No touching words, but marry me, four words represent everything, more than anything.

I still remember the first time I saw Li Zhi's stone carvings. When I saw his love, he was moved to tears. After countless years of waiting, he has been 28 years old since he was a teenage girl. Although they have been separated for nine years, and there are still more obstacles between them.

What they are most afraid of when they give up is that Li Zhi dislikes him, so he has been waiting, and he dare not force Li Zhi to make a promise. Looking at them with tears, Li Zhi said, "would you like to?"

Although Li Zhi also loved Jennie, it was a kind of pity love, a kind of regret love, which was not as good as Delia's childhood.

Delia hugged Li Zhi tightly and said in his ear, "I do, I do."

Feeling Delia's excitement, Li Zhi felt unprecedented satisfaction.

I've never been so happy for so many years. I went to the ground and said, "I'm very happy."

Li Zhi smiles. I'm also Li Zhi holding Delia. Delia is in his arms all her life.

You said, "Li Zhi, I feel like a dream. Is that true?"

You put your arms around him, felt Delia's weakness, and said, "it's all true."

Delia suddenly raised her head and said, "what are you going to do with me and Jenny?"

Li Zhi, with a smile, "of course, we're going in together."

Delia gave him a white look. "It's so beautiful! What do you think! Hum

Looking at Delia's beautiful lips, Li Zhi suddenly impulsively kisses them without hesitation, and tattoos them on his lips. Delia is like an electric shock. Although they have been kissing, the last time was nine years ago

Beibei came out of the lake and boasted, "I can't see any more. I can't see any more!"

"Brother and sister-in-law, you go on!"

Babe was peeping just now. He should have gone out with a phantom.

"Elder sister-in-law, when are you going to get married? I'm in a hurry. "

Li Zhi has a look at the problem of Delia, and it really needs to be discussed. When buck and his wife left, I found that Li Zhi and Delia held hands and acted as if they were taken for granted. Sessler first reacted and deliberately said, "Mr. Li Zhi."

Miss Delia. In public.

Saisile has always been like this. With a smile, Li Zhi tells you the news that Delia and Jenny and I are going to get married. This news makes everyone's eyes wide open. Gates says, "Oh, are you going to get married?"

Rebecca sisters also jumped up, "sister Delia and sister Jennie, you are going to marry Mr. Li Zhi. That's great."

With a wave of his hand, Li Zhi wrapped Jennie and pulled him into my arms, even though he was only my father.

But to borrow some magic power, Jennie takes a look at Delia nestled in Li Zhihuai.

Also happily nestled in the other side, Li Zhi said in Jennie's ear, "Jennie, I said I would give you a wedding, but now it can be fulfilled. I just wronged you. "

Jennie immediately shook his head. "Don't be aggrieved."

Delia can't get used to Li Zhi's appearance of being cheap and good.

"Sister Jennie, don't pay any attention to him, you big villain."

Then Delia and Jennie went to one side to have a friendly conversation.

Li Zhi walked up to buck and Sessler with a smile and said, "I have discussed with Delia. The three of us will have a direct wedding. The wedding will be held in a month's time, which is the day when the kingdom of Baruch is established."

The five gates brothers laughed, and even the old folds on Sessler's face also showed a smile. Li Zhi said with a smile, "Sessler, please arrange the news of my big wedding and send it to some people. Then I will give you the list and information."

Sessler should be,

"Mr. Li Zhi, is the news of your wedding public?"

Li Zhi thought about it and said with pride: "of course, we should hold a grand wedding in public!"

Li Zhi, the first genius in Yulan, is about to marry Miss Delia and miss Jennie of Laien family in Yulan empire.

The time is on July 21, and the place is in the city of Baruch, the holy capital of the kingdom of Baruch.

It's the original black earth city.

The news whirled through the mountain of chaos.

At the same time, it spread to all regions of Yulan mainland, and the invitation cards were also sent out quickly.

Yulan mainland, in the hall of the lane family, if we say that the highest status of the lane family is not the patriarch.

It's Dixie.

Dixie is the future patriarch, but the most important thing is that he is the disciple of the pillar high priest of Yulan. The high priest is the pinnacle among the people of Yulan.

Maybe only the martial god can compare with him, a terrible strong man with God level strength from the first year of Yulan.

Most of the addresses he received were his biological mother's tutor, the personal disciple of the high priest, and the future saint and devil's tutor was Shuangxi. Status is not generally lofty.

Now Ryan frowned and handed the invitation to Dixie.

Dixie looked at the invitation and laughed, "Li Zhi didn't let his sister down."

Then Dixie said, "Jennie?"

Dixie didn't expect that this time it was not only sister Xu, but also another woman. However, he was relieved that his sister didn't say anything. What did he say?

Ryan said, "Dixie, what are we going to do?"

Dick looked at his father, frowned and said, "what should I do? My sister has been pursuing happiness for more than ten years. I wish her happiness

Mr. and Mrs. Lane joined hands. Dixie saw their hesitation and said, "father and mother, I know what you think. Your eyes should not be limited to the secular world. The world is determined by force." Dixie had to admit that his parents were too short-sighted. He sighed, "my dear son is thinking that it can affect the Yulan empire. The foundation of our family is still in this empire."

Dickie took a look at him and said, "father, I tell you, you look down on Li Zhihua."

"What do you mean?" said reindya

Dixie said, "before going back to this order, the teacher gave me the order."

The lains widened their eyes, and the high priest said, "what command?"

The high priest is a god like figure. Dixie said, "the high priest asked me to go to the mountain of chaos with my two elder martial brothers to congratulate Li Zhi."

Dixie didn't understand why he was so friendly to Li Zhihua as a high priest.

Dixie celebrates that the God of war and the high priest are antagonistic. Li Zhi has a good relationship with the God of war. It is reasonable to say that the relationship between the high priest and Li Zhi should be very bad.

But now it seems that Farne is not the same. Dixie thought to himself that the water in Yulan land is still deep. The housekeeper of Fahrenheit family, the imperial capital of Yulan Empire, respectfully sent the invitation to George.

Chaos mountain prairie.

George asked you to laugh at the invitation of Li Zhi, "third brother, I didn't expect to be with Delia."

George looks a little strange at the name on it. Who's jenny?

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