Sasha said with a smile: "I just realized it too!"

Li Zhi, his father, smiles and looks at Sha Sha. Unconsciously, his daughter is so big.

The challenger, the red flame demon, resists the attack of the opponent's ice arrow.

But he also has no way, can only resist the other side of these strange attacks, but if you have to resist him will certainly fail, he is good at soul attack material, attack is not the opponent of the other side.

Baby then said: "father, that guy will not lose? I think the redhead guy must lose. "

Baby's eyesight is not particularly good, after all, he is just a God, simply can not see.

Li Zhi glanced at the top and said, "it's not necessarily so. I think this guy has a back move. You don't see that although he is resisting the attack, he is standing back in an orderly way. He hasn't been hurt and his face hasn't been flustered."

At this time, as Li Zhi said, the Challenger laughed, "well, you old willow, you've been proud for so long. It's time for me to do it. I don't want to use my cards. I didn't expect you to be so powerful. Let's use it!"

With a wave of his hand, a drop of liquid appeared in his hand, and when he was going out, the leader of Lvliu city became angry.

"What! It's the power of the Lord

The other Challenger smiles, "yes! It's the power of the LORD God, you wait to die

The Lord of Lvliu city said quickly, "I give up. Can't I give the Lord to you?"

Who cares about face at this moment?

A drop of the power of the Lord can absolutely kill himself.

The main stove of lvliucheng immediately gave up. He didn't live enough.

He is successful in plant cultivation, but the other side's eyes are crazy and ferocious!

"You want to give up? It's late! I don't want to come here for any reason. I want you to die. Ha ha ha ha

Then the power of the LORD God in his hand was used by him. For a moment, instead of fusing into his body, he attacked according to the mystery and attacked with his soul.

Li Zhi was shocked to think that this guy was so crazy that he used God's power to attack directly?

If the power of the LORD God is used in the body, slowly absorbing the energy of fusion is very strong, but this guy turns into a soul attack.

Li Zhi guessed that there was a deep hatred between the two people, otherwise it would not be so extreme?

The leader of Lvliu City cried out in despair, "no!"

However, he could not escape. After all, how fast was the attack speed of the soul mixed with the power of the LORD God?

It's only a million times faster than lightning.

His body into countless willows, this towering tree appeared out of thin air, the surrounding sky has been covered.

Sasha looked at the tree and said, "Wow, is that what he is? How big

A thunderous sound came from the tree,

"You're going to die, too! No one is going to live! "

Li Zhi's face changed as soon as he listened to these words. He pulled Shasha and Baobao to protect them directly.

Sure enough, after the master of Lvliu city changed his identity, he exploded.

Those trees burst into tree blocks, rippling around, those willows burst, those willow branches, flying around. As a demon who has been practicing for tens of billions of years, how hard is its body?

Those innumerable pieces of wood splashed directly through the people around them.

There are many people who have been directly hit and their bodies have been shot into Hornets' nests.

The leader of Lvliu City revealed that he wanted to die together.

The red flame life devil is proud also didn't expect that the other party will explode, sudden situation for a moment, he was beaten into a sieve.

A God not far from Li Zhi touched his neck and said in disbelief, "I'm still alive.

Li Zhi finds out that the owner of Lvliu Great Wall has killed a lot of unfortunate people.

There are many gods around.

The lower gods and the middle gods are miserable. Li Zhi sighed, "well, I didn't expect this kind of result. When this guy takes out the power of God, I think he will win, but I didn't expect that he will die together. If this guy is good at a little material defense, he won't die. He really deserves it. If this guy melts the power of God into his body, he won't die."

Sasha and baby nod.

Li Zhi said with a smile: "well, after watching the battle, let's go, let's go to other places."


In hell, Beibei came out of the cabin and said to Li Zhi, "boss, it seems that we are going to Guruo island.

Li Zhi was surprised, "Oh, can we arrive today? Almost less. "

Beibei said: "we come to Guruo island to kill the leader of Tianbo mansion?"

Guruo island is still very prosperous. What else is there like the challenge arena of beauty pass.

Li Zhi and his party have been walking in the sea of stars and fog for decades, and the sea water all over the sky is irritated. Even when they encounter islands, they don't stay long, so they suffocate Beibei.

Beibei is lively after all. He naturally wants to go to Guruo island when he hears that there is something interesting about it. Li Zhi smiles, "we're not trying to kill that guy. Don't worry. This Guruo island is in the territory of Yinlan mansion. It's very prosperous. Of course we have to play here for a while."

Beibei was surprised and said, "isn't Guruo an island? How can it be compared with the government? "

At this time, Tana said: "hmm? What are you talking about? "

Since Li Zhi was a strong man of Shura level, all people have great respect for him.

They don't dare to sit with them, so there are usually Bedelia and them around Li Zhi, but Tana's brothers and sisters are different.

Because Tana and Delia can talk together. Tana and Beibei can talk together.

In his opinion, his sister is also very strong, and he is less awed by Li Zhi.

Li Zhi said with a smile, "let's discuss Guruo island."

Tana said, "I've been to Guruo island. It's very interesting and special! There's a castle where people can buy and sell freely. "

Beibei said, "is there no army there?"

Tana nodded and said, "No

Beibei was a little puzzled. He said, "no one's making trouble?"

Tana said: "yes, the army is still very powerful. The army composed of superior gods is still very powerful."

Of course, Li Zhi knows the strength of this team. Among the teams, he is the one who has won hundreds of victories. He is very strong, and he is controlled by Mo Si.

Inside, tarosha and DILIN were controlled. There were so many soldiers in such a powerful army.

How can a loyal man fail?

Beibei couldn't help saying, "what's so interesting about this place?"

Tana explained: "there are interesting places in the castle. One is freedom castle, the other is fighting battlefield. Suicide is not allowed in the castle. If found, the army in the castle will fight in the battlefield. In addition to the arena, other people are not allowed to kill privately."

"This Guruo island is very competitive," he said

No one dares to provoke Beibei to shake his head. "No? I don't believe in the trade of so many people. No one dares to rob them. Are they more powerful than the soldiers? "

Tana shook his head, I don't know. Li Zhi said with a smile: "Beibei, the island that exists here has existed for hundreds of millions of years, and behind it there are strong Shura, otherwise it would have been destroyed long ago."

Hearing Li Zhi say so, Beibei also responded, "yes, if there is no Shura level, the strong can not maintain for so many years."

At this time, Beibei said: "boss, let's go and see what's going on inside. There's no charge for entering the island."

After they went in, Li Zhi found that countless big trees could be seen on the island.

The air is also very fresh. After Li Zhi and his family entered the island, they saw a big castle full of flowers.

There is also an endless stream of pedestrians on the streets.

Of course, Li Zhi also saw a lot of humanoid creatures.

Because some Warcraft or plants will keep some of their own characteristics when they grow up. Li Zhi is not surprised.

He said to Delia, "we've been floating on the sea for so long. We must have a good rest this time."

Then go to see the so-called freedom castle here.

Then there was the challenge arena on the battlefield. Li Zhi had seen a lot of mysterious things.

For example, the woman who is superior to God wants to split her body with the mystery of her soul.

But also can easily deceive others.

Li Zhi thinks that the battle between the strong can be watched.

And it's helpful for your promotion.

Beibei and Lizhi, they go in.

Beibei looked at the front and said, "it's strange that the people in front are wearing uniform armor, and they are all from the superior God.

The strength is to look inside.

Sure enough, a group of four or five people were found in the crowd.

Wearing blood red armor, the pattern on the body is also quite special. However, none of them dare to face up to and offend when they walk in the street.

Tana said: "Li Zhi, this is the army on Miluo island. We can't offend them. Every one of them is a superior God, and there are too many. No one dares to make trouble here for so many years. The strong Shura dare not make trouble. "

Li Zhi nodded faintly and said, "I know."

It's always clear about Guruo Island, not to mention that this group of troops are the Mohs behind the scenes.

Li Zhi is not sure. He is very strong in the end. He is a soul mutant.

It's also a variation of the soul of the third department. Only Da Yuanman can hold him down.

This is the restaurant he pointed to and said, "this restaurant is very good. Let's have a try."

Beibei said with a smile: "OK, listen to you. Let's try. Then a group of people went into the restaurant, had a good meal and went straight to the battlefield.

The battle field has a wide range of combat power, which is hundreds of miles. Suicide is not allowed. You can only watch the battle in the arena.

One hundred ink stones for each person.

Beibei said: "look, Meiren pass requires so many ink stones, but here only one hundred. It's so much worse. It's much better than Meiren pass."

Beibei's words make Li Zhipo helpless. With so many grindstones in his hand, do you still care about this?

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