This is Wharton and Nina's son, Sidney Baruch, who got out of the car and said excitedly, "to Heiwu mountain!"

After Sydney got out of the car, "Tyler, Tyler, where are you?"

He's very handsome, but he's a little bit livelier than sisini and runs over.

At this time, another carriage came down, and the two beautiful women were Delia and Jennie, as well as them and their daughter Sasha.

Sasha is Jenny's daughter.

But Sasha was born a few days earlier than Taylor, so Taylor is the younger brother.

Seaney is twelve, while Tyler and Sasha are ten.

Taylor said excitedly, "I'm going to see my father soon. I haven't seen him for more than half a year."

There is also a trace of expectation in the eyes of Sini. As the children of the Baluk family, they all adore the spiritual pillar of the Baluk family. Li Zhi is also believed by countless people in the kingdom of Baluk.

Twelve years have passed.

There is no change in Delia's appearance, but it is more moving than before. In recent years, Delia has not entered the holy land, but has reached the peak of level 9 and can break through at any time.

Even more exaggerated, Jennie's surge over the past few years has reached the level 4 level, and has reached the level 9 level of great mage. Although she can't compare with Delia, she can surpass Delia and Jennie in terms of speed, and she looks at her children with a happy smile.

After 12 years of quiet life, they are very satisfied to see the eight way course in the distance. The eight way course has already been expanded, with a permanent population of more than one million.

Because at the beginning of Li Zhi's huge capital injection made it easy to spend the first difficult years.

Looking at Heiwu mountain, Delia's heart has gone to Li Zhi. Delia said, "Wharton, Nina, Jennie, let's go up the mountain, Tyler, sasasini, follow up!"

"I see," Taylor said aloud

Sister Sasha is very quiet. The elite knights are waiting at the foot of the mountain. Erdelia Wharton and others take their children to Heiwu mountain.

Heiwu mountain is as beautiful as before. There is a huge lake on the mountain. There are three flat boulders in the middle of the lake. The boulders are the food Li Zhi put down earlier.

It's also a light blue figure station that has been built for a long time. It's fishing in the lake. Taylor cheers, and the figure of his father dales turns around. It's Li Zhi.

Compared with the past, Li Zhi is more mature, and the whole person seems to be honored. Among them, Li zhizhan gets up and sees Taylor turn his hand. The water that used to flow stops and forms a water bridge, and the rest of the water still flows.

But Tyler and Sasha, they're used to running straight over, and the water bridge is solid.

If you look carefully, you will find that there is air flow on the surface of the water bridge. Li Zhi holds Tyler in his arms, and Sha Sha looks at herself.

Li Zhi also took him over, "does Taylor Shasha miss his father?"

Tyler said, "I miss my father!"

Shasha also shyly said, "I miss my father!"

Li Zhi smiles more happily.

And then one voice after another came, Tyler, sassani, here you are

Then a figure of more than two meters came, and it was Beibei

Seeing Beibei, Li Zhiai laughs at Beibei. As long as there are children coming, they will become big. According to Beibei, the volume is too small, unlike the elders.

Happy jumped out of Li Zhi's arms and hugged uncle Beibei. Beibei always played with him when he was a child. Wharton said, "let's all sit down and eat. I brought a lot of delicious food."

Then from the space ring out of the exquisite dishes.

As the family ate, Wharton said, "brother, have you heard about the O'Brien empire war?"

Olivia's strong return from the Arctic ice sheet, Wharton said: "one to kill Hudson, too terrible."

Tyler looked up and said, "is Hudson the one who fought with my father?"

He adores Tai Le very much, and Li Zhi knows Li Zhi's battle for fame like the palm of his hand.

Delia next to him praised Olivia for being powerful enough to kill hedson with one sword. He was defending himself. Delia sighed, but Sydney said with pride, "if my uncle hadn't been kind, hedson would have died."

Sinai is not as lively as Taylor, but he is also a child who talks about his uncle's war for fame. He is also very proud. Li Zhi's war is just a battle for fame. If Olivia is no more powerful, it's just a reputation. It's more than ten years since he's seen him. Wind has become a God. Moreover, speed is the middle God, and the elements of speed and wind are integrated, Dacheng sound wave and vocal music also rub the last bottleneck, the separation of art and popular art fusion of a small half.

With the deepening of Li Zhi's understanding of the elements of wind, Li Zhi found that there are nine kinds of mysteries on the surface, but in fact they are divided into 96 kinds of mysteries just like the other six kinds?

After fusion, it becomes speed, sound wave and vocal music become sound, popularity and separation become voice number. Plus the space and dimension of the wind.

In fact, there are six kinds of mysteries at most. According to Li Zhi's estimation, his Fengshen separation should have the level of five-star devil.

If you combine sound with the speed of the wind.

Even the Seven Star demon Li Zhi has the power of the first World War. Of course, if Li Zhi is promoted to the upper God, he will be able to integrate with the higher God in this way.

It's also very simple to kill ordinary Seven Star demons. In addition to the elements of wind, Li Zhi's deepest understanding is the law of the earth. The elements of earth and the pulse of the earth are all understood by Li Zhi.

Li Zhi didn't let other earth systems become gods, but began to follow the trend.

For other mysteries, Li Zhi didn't go to the secret room to practice in order to accompany his family in the past 12 years. He was a little slow in understanding the laws of the earth, but he had already entered the door in the field of practice and power.

The earth's movement has been combined with the elements of earth, but the remaining two kinds of mysterious gravity, space and fecundity of the earth's law have not yet been understood. As for other laws, there has been no progress in the past 12 years.

Li Zhi said with a smile: "Olivia's progress is faster than I expected." He could kill Henderson in 12 years, which was really powerful. Beibei said discontentedly: "boss, what are you modest about? Even if you only use one finger, you can kill Henderson. Like the God of war, the high priest is not your opponent, that Olivia is nothing

After his marriage, Li Zhi told everyone the news that he had become a God.

Wharton also said: "brother, you are the strongest dragon blood warrior in our family. What are you afraid of being modest?"

Wharton and others also know how terrible Li Zhi is now. Li Zhi shakes his head, "don't talk about me. Don't waste your cultivation. You are also the pure dragon blood warrior of our family."

Today, Wharton's humanoid state is only the peak of level 9, and he has not entered the holy land, which is much more than Li Zhicha's.

Wharton is helpless. Compared with other people, he is already very fast. He is a level 9 fighter and has almost the same talent as Olivia when he is less than 40 years old.

But his big brother's talent is too high.

Destined to live under pressure.

After dinner, Sydney Taylor and Sasha are still playing on the lake, while Lizhi Wharton and they are sitting together.

"Brother, the children have tested it, but they haven't reached the limit. It seems that they can only use that method."

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