Their tiger backed figures made people tremble in the count's house, and they sighed that they were worthy of the dragon blood warrior family, even the bodyguards were so powerful.

Joanne came with the Queen's hand. Seeing Wharton, Joanne said, "good, good."

He nodded his head with satisfaction. At this time, Li Zhi came and said, "take a rest inside, your majesty."

Jon warmly took Li Zhi's hand and said, "well, I still want to talk to master Li Zhi."

Random two people to one side, noble nobles one after another, but Li Zhi did not meet, those nobles also take it for granted, how can a holy land strongman meet them?

Then a loud voice called, "Dawson chamber of Commerce will be here!"

President of one of the three major chambers of Commerce on the mainland.

Joan Dou stood up and said, "Monroe Dawson is my good friend."

Monroe Dawson filled his stomach. "Ha ha ha, how are you, your majesty Joanne!"

Joanne is very happy, "Monroe, today Li Zhi is the host, you don't have to be too polite."

Monroe said with a smile, "I've known Li Zhi for a long time. I didn't expect that in a few years he has made such achievements. He deserves to be master Li Zhi!"

Li Zhi said with a smile, "Uncle Dawson, you are so polite. Just call me Li Zhi."

As his brother's father, Li Zhi of course should be respected. Li Zhi waved and said, "come on, Walton. I've met uncle Dawson."

When Walton came over, Monroe Dawson took a look at him and said, "what a burly boy!"

The nobles came, even bloomer.

Bloomer was dressed like a gentleman and congratulated him, but Walton was afraid of bloomer and felt that he was not right,

Joanne said, "Blumer, why didn't your big brother come?"

"My big brother is closing up and preparing to fight Lord Hudson next month," bloomhill said

His majesty Joanne nodded: "Oh, that's right."

Bloomer then looked at Wharton with a trace of displeasure in his eyes. This time, Wharton and Nina were together, which made him very dissatisfied.

Another voice came from the waiters outside, "here comes the rock sword Saint Henderson."

After the sound, his majesty Joanne, Li Zhimen, Luo daosen and others stood up and walked out.

Although Li Zhi despises Henderson's one bottle dissatisfaction and half bottle sloshing style, today is his younger brother's engagement banquet. No, it's not good for him to come to the other party.

After a while, Hudson came in wearing a grey robe.

Li Zhi and them welcomed him, and Henderson kindly said, "Wharton, congratulations. Then he looked at Li Zhi. Your brother is engaged. Where's your big brother?"

Li Zhi was stunned. He didn't expect that Henderson would ask this question. Qiao an beside him also laughed. "Ha ha, yes, Li Zhi, you should get married too. Let's see who told me to send the lucky girl to you!"

Li Zhi couldn't laugh or cry. At this time, the voice came.

"Here you are

This voice solved Li Zhi's embarrassment,

Everyone is ready to meet the people of Wushen gate. Qiao an sighs. Unexpectedly, the people of Wushen gate are coming;.

Hudson nodded. Wushen gate is a giant in Yulan. They seldom go to someone's wedding,

Unless it's their brothers who go straight in, LANCO and castor come in, and castor says, "Congratulations, brother Wharton."

According to castor, if their teacher treats Wharton so special, Wharton deserves to be called a brother,

However, his name surprised Qiao an and others. Only Li Zhi was bright in his heart and knew what the martial god was up to. The descendants of the martial god sect were very proud and seldom looked up to others, but kaslot's performance was puzzling.

"Today, our brother, on behalf of our school, congratulated us. This is a gift from our teacher," kaslot said

Everyone was shocked, and the God of martial arts also gave a gift.

Li Zhi is calm, "thank you very much. Let's have a rest."

Ordinary people's gifts were received in front of them, but how dare people in the Earl's house accept them from the martial god gate? Empty handed is also a glory, and the whole Earl's house is noisy,

Some dukes and Marquises talked about it, and Li Zhiqiu and Monroe Dawson also chatted casually. The guests at the wedding banquet could not talk about it. The guests at that table were either the emperor or the president of the chamber of Commerce. At this time, a voice came from outside.

"The mighty of the holy land are coming!"

Li Zhi and his friends came through the window.

Li Zhi and his colleagues were puzzled that no matter who came, they had to give face,

When the man came, everyone saw clearly.

He had white hair, a white beard, but blue eyes,

The old man said, "ha ha, I'm coming all the time. I'm not welcome, are you?"

Then, instead of looking at the person who welcomed him, he walked towards Li Zhi. In the middle of the road, Hudson casrot quickly gave way. The old man with white hair sat in the position of Hudson.

The old man said with a smile, "that's good. I'm sitting here!"

Joanne frowned. "This man is so unreasonable."

Li Zhi guessed in his heart that he could not feel the strength of this man, indicating that the old man was divine and should be Huo Dan, the defender of this plane.

He didn't have time to speak, but the rock sword Saint Henderson said: "I didn't expect that the adults also came."

"My Lord," he said

Humility, Joanne and others confused, who is this mysterious old man with white hair?

Even Henderson is so humble. I'm afraid only the God level strong can make Henderson so humble,

"Add a table and a chair as soon as possible," said hilly, the housekeeper

Li Zhi came forward and said with a smile, "it's our honor for Mr. Huo Dan to come to my brother's wedding."

Li Zhi doesn't like Huo Dan. It turns out that Huo Dan in the world track is the enemy of the beast family, and Huo Dan once sent his news back to hell.

Had it not been for Qinghuo, the original Lin Lei would have been killed in sadista's hands. Huodan is the middle God. It's not right to fight him now.

Huo Dan looked at Li Zhi and said, "do you know my name is Huo Dan?"

Li Zhi said bluntly, "if I can't feel the breath, it must be the God level strong. Yulan continental emperor Lin and Heather Wharton have met. The high priest is also wearing a mask. The disciple of Wushen just came here. His old man won't come in person, and the Lord Beirut won't come to die. It's self-evident to exclude these, right?"

Huo Dan said with a smile, "I didn't expect to know this. It seems that you know something about the secrets of Yulan mainland. Do you know what I'm here for?"

Li Zhi thought about it. Does he want to cheat me to hell?

"It's not a place to talk," he said. "Let's talk about it later."

Hodden nodded. "OK, OK, let's go back and talk."

"My Lord, let's drink to my Lord," kaslot said

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