Beibei looked at Reggie. "Hey, yeah, what's the matter? It's me

Li Zhi took care of himself. He drank wine.

I don't care about Reggie.

It's just a holy land. It's just a holy land limit. There's no threat.

It was a silver haired man, and he came in and said, "what's up with Reggie?"

The man's eyes were red. "I'll see the teacher later. I'll kill these two guys first."

Li Zhi is stunned, eh?

Who should a teacher be? Is it ray Lin?

Looking at Hubbard, he knew that the position of Hubbard in regor's heart, the two men who escaped from gobada prison, were the limit of the holy land.

However, at that time, the limit of holy land was only at the bottom.

After they came out to find a woman, they didn't expect that Reggie had a son. After so many years, he was naturally spoiled by his son.

Let two nine strong to protect his son is because he loves this child too much. Regor feels Beibei's threat, he waits for Beibei to feel at will.

But Reggie took the initiative to give a white light. They were worried that people around them were worried about Beibei.

Beibei, two fingers holding the knife, "is that all you can do?"

As soon as Li Zhi's eyes brighten up, Beibei will not be a rat killer. The next God wants to say that he can't resist the limit of the holy land with his fingers.

Regor also brushed his teeth two fingers on the opposite side of the home exercise, afraid to be God level strong, although angry. But he woke up immediately. "Two adults punished my son. He deserved it. Please forgive me for my teacher's sake. My teacher is the master of Tongluoshan."

Before he finished, his head flew out.

Beibeibai rolled his eyes,

Disdain to say: "what are you?

Li Zhi looked at the silver haired middle-aged man beside him and said, "come here."

The man came trembling. "What's the matter, my lord?"

He knows Li Zhi and Beibei are going to kill him. He can't escape.

The silver haired man said, "my name is sadia."

Li Zhi said faintly, "did you escape from gobada prison?

Satia nodded. "Yes, my Lord."

Li Zhi suddenly stared at sadia and said, "who is the owner of Tongluo mountain?"

The man was a little stunned, but he said at random: "we don't know the teacher's name. We only know that he is the owner of Tongluo mountain. It's the strongest one I've ever seen. Although we escaped from gobada prison, if the teacher said something to himself, the limit of holy land would break through to God level. "

Hearing this, Li Zhi has confirmed that their teacher is Lei Lin.

Leilin is really tough. He can even know that others have broken through to the divine level. Although he has instructed Faen, Faen is different. Faen can break through directly, just because of the obsession in his heart, not because of the problem of cultivation.

In terms of comprehension, Beirut is not as strong as leilin.

Li Zhi said, "it's a pity if you don't meet such a strong man. Let's go, Beibei. Let's go to Tongluo mountain. You lead the way

Sadia, hurry up. Leading the way ahead, he left a group of people to discuss who Li Zhi was?

Both Mt. Causeway and Mt. Wushan belong to the Warcraft mountain range. They are still very close to each other. They belong to the area of Warcraft, but there are strong people there, and Warcraft dare not go in.

This is Satya pointing to the bottom and saying: "the bottom is Beibei in Tongluo mountain. There are absolutely not many people looking at the bottom."

Only listening to Satya's explanation, he said, "the teacher has instructed us, and those of us who have been instructed are not allowed to disturb us for ten years."

Beibei suddenly realized that he was flying all the way down. When the owner of Tongluo mountain saw the mansion in the quiet place, Li Zhi thought it was very good.

Sadia adored and said, "the whole thing is made of elements. There is no crack. It's so sudden. It's so powerful."

Li Zhi smiles. This man can't understand what's in it at all. The law of the earth combines four kinds of metaphysics. He can see the law in it.

The mystery is not as simple as the earth. It seems that the earth God of Qinghuo has the level of Seven Star demon. Although not as angry as he is, he is so perfect.

At this time, the door opened, and a bald man looked out and said in the mirror, "see Burgess. The bald man looked at him and said, "Oh, it's you."

By the way, I have a look at Li Zhi and Bei Bei. Li Zhi has already told Bei Bei to be modest.

At this time, bald head suddenly said: "you go to one side to stay, my third brother only wants to see these two."

Sadia immediately said, "yes."

Then he quit and shook his head. "I don't know what's going on. You're lucky. My third brother wants to see you, but you must be respectful."

Li Zhi secretly observed that the crouching was composed of elements. When he got inside, he found that there were two middle-aged people talking in the yard.

One of them must be leilin. Besides his bald head, the other two are also modest. One of them is a middle-aged man with black hair and red eyebrows.

Li Zhi guessed that this should be Lei Lin. He has no breath, can not be found, this must have his special place.

The middle-aged man watched Li Zhi and Beibei sit down and said, "OK, big brother, second brother, you go out first. I'll have a chat with two children“

After they went out, leilin said, "you can call me leilin."

Li Zhi was right, but he said, "you are one of the five kings."

Green fire a smile, "you know a lot, how do you know?"

Li Zhi said, "my good friend Olivia and I broke the seal of gobada prison. I heard that there is Qinghuo in it, and you know that the extreme strong in holy land should be the king Qinghuo."

Qinghuo exclaimed, "you can guess me just by this information. You're not bad. Who are you

Just listen to Beibei say: "ah, I'm Beibei, my boss Li Zhi."

Leilin was surprised. "Oh? Li Zhi? Are you the first day? It's good, it's good, it's good, it's so young. "

Li Zhi is extremely modest.

"I dare not be Mr. leilin. I have something to ask you about my cultivation."

Leilin said with a smile: "the people looking for me are all in this field, but I'm a little proficient in fire system and earth, but I don't know much about other elements. Li Zhi is not confused about elements, but few about the four rules."

Li Zhi was a little helpless. He said, "Mr. leilin, the rules of my life and destiny are all the pinnacles of the lower God, but I can't break through to the middle God. I don't know why,

Leilin was a little surprised. "What, well, these two rules, I think your middle God separation should be the earth."

"Do you have other subconscious parts?"

Qinghuo praises that there are three identities and two rules. It's good for ordinary people to have two separate identities. Your identity is rare.

"I can't help you break through the bottleneck, and I'm not proficient in the four rules.

Beibei said, "didn't you help others? There is no way for outsiders to help. I can only give some advice

Leilin said faintly: "Li Zhi, listen to me, among the seven elements. There is a combination of metaphysics, but the four rules of metaphysics are self-cultivation. "

"Li Zhi knows these things, but leilin does four more. The rules say that there is no mystery, but some people have accumulated experience over the years and roughly classified them.

"For example, in the death rules, there are soul control, these destruction rules, material attacks, space attacks and so on. The rules of life, I remember the mystery of soul and healing. As for fate, I really don't know much about it. It's hard to think about it. He's a bit uncertain and erratic, but fate is floating in it, which affects countless tracks of life and death. "

Leilin is really powerful. In a few words, he summed up the four rules. After hearing this, Li Zhi fell into deep thinking.

Li Zhi has been looking at the four major rules separately, but he didn't expect this sentence to make him suddenly realize that the operation rules are separated from other rules, and he found the inspiration of nice.

Li Zhipan sat on his knees and began to practice. Beibei was a little surprised to see this, but leilin praised it.

Li Zhi thinks of life in his heart, and death destroys him, which explains the birth and death of the whole universe.


Right, isn't it time? Mixed together, it's time.

Remembering this fate track, the EU finally said that as a subsidiary universe, it can not bear the erosion of the law of time.

If it exists, there must be the law of time. If it can't use the law of time, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It just turns into four rules.

The four rules are time, so isn't space the seven elements? Yes, that's right. Li Zhi's heart is bright when he thinks of it.

Then Li Zhi had a headache. According to his thinking, didn't he say that he wanted to practice several element rules and rules to the full?

He's a little bit weak. Let's just comfort ourselves. Let's go step by step.

It's night to suddenly open your eyes.

But there was no one in front of him. When he woke up, Beibei had already appeared. Li Beibei laughed and said, "has the boss broken through?"

Li Zhi shook his head and said, "don't you want to understand something?"

This time the harvest is more powerful than the previous epiphany, but think things through.

When Li Zhi went back, he only felt that there was a breath behind her. Suddenly, he thought that he didn't ask much about anything, and the murderer didn't need to say much.

Beibei went back by himself, while Li Zhi was looking for o'an-ras. Ann Lars sneered in his heart. Li Zhi looked at him and said, "I've been with you for several years. Come out."

Ann Lars didn't expect to be found, but he didn't think Li Zhi was a character. He was afraid to show his family background coldly. "It's the four gods' family, so go to hell."

He is very confident that he can kill Li Zhi. Li Zhi has been practicing for only a hundred years, but he never thought that Li Zhi is the core figure and has been practicing for thousands of years.

And the body's qualification is the top fire, red light, like Li Zhi washing machine people to Li Zhi smile did not start.

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