Lambert sighed and said, "yes, it was given by your majesty at that time. Li Zhiyin of gask family was proud of it. You should know that the kings of some kingdoms in Yulan did not own space rings."

Keane and Jenny can also feel the value of space rings.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Li Zhi had a space ring. I had to put 10 million gold coins in my eyes."

The next month, the order from the head of the Jask family came. Keene geek inherited his ancestral position, and his sister assisted him when he was a minor.

In the course of one month, Li Zhi seriously taught Keane and Jennie. Although both of them were older, they missed the best time.

But who is Li Zhi? He is not only a strong man in the holy land, but also has advanced training methods. Combined with advanced training methods, Keane is also very competitive. Although he is bitter, he has no complaints.

One month later, he entered the second level. At the age of 13, Keene was already strong enough to reach the first level. With the guidance of Li Zhi, he soon reached the second level.

Belonging to 18-year-old Jennie, her mental strength has also grown to the level of level 2 magician.

In the past month, he has been refining his magic power. Now he is also the top level magician, not far from the second level magician.

On this day, Lambert Jennie Keane looked at Li Zhi in surprise, "brother Li Zhi, are you going to leave?"

Keane inherited the position of the city leader, with the help of Jennie. Today's Jennie's sister and brother are the most relaxed. They are trying to repay Li Zhi, but who thought Li Zhi would leave Cheshire city? Jennie's eyes are red, "brother Li Zhi, you..."

Li ZhiBei's epee shoulder has Beibei, next to Heilu, Li Zhi light smile, "the city is too noisy, my practice will be affected, I don't go far, in the valley next to practice, there is more quiet, I practice for a period of time."

For Li Zhi, the most important thing is cultivation, especially now that Li Zhi's continuous progress has not met the bottleneck, he should work harder to cultivate the master to endure loneliness.

Keane and Jennie were relieved that they were just going to the valley.

Li Zhi said with a smile: "well, I'll come to see you when I have time. If you have something to do, you should practice seriously according to my instructions. There will be no problem. If you don't understand, you can come to me in the valley."

Li Zhi has entered the Holy Land in terms of magic and warriors. What he has to do now is to understand the laws of heaven and earth. To understand the laws of heaven and earth, he has to be close to nature, integrate into nature, and feel nature.

Of course, it's not suitable for cultivation in the city Lord's mansion. Li Zhi knows that.

Now, Wharton is studying at Oberlin College. At this time, he doesn't have to be disturbed, just by himself. The fastest reaction, once you get to Wharton's side, I'm afraid it will cause the growth of Wharton.

In the east of chi'er County, there is a blue mountain range. There is a small valley in the middle of the mountain range. Li Zhi built a small wooden house here and began his lonely night of cultivation.

On the green lawn in the middle of the valley, Li Zhipan sat on his knees, closed his eyes and quietly felt the lake water. Beside him, the bonfire was burning.

Li Zhi's expression, indifferent or angry, or calm or elegant, water, wind and fire, all kinds of elements of emotion.

As a magician, especially the super affinity of Li Zhi in the whole department, he is far more than ordinary people. Soldiers who are different from magicians are hard to integrate into nature, but magicians are different.

Li Zhi felt that different weapons, different roads, epee power, and heavy Epee without edge, not by sharp win, but by the righteous and bright can not match the attack..

Heiyu's epee gives him this kind of feeling. The Epee has something in common with the law of the earth. Li Zhi holds Heiyu's epee, but his heart is in harmony with the earth. The earth's massiness is boundless and calm. The unique pulsation of the earth makes his heart tremble.

Generally, they have a high understanding of the earth.

He suddenly stood up and quietly waved the heavy black Yu Epee in his hand. With his waving, his whole body entered a unique rhythm, no matter in pace or in practice, which made people feel palpitating. The black Epee pierced the air like a million soldiers. In the process of waving, the bowl characters and the earth were integrated, Even the feeling of watching him practice his sword, the feeling of massiness.

There was only one sound. His black Yu Epee pierced the air, and then the explosion sounded. It was just a stab to the space, which produced several explosions. It was incredible.

Because the gas explosion of a weapon will be good once, but it is impossible to cause several times.

Li Zhi's eyes lit up. Is this the original meaning of the earth in the world? Li Zhi felt it for a while. Listening to the crisp sound, it should be triple waves.

Li Zhi knew that the meaning of the earth is the higher one of the six mysteries of the earth system.

He's not even a beginner now.

Of course, Li Zhi also knew that if he went on practicing according to his own way, he would understand Dacheng sooner or later. He began to persuade himself not to worry, not to worry about practicing, and not to aim too high. He must calm down.

When practicing, you may enter a special state at some time, which will produce a surprising effect. If you can't fully understand it, it's better not to understand it.

What Li Zhi has to do is to constantly think and practice, so that everything can be mastered. There is no magazine from the sky, the white clouds are floating in the sky, and the valley where Li Zhi lives is quiet. The wind blows the lake slowly.

At this time, Li Zhi didn't practice, but fished in front of the valley. People can't use Li Zhi's fluids. The effect may not be good. If you want to fish, you can fish. If you want to sleep, you can sleep. This is really close to nature.

When practicing, the efficiency was also very high. At this time, a clear voice came from the outside of the valley, "brother Li Zhi."

Li Zhi found that Jennie was coming, riding a horse, and there were two maids behind him, obviously with good skills and at least vigorous movements.

Li Zhi put down his hand to fight with his body and said with a smile, "Jennie, you're here."

At this time, Beibei and Heilu were not there. The two Warcraft had already started to look for wild animals in the mountains. Most of the mountains where Li Zhi lived were ordinary wild animals, but Warcraft had not

Jennie jumped down from his horse, took out a package and said, "brother Li Zhi, I've prepared a meal for you. You must not have a good meal here. Have a try."

Jennie sniffed out all kinds of delicious dishes in the iron lunch box“ It smells good. "

Jennie's face turned red with excitement. Brother Li Zhi praised his craftsmanship.

You see, Li Zhi sighs in his heart that Jennie is really virtuous. Such a sweet girl, the original Lin Lei can live up to it. It's really ridiculous.

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