"This is my elder brother. I want to see your majesty," said Wharton

The guard of the palace gate is relaxed without making trouble. In fact, it's not difficult to enter the most outer part of the palace. If you have some identity, you can bring people in. Because the palace is very big, the guard inside the palace is more strict.

Sure enough, he was interrogated by the municipal Party committee, and then Walton said, "my elder brother wants to see your majesty."

The guard will report immediately.

The guard came back and said, "your majesty will let you in."

When Li Zhi walked inside, he felt it casually and found that there were many experts.

After walking for a long time, Walton came to the outside of a study and cried out, "Your Majesty."

After Wharton's voice appeared, the voice of the emperor Joanne came, "Wharton, is your big brother here? Come in, please

Li Zhi smiles and walks into it. Qiao an has heard Li Zhi's name for a long time.

There are records of dragon blood warriors in that history. When the human form reaches level 9, it can reach the holy land.

And when the human form reaches the holy land, it becomes invincible!

Li Zhi didn't change his body just now. Human form can hurt level 9 with bare hands. Then he is absolutely in human form and reaches the Holy Land!

What does this stand for in the reputation of human form? In Qiao an's mind, Li Zhi's status is constantly improving. Qiao an laughs, "ha ha, Master Li Zhi is really the greatest genius that the emperor has ever seen. Even Olivia can't compare with you."

Olivia may catch up with Li Zhi who hasn't changed in terms of soldiers.

But magic is no match for stone carving, he is the genius of genius.

Any stone carving lover will worship incomparably, every aspect has reached the peak! It's definitely the genius of the geniuses!

Li Zhi didn't want to waste his time. "Your Majesty, I just arrived in the imperial capital and I don't know much about many things, but I know that the seventh Princess and my brother are in love. As the head of the baruk family, I would like to ask if your majesty is willing to marry Nina to my baruk family?"

At the beginning, Li Zhi was already the head of the family after Hogg's death. Qiao an was a little embarrassed by Li Zhi.

It's true that Li Zhi is a talented person. Jon is very excited. There are soldiers in the holy land of the whole empire, but there are too few magicians in the holy land.

The only one who really listens to the royal family's orders is the master of the holy land, which may not be powerful, but the deterrent power of the master of the Holy Land in the war era is too terrible.

Think of a 27-year-old magic and martial double saint who destroys millions of troops with a forbidden curse. That's one of the real talents.

Holy Land magician is more attractive than Holy Land Warrior. Qiao an said with a good attitude: "Master Li Zhi, you have to let me think about it."

With a faint smile, Li Zhi said, "then I'll wait for your Majesty's result with my brother."

Li Zhi sighed in his heart, knowing that Qiao an was moved, the martial god sect had too much pressure on him.

If Blumer is not selected as Li Zhi, I believe Qiao an will make a deal with him.

But now it's different. Qiao an said, "Master Li Zhi, would you like to have dinner with me?"

Li Zhi shook his head, "forget it, I have something to do next time."

He sighed in his heart that he hoped Joanne would be wise, or he would not blame himself for making such a fuss.

When Li Zhi and Wharton went out, Wharton said excitedly: "brother, I've never seen your majesty so humble! Not even bloomer! "

Li Zhi said with a smile: "O'Brien Empire, there are many holy land soldiers, but... Magicians."

At this time, Wharton looked at a man in the distance. Li Zhi saw him stop and said, "what are you looking at?"

It's Wharton. Have you gone to see your majesty

At a glance of this young man, Li Zhi guessed that the voice of indifference came. At a glance of this young man, Li Zhi guessed that this should be Blumer. Olivia's brother.

Wharton said coldly, "what are you doing over there?"

He was familiar with the palace and knew that it was Nina's direction. Blumer went to see someone.

"What do you say I do?"

"Well, I'm afraid the door didn't go in."

I didn't go in.

Nina just closed the door.

In his heart, Blumer was angry. He had never admired anyone except big brother.

Especially this time he became a disciple of Wushen, which made him more confident.

Wharton said: "do you think you can marry Nina by becoming a disciple? you must be dreaming! Brother, let's go

Li Zhi shook his head faintly and followed Wharton to go. At this time, Blumer said, "stop!"

Wharton looked at him. "What's the matter with you?"

Blumer looked at him coldly and said, "I heard that if you are a dragon blood warrior, I challenge you. Do you dare to go?"

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