Some of them were once proud, and some of them were even the Pope of the past. Today, even if the Vatican of light is destroyed, they don't care.

They just want to be gods!

Step into the realm of God..

"The DILIN of the Warcraft mountains hit us too hard," he continued. There are too many deaths and injuries among believers. We must speed up the pace of chaos and let the glory of the Lord shine there. "

The more believers, the more gifts.

The 18th and 48th Duchy of chaos is the fat in the eyes of the Holy See of light, but it is the leader of chaos.

They have been in business for thousands of years, but the Vatican of light and darkness has to conquer there. The two families' disputes make it impossible for the two sides to succeed. Beside the mountain of chaos are the Empire of O'Brien and the Empire of Luo, the two empires and the Great Eastern prairie.

It's hard for the Rangers to conquer the leader of chaos, and he said, "go ahead."

When Gilmore left, haitingsi felt tired in his heart, the order of chaos of the dark Vatican, and Li Zhi knew that he was under threat. What could he do?

The breeze stirred Li Zhi's hair. He sat quietly on the ground and felt the natural force around him. The whistling wind blew by, and the wind was very high.

However, the wind of the mansion is very small. The change of the wind is in Li Zhi's heart. He enjoys the process of cultivation. Every promotion is a sublimation of the soul.

Li opened his eyes, he said: "every palm feeling has a different harvest."

He has a feeling that if he specializes, he has reached a calm speed. It won't take him a month to become a God, but he doesn't have so much. Although it's good to become a God, he not only has great strength.

Even the soul can be mentioned to improve the quality, and the speed of the deduction will also be improved a lot, but Li Zhi has a feeling.

If he can combine the nine mysteries of the wind system in the holy land, then it is possible for him to integrate the nine powers into one and achieve great perfection.

Therefore, Li Zhicai did not choose to become a God. For this mysterious feeling, he constantly tried to deduce new mysteries through new understanding.

Now the element of wind has been introduced. The element of wind is popular. There are five ways to choose the element of wind. Drink more than half of the elements of the wind and wind also began to merge

Only dimension seems to be very independent and difficult to integrate. Even if it fits, it's also very difficult. Wharton and buck run to each other and Li Zhi says, "I know you're here."

Because Li Zhi could feel the rhythm of the wind around him, after the dinner, Li Zhi said to Sisler, "give us a try."

"What's the matter?" said Sisler suspiciously? Li Zhi

Li Zhi's expression was very complicated, and he said, "do you know about my Baruch family?"

Ensler had been in the count's house for so long, and of course he knew it very well. He nodded.

Li Zhi continued: "my parents are dead. The last culprit is the Holy See of Guangming. I also swear to uproot him."

Sessler is clear about Li Zhi's plan.

He looked at Sessler and said: "I know that my strength is improving, but especially with Beibei and heilubak, I am confident to face the Vatican of light, and now I am ready to deal with him.

Sessler, huh? Has it started now?

Li Zhi is the opponent of Guangming Vatican, said: "Li Zhi, although our strength is very strong now, but the foundation of the other side is very strong."

Li Zhi waved his hand. I'm not in a hurry to fight him head-on.

"I'm going to start with the chaotic leadership of the Vatican of light, which is what the Vatican of light sees."

Seth's eyes brightened. "Yes, according to my understanding of the Vatican of light, apart from their pure soul, their faith is also very important. Li Zhi, you should know that the chaotic place in the whole continent, namely, the chaotic ridge of Jidong prairie, the eighteen principalities of the northern region, in which Jidong prairie has been slaughtered year after year, and the cavalry in the prairie is extremely cruel, and it's very hard to fight, They can't believe in the Vatican of light. The warrior nature of the grassland determines the strategy of the Vatican of light, which can't be used. As for the eighteen palaces in the northern region, they believe in the goddess of ice and snow. "

Li Zhi nodded. He knew all these things. Sessler continued: "although the 18 principalities of Beiyu are fighting with each other, the ice and snow goddess hall has absolute control over the 18 principalities, and the ice and snow goddess hall is also very powerful. In addition, the ice and snow goddess has no ambition. She has been crouching in the 18 palaces of Beiyu. Naturally, the Holy See will not provoke this enemy, These two places are impossible, that is the spirit of chaos, the leader of chaos is terrible, the original world rules

Of course, Li Zhi knew that there was chaos, and the chaos collar was also a piece of fat. All the forces in Yulan wanted to get involved. The four empires and the concentrated prairies all wanted to seize the territory of the chaos collar. The light Vatican and the dark Vatican also wanted to go, and the dark forest beside the chaos ridge was attacked by Warcraft from time to time.

In addition to many years of war and chaos, it can be said that the leader of chaos has reached the extreme. Of course, the more chaos, the better for Li Zhi. Li Zhi said: "Oh. After Wharton's wedding, let's go to the leader of chaos. Let's start the war from there. If we destroy the foundation of the Vatican of light, especially the leader of chaos, it will make the Vatican of light mad.

Sisler's eyes must be, "well, let's fight in the chaos. Li Zhi laughs. It's not a year and a half to pull out the foundation of Guangming Vatican's management for thousands of years."

He had a clear plan in his mind. He would cultivate his clothes and deal with them. When the light was destroyed, I would stop at the leader of chaos, and then I would step into the realm of God to pull up the Vatican of light completely, step by step.

He has calculated the spirit of road chaos, and asked Sessler and Barker to attack the city and enter the micro plane chamber for closed cultivation.

Try to get the nine levels of the wind system into the mystical level, and then let them fit each other, and then form a kind of mystical level directly into the divine level.

According to Li Zhi's estimation, there are micro potential planes.

It can be achieved in five or six years at most. If there is no strong man escaping from gebada prison in the next ten years, he will not have to worry.

He is confident that he will break through the wind system in ten years. Zhongwei God can face the future situation in that way. Wharton said that he would wait for Li Zhi to get married after the war.

Now the wedding date has been set for September 15, and now in September, the Earl's house and the royal family are preparing for the wedding. The wedding banquet is much more grand than the engagement.

Delia, the courtyard of Li Zhi in the Earl's mansion, looked at Li Zhi and said, "Li Zhi, our team is going back. I want to go back with the teacher."

Li Zhi, who was originally smiling, stopped smiling. He suddenly thought, "Delia, do you mean you want your teacher to go back and stay?"

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