Of course, in Yulan, everyone knows that Warcraft is intelligent life, so no one regards them as lower level. Everyone is waiting, and suddenly several figures fly out of it.

The high priest of Wu God, Hesse, is still here. This is the God level strongmen of Yulan. Everyone is listening to their orders.

This is the mask on the high priest's face. He said in a buzzing voice, "have you ever been there? This time it's not the same as before. I still want to remind you that it's not clear whether a man is a woman."

However, Li Zhi knows that this is a woman, and his relationship with o'bolan is unclear.

The high priest continued: "everyone who has been to the graveyard knows that there are several entrances in the dark body, the North Sea and the South China Sea. Some of the people's faces changed slightly. "

The priest of the National People's Congress, who had been there, said, "we all started from reincarnation. 3000 years ago, it was the South China Sea, then the dark forest, then the North China Sea, and this time the South China Sea. You know it's dangerous this time. Let's talk about it. Of course, people can give up. "

DILIN sneered, "if you're afraid, don't go. There's no shame. If you give up now, you can still live. If you do, you won't even run away."

Li Zhi found that desley's face became so ugly that she would not look like this before. You said all this. There are several cemeteries for the gods. The South China Sea is the most dangerous place. Of the 80 people we are going to visit this time, I am afraid very few will survive, only about one third

"Why are there so few people exclaiming?"

You call them and say, "as long as you're not greedy, you can live more, but this time it's not the same, it's dangerous."

"The greater the risk, the greater the opportunity," said one of the strongmen of the holy land

On the contrary, looking at him indifferently, he said: "it's not so fun to lose your life. His face is not good, several holy land extreme strong face is not good.

Many people find that things are not so simple. Of course, there is no exit. After all, the Holy Land mind that can be cultivated is not simple.

At these times, a black figure appeared. The visitor was just wearing a black robe, with long hair and a beard on his chest.

Just like the ordinary peasant uncle, but DILIN and the high priest got up respectfully and said, "I've seen Lord Beirut."

Of course, Li Zhi is not the same.

Li Zhi is not in awe of Beirut. He is very curious, but this is the first time he has seen Beirut. With a smile, he says, "come here, little Beibei."

Beibei jumped into his arms.

Everyone looked at Beibei and at this time did not feel the dignity of Beirut, generally said: "Beirut grandfather. Let's go. I don't like being here anymore. "

Beirut kindly touched, touched Beibei's head well, all listen to you, let's go, we can see Beirut's love for Beibei.

As long as Beibei is beautiful, Beirut will. Many people can fly in the shadow. In the flight, many people look at Li Zhi with envy in their eyes.

Especially when they saw Beirut and their attitude towards Beibei, they thought that Li Zhi was really lucky.

However, it's better not to offend him, otherwise it will be bad. You should know that those miraculous men have done so much in front of Beirut.

It can be seen that Beirut adults are so strong. The South China Sea of Yulan continent is very clear and blue. The area of the South China Sea is also very large, and the sea water is very clean.

At this moment, Beirut stopped in mid air, looked at the bottom and said, "we have reached the bottom of the sea. This time, the entrance is about 20000 meters from the surface to the underwater, but you can still go down without worrying about your strength."

With that, Beirut rushed down, the surrounding water separated, the sound of gurgling was loud, the sea water also separated, and then, um, the God level strongman, er, high priest DILIN, Wu God and Hesse also rushed down, Li

He felt the change of water pressure around him when he was in the water. He thought it was very interesting. Instead of using air leakage, he swam directly in the water.

Anyway, he is now the master of the Holy Land demon, and he is also in the water system, so for Li Zhi, no matter in the water or on the land, it has no influence on him. March freely like a fish.

He also looked at the view of the bottom of the sea. The lower the bottom of the sea, the darker the light was, but some life had begun to shine.

It's like looking at the stars in the sky at night.

At this time, the law who followed Li Zhi said, "well, there are water system Warcraft in the waters of the South China Sea, among which there are super Holy Land Warcraft like Hydra."

Of course, Li Zhi knows that the South China Sea, as the largest sea area, has a lot of Warcraft below, and it's normal to breed powerful Warcraft. Reflection said: "but they should be able to feel that the strength of our group of people, it is estimated that they have been scared away for a long time."

Li Zhi also nods and smiles. If it's the Holy Land Warcraft, its intelligence quotient should be very high. They feel this momentum, and there are magical strong people. They have scared away the people who are shuttling below to see these rare scenery, and they are also enjoying the Warcraft around them. They are all shivering with fright.

After all, the authority of the strong in the holy land is also very strong. Besides, there are still five God level strong people, in the end. There's more and more pressure on the bottom of the sea.

Li Zhi can feel the pressure. But fortunately, they are all powerful in holy land, and they can disperse the pressure on the bottom of the sea by means.

It's at the bottom of the ocean. There are a lot of corals and life, which are very beautiful and shining. On the contrary, they say, "we should be here soon. People are walking along the bottom of the sea, and the pressure is much greater than that on the land." just then a voice appeared,

"Here we are."

Beirut said: "this is the gateway we enter this time. It used to be closed. Beirut has a black light in its hands."

Then the door of space was opened and the surrounding environment was turbulent. All the sea water was churning up. The originally transparent door was also shining, as if it had been sealed for a while. Then, um, it was like a bubble burst. Poof, the bubble disappeared and Beirut flew inside.

The crowd followed closely. Now a few of their God level strong also entered inside, without any hesitation, the parents also rushed to fly inside.

Li Zhi also went inside and felt the bondage inside. He found that he had some bondage to his soul. Unexpectedly, the road of death was different.

You should know that Li Zhi's soul is improved in essence. Although it is much smaller in shape, it is still the soul of a god level strong man in essence.

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