li Zhi was standing on the water with Heiyu Epee, floating like this and not sinking.

This scene shocked everyone, flying in the air. It was only in holy land that Li Zhi could do it. It was hard for him to talk to himself about the fire, water and wind. It suddenly moved forward.

As if the sky had been pierced into a hole, the water around it was gushing thin.

Li Zhi laughs, and then his figure moves up and down on the surface of Yulan river. The water of Yulan River roars along his figure. Sometimes it's as high as a tornado.

All of a sudden, Heiyu's epee was put into the tendon sheath by him. The crazy river water stopped. In a flash, the river water calmed down. Li Zhi couldn't get up. He stepped on the water and didn't sink at all.

This time, Li Zhi didn't use the magic of wind to counteract gravity, and he didn't use the power of the wind to hold himself. This is his perception of the potential of heaven and earth. Li Zhi smiles a little. This is the potential of heaven and earth, and the whole person jumps on the deck.

Although he knew this truth, he couldn't understand it all the time. After six days of study, he felt the fluctuation of water.

He recalled his previous cultivation, and combined the four elements together. The earth fire, geomantic omen and one sword moved heaven and earth. This is the real power of heaven and earth in the past.

He didn't even know how to get started. Now Li Zhi realized that at the moment, the fighting spirit of the dragon blood was surging, and finally the soldiers entered the human form.

With a smile on his face, he has the highest strength of the holy land. With the holographic holy magic guide, he should be the first person under the divine level.

He has unlimited self-confidence in his heart, which is the self-confidence in his strength. Li Zhi rushes to the outline and feels the feeling at the peak, but looks at himself adored by a group of people on the ship.

Keane said excitedly, "brother Li Zhi, what happened to you just now?"

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