"Olivia, you're good. You've reached such a level in less than half a hundred. Take my strongest blow. If you're not dead, you're lucky."

Olivia felt very funny, life or death, but at the same time he also ignited the fighting spirit, "Hudson, don't be arrogant, you have the ability to kill me! Don't talk nonsense

His body is half black and half white, and the rock sword Saint Henderson holds the yellowish sword in one hand with a smile on his face. "This is my strongest blow. It's called the great earth fissure. You'll die to understand.

He thought it was the sixth or the seventh genius to die under his own hands, but Henderson knew that if a genius died, it would not be a genius.

Blumer below yelled, "brother, you have to be careful!"

He could hear the tears in his eyes and the conversation between the two masters. He could hear his younger brother's cry, which was raised from the corner of Olivia's mouth wrapped in black and white light.

All of a sudden Olivia moved. The terrible explosion turned into streamer and rushed towards Mr. rock.

Hudson is also a cold Dick. The light and shadow sword and the black stone sword are in one. The black light conflicts with each other, but Olivia's face is still ferocious.

His two swords made a final blow, and the long, earthy yellow sword of Hudson was approved, as if it were blowing the world apart.

At the same time, it caused the blackout. It's a terrible airflow. It's windy. Well, there's a lot of rain, and those rainsheds are blown away by the wind.

Black light, white light are ups and downs.

A big blood red.

Hudson's figure, because of this impact, rebounded to a distance of 100 meters and then stopped. A trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth and wiped the corner of his mouth.

Looking at the bottom, he said to himself, "what a talented swordsman! The last blow is really powerful."

Under the limit of life and death, Olivia's last attack was unprecedented.

He tore up Hudson's defense, attacked his body and hurt him. Although the rain was pouring down, and the water side and a dazzling red, for a moment, she seemed to be out of sight, silent, and everyone was silent.

People on both sides of the river bank almost all like the oath, and you want to know what happened to that genius, why don't I jump into the river without hesitation and shout, "big brother!"

Qiao an said anxiously: "Master Li Zhi, is Olivia dead?"

Li Zhi shook his head. "There should be no, but the situation is very bad."

The people around were also talking about it, the first to discuss whether Olivia was dead.

But everyone remembers Olivia's last blow. Blumer held a body and Li Zhi looked at Olivia like electricity. His face was pale and his breath was gone.

If it wasn't for mental exploration, he couldn't feel it at all. Blumer held his brother Olivia to get out of the way and rushed to his majesty Joan. Blumer cried anxiously, "Your Majesty, help, help."

With a wave of Li Zhi's hand, a nine level healing magic is integrated into Olivia's body, and Olivier's face turns bloody again.

For Li zhilai, the magic of level 9 can be delivered naturally.

Brummermo said nervously, "how's my big brother?"

Although Blumer is strong and indifferent to others.

But big brother is just like a mountain in his heart. No one is more important than his big brother. Olivia's body, no matter in appearance or internal organs, has recovered.

But his soul has been impacted. Although Li Zhi's holy light is not taboo magic, Holy Land magic, it must be enough to treat injuries.

As for the trauma of the soul, although Li Zhi can use his own understanding of the rules of life to do treatment.

But Li Zhi didn't do that. Olivia's soul was damaged, but it was an opportunity. Her soul mutated, and she could not find it.

Li Zhi will not stand in the way of opportunities.

Blumer looked at Hudson as if he were cannibalism.


His only elder brother and his only relative were injured in the hands of Henderson, whose life and death are uncertain.

Hudson's face was also a little pale. He said, "don't stare at me. Your elder brother's soul is injured now. I don't know if it's not because of me. What's your elder brother's last taboo move?"

Blumer frowned, and he remembered that some time ago when he was learning Blackstone sword from his elder brother.

Olivia told him that after learning the light and shadow sword, he would concentrate on rest instead of the black stone sword.

When Blumer looks at big brother, are the two opposite elements taboo?

Olivia's face was good, but his soul was so weak that it would be extinguished at any time.

The people below also discussed it. Did Olivia lose? His younger brother is holding his body. Oh, genius is dead in the sky. I think it's just a coma due to serious injury. Anyway, Hudson is still fine. Millions of people who just flew down from the sky are talking about it.

The rain is still shining in the sky. Well, everyone is talking about the war, whether it's Olivia's death or not. Or the result of the injury is self-evident.

Hudson won.

This result is also expected by most people. After all, Henderson has been famous for so long. He is known as the strongest man in the Holy Land and has never failed. It's natural that he can win this battle. If Henderson dies, I'm afraid everyone will be shocked. Millions of people retreat in the torrent. Many people rush to the imperial capital and many people rush to the small town. Anyway, people leave frequently and the city guards stick to it.

"My big brother won't die," Blumer said coldly

Then, holding the elder brother, he ordered the servant to take the light and shadow sword and the black stone sword, and blummer left.

Can Olivia survive this disaster?

At this time, Joanne was surrounded by a group of people. They were all nobles. The nobles in the distance complimented and said, "Lord Hudson is so powerful. He won so easily."

Hudson looked at Li Zhi and said with a smile, "in fact, I'm more looking forward to the competition with Master Li Zhi than the competition with Olivia."

Li Zhi a smile, "won't let you down."

As for this group of people, as well as the royal nobility, they left the ChiYan River and recovered their peace.

Only the mess of ChiYan River shows the war just now.

At the confluence of the red flame River and the Yulan River, a six story Pavilion slowly entered the territory of the O'Brien empire.

There are many soldiers standing on the deck of this building. Here, Warcraft can own Warcraft, which is not visible to ordinary people. This group of people and their descendants are not. The soldiers on the deck are talking to each other.

"There are only three days left to go to the O'Brien empire., It's a pity that we don't have time to see the battle between Saint Olivia and Henderson. "

At this time, a gray haired man came down from the attic.

It seems that the middle-aged man in his 40s and 50s is also accompanied by a lovely yellow bear.

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