Theresa, the three children were thinking that they wanted to choose one. Delia looked at her son and said, "what do you want to choose?"

What do you want to choose?

He looked at the Tyrannosaurus Rex. "I choose Tyrannosaurus Rex. He's very strong!"

Tyrannosaurus rex was happy, "that's it! I am the best

Sasha said: "I want the golden dragon, he is so beautiful, like gold!"

Li Zhi says helplessly: "beautiful?"

My daughter chose this because she was beautiful?

Even so, the golden dragon is happy.

It's just asking them to donate a little blood. Now which representative does the little master like better.

The dragon people are proud and don't think that the holy land of Thunder Dragon.

"Then I want the Thunder Dragon!" said Sydney

Li Zhi pointed to the three dragons in front of him and said, "you put the blood in the bucket."

The cask is too small for the dragon.

Golden Dragon simply pulled off a dragon scale and immediately put it on the top of the barrel. A drop of blood the size of his head filled the barrel with more than half of it.

Three barrels of blood are put in front of the child. Li Zhi waves his hand and takes out the orchid grass.

Li Zhi looked at them and said that after a while, he would drink more dragon blood as soon as possible to fill his stomach.

But before drinking dragon's blood, the medicine will eat blue heart grass. According to the principle, it's enough for each person to eat three, but just in case you all have to eat it.

Sasha frowned, "and eat grass?"

Taylor does not care, 37 21 said: "elder sister, when my father went to find a blue heart grass alone, he also drank jingbeitiejialong, now my father sent these things to us!"

Li Zhi was very satisfied with his son.

Although he is lively, he can bear hardships very much. He is also diligent in cultivation, and his strength is not much worse than that of himself.

Heart a little smile also ate orchid grass, Sydney said: "well, very delicious, Sasha eat it quickly!"

In the eyes of her parents, Sasha picked up one piece and ate one piece, which made her face bitter.

"Brother, you lied to me that the branches and leaves are cool, but the leaves make people numb."

Jennie and Li Zhi both laugh. Tyler is the first to hold up the bucket and drink it with a big mouthful. Sydney and Sasha also start to drink dragon blood together. This scene makes Li Zhi sigh.

The predecessors planted trees and the posterity enjoyed the cool. At that time, he worked so hard to drink dragon's blood. Now the children can easily drink the first dish to drink blood. They cry bitterly.

All the buckets in her hand overturned Delia. As soon as her face changed, Li Zhi grabbed her and said, "it's OK."

Delia knew that dragon blood would be very painful. Li Zhi suffered this kind of pain in those years. When the pain reached the limit, she would faint.

Sure enough, when the black dragon scales came out.

Tyler fainted, and then Sydney and Sasha also screamed bitterly, rolling and crying, good cyan dragon scale.

Li Zhi is very sad to see it all. After a while, Taylor and Xini have completed their transformation, and the killing with blood is still in the process of transformation. Taylor is black, dragon scale inherits the color of Tyrannosaurus Rex, and Xini is cyan.

As for Sasha's whole body covered with gold collar armor, Sasha was just like wearing gold armor, and her gold tail came out.

Not only that, Delia panicked and said, "look!"

Li Zhi also noticed that there are pale gold wings as thin as cicada wings growing behind Sha Sha.

It inherits the ability of golden dragon to fly.

It's just the golden dragon scale covering the body, which makes Sasha mysterious, especially the Dragon horn and dragon tail.

After a long time, the children wake up and look at themselves excitedly.

Taylor looked at Sasha enviously, "sister, you have wings!"

Sasha also like wings, as if only arms, two wings dance to fly, Sasha excitedly said: "fly."

Tyler smashed a stone with one punch and said, "how powerful it has become

Sydney is also hard to hide the excitement of the day, he moved slightly, speed into a shadow.

Li Zhi and Delia Wharton, they all laughed.

The golden dragon of Holy Land praised: "it's amazing. The dragon blood warrior is really powerful!"

Seeing this scene, I am also amazed by the ultimate warriors in the legend. As expected, they can foresee the three strongmen in the Holy Land decades later.

When the three children were tired of playing, Sasha said, "mother, where are my clothes..."

Although the trousers were not broken, but the clothes were torn by the wings, Jenny laughed.

Li Zhi said, "you two, you three, please listen to me. In the future, I will concentrate on cultivating the secret of dragon blood. But there is one thing that I don't want to change. Now your strength doesn't have much use

"It's the father"

"It's uncle"

Three children answered.

Li Zhi said to Wharton, "you have the baby."

Wharton nodded quickly. "It's brother. I know."

Taylor, they went down the mountain, and two or three holy land dragons were curious to go to the Baruch palace.

Of course, their noumenon has become smaller, while Li zhidilia Jennie lives in the black house mountain, quiet and incomparable. As for Li Zhi, he has to practice occasionally.

But now the two of them will not accompany Li Zhi together, one night for each.

Li Zhi was helpless.

That night, Jenny followed Li Zhihe and said, "what was the stone Beibei gave us when we got married?"

Li Zhi said to him with a smile, "that's a good thing. You can rely on him to become a God in the future."

Janny was shocked and said, "can that little stone make me a God?"

Li Zhi nodded, "don't think about it. Don't worry about it. It will make you become a God. Let's sleep!"

The following time and Li Zhi began to integrate the chaos collar as their accomplishments became more and more powerful. Only a few months later, they directly unified the whole chaos collar.

In addition, Li Zhi also found out the surrounding magic crystal ores by various means.

With the help of Li Zhidi, they finally arrive at the holy land.

Li Zhi was relieved, after all, after entering the holy land. Life is boundless.

As long as there is no other fighting, Li Zhi believes that they will be well protected.

Two people were also brought into the place where he practiced by Li Zhi, that is, the miniature chamber of secrets. After all, the cultivation speed in the miniature chamber of secrets is dozens of times faster than that outside.

Two years later, Li Zhi, who did not care about the world, did not know what was happening outside. In short, the establishment of the Baruch Empire had begun.

The establishment of an empire is also due to the protection of its strong.

On the day of the establishment of the Empire, all the famous people came, but at the same time, a piece of news also made the strong people of the whole Yulan land uneasy, because the God of martial arts sent a message.

Wu Shen suddenly opened his eyes in the center of the earth. His long fiery red hair fluttered in the wind. He called his disciples and said, "go and tell Li Zhi to come here on March 3 next year. I have a meeting here."

The disciple answered immediately, and then the martial god gave orders to the disciples to inform the strong one of his side.

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