All the people are excited to watch this scene, this battle is enough to make them excited, like the sound of the waves.

"Master Li Zhi!"

"Master Li Zhi!"

Li Zhi, they forget that this battle was originally prepared for Wharton. It is obvious that although Wharton and Blumer are talented, they are still much worse than their brother.

"Master Li Zhi is too strong, isn't he? Olivia is not an opponent. Olivia loses with two moves.

They didn't expect that Li Zhi and Henderson had just launched a challenge, and now Olivia is also starting to launch a challenge.

Two engagements!

Everyone looked at Hudson. Hudson nodded and said, "I accept it, but I promised Li Zhi three months later. If you want to challenge me, you can do it in a month."

Olivia doesn't know about Li Zhi's challenge to Pedersen. He's not surprised. After all, Li Zhi is much better than him. It's normal to challenge hedson. Olivia has confidence on her face.

"You won't be disappointed."

Hedson has a bright smile on his face. Six years ago, he hit him with a little temper. Olivia knows that hedson's defense is terrible, but Olivia is so confident that Olivia is either an idiot or a card.

"Don't let me down, I hope you are as you said," said Henderson

He hasn't met his opponent for a long time. All of a sudden, there are two Li zhisuan and one Olivia.

He is looking forward to the scene of the battle between the two great talents. Putting talents under his feet is what he likes to do.

Hedson's easy steps to the judges, Olivia is also flying to his brother's side.

Li Zhi suddenly appeared on the stage. Kenyon defeated Olivia and challenged Henderson. Then Olivia challenged Henderson again. This series of events made them very excited.

At this time, the silver haired old man said, "ladies and gentlemen, just now I was ready to announce the result of the competition. I didn't expect that Olivia would dare to come. I'm very excited. This is the most exciting day in my life. You won't forget the battle of Olivia glizhi!"

People thought that just now the battle of genius was very short, but the original damaged platform was full of holes, and the flagpoles around were broken, which made people laugh.

The silver haired old man said, "well, I announced that bloomer won the match between Wharton and bloomer. Your majesty has something to say,

Joan stood up and said, "the emperor is very happy today. It's exciting whether it's the fight between Walton and Blumer, or the fight between their brother Li Zhi and Olivia. We all know that both Walton and Blumer ask the emperor for their parents. The emperor is very happy to see the two geniuses. He has a choice in his heart. On March 15th, the emperor will announce in the hall who can marry the seventh princess."

Everyone has a crush on qiao'an. Li Zhi, who had expected that, is a little indifferent. However, Li Zhi is worried and hopes that qiao'an will choose Wharton.

Or they'll have to elope.

Li Zhi also hopes that Wharton and Nina can have a perfect love instead of eloping.

On March 15, Joanne had been dragging on who would marry the seventh princess. Neither bloomer nor Wharton thought Joanne would say such a thing at this time.

Wharton looked at Nina next to him. Nina said blankly, "I don't know. I didn't tell you that."

She is a member of the royal family, the matter of marriage is not her own decision.

At this time, a messenger came over. "Princess highness, Princess Royal, to quit, it's time to go back to the palace."

Nina nodded. Joan didn't allow Nina to leave the palace. This time, she also took advantage of the fight to meet with Wharton. Nina and Wharton were reluctant to part with each other. Then they went back to the palace with the people of the royal family.

And Lizhi Wharton and they quit.

Olivia took a deep look at Li Zhi's back when he left. Li Zhiruo felt something about it and looked back at him. The two geniuses looked at each other, and then they both left. 80000 spectators also left here. The news about the battle spread, and the whole emperor was boiling. Many spectators from other cities and other forms left.

Li Zhi easily defeated Kailin and Olivia, as well as Li Zhi and Olivia, and continued to challenge Henderson. All things are spreading. The speed of spreading is unprecedented.

In a short time, Li Zhi's name resounded through the whole imperial capital and radiated in all directions.

The carriages of the Earl's residence in the eastern city of the imperial capital came one after another to visit Li Zhi.

Li Zhi and Yale, the backyard of the Earl's residence, are talking to each other. Although the emperors and nobles in the front yard gather together, Li Zhi is lazy to pay attention to these other nobles. He knows what kind of people Li Zhi is going to meet them. At the level of Li Zhi, it is no longer possible for the secular world to restrain him. Even the emperor of the empire is very polite to the powerful people in the holy land, I dare not put on any airs.

Even though Li Zhi had no title in the Empire and Wharton was just a count, the baruk family still naturally became a detached family in the whole imperial capital.

Yale laughs, "third man, you're so scared to death."

Renault also said, "yes, I think the Vatican of light has a headache."

They also know about Li Zhi and the Vatican of light. Along the way, they also know that it is almost impossible for the Vatican of light to kill Li Zhi. Especially when Li Zhi is still in the O'Brien Empire, the Vatican of light does not dare to send the Holy Land experts to come here for fear of being misunderstood by the military gods.

Li Zhi said with a cool smile, "deal with the Vatican of Guangming. My direct enemy has been killed. I'm not in a hurry to deal with the Vatican of Guangming. Now I'm not afraid of the Vatican of Guangming, but I can't bring it down completely."

There are several strong men at the top of the holy land of the Holy See.

Moreover, the Holy See's defense magic array is not what he can break now. In addition, there are many hidden means, the arrival of angels.

Just in case Li Zhi has decided that he will not provoke the holy see if he does not reach the divine level.

Of course, it's good to have a chance to kill the single person.

A trace of ruthlessness flashed in Li Zhi's eyes.

"When I step into the realm of God... Then!"

Yale and Renault look at each other and can't help worrying about the Vatican of light. Hehe, they are provoking the third!

With Li Zhi's current strength, Yale and Renault know that Li Zhi will definitely become a God.

What's on Yale's mind? "Aren't you the wind earth system, number three? How did you use the light magic? "

Li Zhi laughs, "boss, I not only know the relationship, but also I am the element seven series magic, I am the super affinity of the whole series."

Yale and Renault looked at Li Zhi in shock.


Li Zhi looks at the two brothers in shock. This expression is rarely seen in them. Melee is the dragon blood warrior. He claims that the holy land is the strongest, and the distance is the holy land. Magic is even more invincible. The other side uses sea of people tactics, and a forbidden curse is solved

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