This kind of ferocity makes countless people scream and cheer,




At this time, the old man with silver hair said loudly, "what's the surprise that Blumer can become a disciple around the martial god? As for the legendary dragon blood warrior family, which is called the ultimate warrior, let's see who is stronger. Now I declare the beginning of this war!"

The surface of Wharton changed instantly. The blue dragon scale covered his whole body, the Dragon horn on his head also grew out, and the dragon tail behind him swung. In the sunshine, the dragon scale on his body glittered. After seeing the transformation, the people on the scene exclaimed, they had never seen the Dragon blood soldier transform into Wharton. The first transformation shocked everyone. After the shock, they were shocked.

More cheers came from the judges, and Henderson, who was on the judges' bench, was interested, "dragon blood warrior? If only he were the holy land. "

The legendary dragon blood warrior is invincible in the holy land. His rock sword Saint hedson is the first strong man in the holy land. Hedson has not tried for many years and failed. He did fight with the God level strong man.

He is sure to lose. He has no resistance, and he can't help it. He expects that a strong man in the holy land can defeat him. Maybe he can die, so he can understand the last level and reach the God level.

Next to Nina, an 11-year-old boy took Nina by the hand and said, "this is the dragon blood warrior?"

Nina looked at the shadow on the stage and said, "yes, this is the strongest ultimate warrior in the legend!"

With Nina and Wharton's feelings, Wharton changed in front of him.

Blumer looked at Wharton and said, "the dragon blood fighters are good, but I, the archisolons, never thought the four middle class fighters were the strongest."

Blumer coldly watched him turn over his hand and pull out his sword. The long sword reflected colorful light like ice,

Blumer looked at Wharton confidently and said, "this is my big brother's sword ice dream."

Wharton slaughtered with his sword and said, "the sword slaughters the personal weapon of the first generation of dragon blood warriors, which Baroque inherited from us."

With a sneer, the whole platform quieted down, staring at the battle between the two geniuses.

In the blink of an eye, Blumer's whole body disappeared on the original platform, creating a whirlwind out of thin air.

This is the strong wind brought down by Blumer's speed,

The strong wind came to Wharton's face, but he stood still.

When Walton suddenly noticed bloomer on the left, just as he was about to attack, he suddenly felt a wind coming from the right side. Indeed, his right side was bloomer's real body,

Blumer looked at Wharton's sword with a sneer, and stabbed him mercilessly, but with his back to Wharton, it came like a steel whip.

The dragon's tail draws on bingmeng's sword and hits him. Blumer's body flies like a sandbag. Blumer turns over in mid air.

Finally, half kneel on the edge of the platform.

The audience held their breath,


Bloomer spat a little blood in his mouth. Looking at the position where he was drawn by the dragon's tail, his clothes had been torn open, and his chest was protected by fighting spirit. After seeing the fighting spirit burst, he was still pulled apart. Then Walton turned around and stared at bloomer with his black eyes. The golden light flashed by occasionally. Bloomer said in secret: "what a powerful force

There is no doubt that the same level of soldiers attack is not the opponent of dragon blood soldiers, Wharton even a dragon tail is enough to hurt Blumer.

Blumer understands that he can't be attacked by Wharton compared with Wharton. Just like Long Wei attacked his body just now, if he was hit, it might not be as simple as that.

Wharton's powerful thigh suddenly pushed on the ground. Even if it was protected by the magic array, there was a roar on the platform

Wharton's whole figure, like lightning, rushed over, and in an instant, 100m came to Bloom's face.

The sword slaughtered him with endless power and Blumer did not hesitate to hide,

While Wharton kicks out a knife, the whole person spins up, his legs are like windmills, and he pulls on Blumer fiercely. Blumer doesn't dare to block hard and still retreats.

No matter how fast he retreated, the lightning like dragon tail pulled out. Blumer quickly used the Ice Dream sword to resist the bang. The Ice Dream sword pulled out on him. Blumer was all pulled to the distance, and he immediately dodged. However, Blumer still fell on the stage, and Wharton and powerful force occupied the absolute advantage.

"Ah, ah

Blumer roared, but instead of rushing to Wharton, he rushed to the other side, three times in a row, to the other side of the platform,

Wharton said in a cold voice, "you are sure to lose!"

There was blood on Blumer's body, but Blumer was still standing straight. He looked at Wharton and said, "originally I wanted to beat you with my own swordsmanship, but now I can only use my elder brother's swordsmanship!"

Hudson in the stands heard clearly, "Oh? Is it Olivia's lightsaber? How much did he learn? "

Li Zhi frowns. Olivia's sword technique??

"Remember, it was the lightsaber that defeated you!

Bloomer's voice was very cold. Suddenly, the Ice Dream sword in bloomer's hand was covered with a layer of golden light.

Brummer suddenly became several people

One to two, two to four, four to eight.

This scene is very strange, but it can be seen from Li Zhi's present state.

Bloomer's amazing speed has become such a terrible speed. No wonder the original Wharton will lose to bloomer, but this kind of speed is still ignored by Li Zhi.

But it's hard for level 9 to have such speed.

Wharton looked at the scene and felt that bloomer was all around him. The cold voice said, "you're going to lose."

Just when Wharton was on guard, the light and shadow sword appeared. Poof, Wharton didn't have time to resist with the enemy's sword, but only with his arm to resist the metal sound. The Ice Dream sword left a white mark on Wharton's body.

While Wharton's dragon tail was drawn, but Blumer disappeared and missed

Wharton was surprised. What happened?

He was just in front of me

Li Zhi below can see clearly. By making use of the illusion of light and shadow, people can't notice his noumenon. With speed, he leaves when the other party doesn't react.

80000 viewers were dumbfounded.

There are sixteen figures of Blumer in the challenge arena. Blumer's figure appears. There are sixteen positions in the other position. Each figure changes its position.

Wharton was constantly careful and alert, and the golden light flashed, and a bloom of Bloom's sword was in front of him.

This time, instead of attacking others, Blumer attacked Wharton's eyes.

The flashing golden light between the swords, has come near, and Wharton with dragon scale's hand, suddenly seized the Ice Dream sword.

With Blumer's attack, he couldn't move forward, while the palm of Wharton's left hand was against the tip of the sword.

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