Talosha stared at Li Zhi and said, "Li Zhi, tell me the truth, who has successfully challenged this battle? Is that you? "

Beibei glanced at him. "Of course, that's my boss."

Tarosha stares at Li Zhi, "then what's your strength?"

With a faint smile, Li Zhi said, "ha, I'm just a seven star demon,

Li Zhi didn't say much to talosha. It's not that he doesn't believe in talosha, but that talosha has been controlled by Mo and Si. Mo is afraid that Si will know a lot.

He was taken to the highest peak, where many people gathered. Li Zhi was the last one to come.

When Li Zhi saw the five people who had originally gathered together, he found that there was an upper God, two middle gods, and one lower God who could enter here. They should all be the strong ones who won 100 victories. At the same time, Li Zhi knew that according to the rules of Guruo Island, they had to gather a part of people to open the battle image.

Li Zhi glanced at the God. He was very thin, with black hair and angular face, but with a trace of humanoid flavor. He was not a pure human. His strength should be six-star demon approaching seven star.

And he is the strong one among the sea people.

After judging, a figure came out. It was young master Kela of the family. Kela took a look at Li Zhi. After staying for a while, he said, "OK, everyone, come with me. Don't make too much trouble. If you are killed in the secret room, don't blame me

These words are very arrogant, and there is a touch of disdain, why? Because after watching the video, I don't want to be a slave of their family.

He took a group of people deep. They crossed the corridor and went to the cave. When they saw the cave, Li Zhi hesitated.

It's easy to get into the secret room, but it's not easy to get out well, although they told Delia that it's easy to be controlled by Mo and Si.

But he knows the original fate and track. He says that Mo, Si and Leslie are very good, but who knows if the current fate has changed?

His arrival has caused the butterfly effect. If Mo, Si and Leslie become enemies, what should they do?

Of course, Li Zhi just hesitated a little, then followed carat into it.

Another God said to KRA, "are we going under the cave?"

Carat said indifferently: "don't ask more, just follow me."

For those who want to be their slaves, carat is not interested, even if the other party is a seven star demon.

Li Zhi is very fast, but they have been walking for a long time. According to this speed, Li Zhi guesses that they should go underground.

Before long, Li Zhi found that there was a very long passage below, and it was full of water. Carat said to them, "follow me down."

A group of people follow Kelang into the water. As a god level strong person, they can easily stay in the water. Let alone the God level, even if the strong person is a holy land, the water can no longer cause harm to people.

After flying for a moment at the bottom of the sea, Li Zhi found a huge castle, which looked like an ancient giant beast, and many people were patrolling. Kola said with pride, "this is our secret base, the secret base of my Barker family. You will have a chance to test it."

Li Zhi glanced at them casually. Those patrolling people were all superior gods.

He exclaimed that he had been in business for countless trillions of years, which is really incomparable. Bulu island is indeed Guruo island. Even if it is a strong man who has been born in hundreds of wars for decades, how much has been accumulated over the years.

Those who are strong are controlled by Guruo island. It's terrible to think about it. With so much accumulation, it's estimated that only the members of the core family can know his guess about Guruo island.

Li Zhi guessed that the real strength of Guruo Island finally appeared here.

As for the strength on the ground, it should only be shown to others. At this time, a pair of guards in black armor came up. When he saw them, Li Zhi's face changed with evil spirit and indifference. He guessed that he was a master in life and death, and each of them had great strength.

Compared with the strength of the group on the ground, the strength of the group of people is too much worse. The leader quickly went to carat and said respectfully: "carat master."

Carat said indifferently, "OK, they're coming. Let's go."

The black armored soldier led Li Zhi into the castle. The gate was open. Deep under the sea, the city didn't know how long it existed.

What scares people is that there is a strange power floating around the whole castle. The surrounding water can't even get close, as if a transparent cover is protecting all the water.

When they walked in, Li Zhi found that there were only a few of them in the empty square without water.

Clara said coldly, "you wait here. Someone will come soon. I want to test you

Some people wonder, "what test of our 100 victories is that we can watch it? What tests do you have

Listen to those people's discussion is silent, he wants to see how to ink, think now according to the procedure should be able to see, but will delay time. Suddenly, the door opened and six people came out. The leader was an old man with white hair and beard. Behind him were five soldiers in black armor.

The old man with white hair said, "welcome. Let me introduce myself. I'm from Lai

Li Zhi's eyes narrowed. He should be mo, Si's Apprentice.

Li Zhi's divine sense radiates around him to find ink and think about where he is. Although it's not very polite to search with divine sense, this method is good. After the divine sense is opened, he soon finds a special place, which is a secret room with a mysterious array hanging on the gate.

At this time, Li Zhi's figure directly disappeared and disappeared at the end. You Lai was shocked by Li Zhi's action and quickly responded. He looked at your disappearing direction and hummed, "you dare to rush! I want to die

Before Li Zhi opened his mind, he had found the black armour soldiers and could directly bypass them. He came to the front of the Dharma array before the gate and said faintly, "Mo, Mr. Si, I'm Li Zhi visiting you. I'll see you when I go out."

The door opened and the two men came out. One is a strong man with red hair, and the other is an old man. The strong man with red hair looks at Li Zhi, "are you from the four beasts family?"

Mo, Si, as a real strong man, must have had contact with the four beast family. He could feel the message from Li Zhi. Li Zhi nodded, "yes, I am the four beast family."

But I wonder, this person should be mo, Si, who is the old man?

At this time, a figure flew over. It was Yu Lai. Seeing Li Zhi, he immediately said, "teacher..."

Mo, Si waved his hand and said, "go down first."

You Lai is surprised to see Li Zhi, and then leaves.

Seeing you Lai Tui Kai, Li Zhi said, "I'm afraid I'll take the liberty to visit you. I'm looking forward to Mexico. I think I'll forgive you."

Mo, Si said: "how did the four beast family come up with a master like you? I haven't heard of that. Haven't we met?"

Li Zhi nodded, "of course I haven't seen you, but I've heard your name from lesjing. I happened to pass by and wanted to call on you. But it's not easy to see you. I can only get a hundred victories! "

Mo, think a Leng, immediately ha ha a smile, "originally you are that kid introduction come over."

At this time, you are looking to the side of the old man said: "I do not know you are?"

His old voice said, "I'm Bertram, the leader of Tianbo mansion."

He has been staring at Li Zhi. Li Zhi is also looking at him. It turns out that he is the head of Tianbo mansion.

He came here to meet the Tianbo mansion leader, but it seems that Mo has a good relationship with him. What if he killed this man in front of Mo Zi?

This idea or forget it, don't say the strength of the other party, can deal with him, Mo, think also won't let yourself do so.

Li Zhi made up his mind to solve the problem of talosha first, and then talk about other things.

Li Zhi light said: "nice to meet you. I'm Li Zhi."

Mo, thought with a smile, "don't talk at the door, sit inside."

After all, they were all strong at Shura level, so there were many topics. Before long, the leader of Tianbo mansion left.

Li Zhi then said: "I have a friend who is defeated but controlled. I hope the island owner can let him regain his freedom."

Mo, without any hesitation, agreed and simply told me his name. Li Zhi said, "his name is talosha."

Mo, Si recalled for a moment and said, "um... Tarosha? I control it myself. "

After a little pause, Mo Si suddenly said, "now it's OK."

Li Zhi said gratefully, "thank you very much."

If the other side doesn't give face, there's no way. After all, Mo, Si is stronger than him, and he may not be able to use the power of the main God. With a faint smile, Si has a lot of Seven Star demons. Now tarosha doesn't even have seven star demons. What can he care about?

After chatting for a while, MoSi said to Li Zhi, "don't you want to see the images of the fighters? come with me. There are still pictures of God's hand in it! "

Li Zhi laughs. Of course, he won't refuse this good thing. After all, it's not helpful to have a car like him, if he just keeps on practicing.

If we can see the fighting between the strong, it will be very helpful to him. It's just that there are too few images of fighting between the strong.

Unlike Mo, Si, so far he has never seen a mobile phone meeting.

When Li Zhi came to another chamber of secrets, he found that the area in the chamber of secrets was quite large, with countless crystal balls. At this time, they were standing inside.

Mo, Si said: "there are more than 1800 crystal balls with battle images inside. And uncle Zhao's introduction, you have a good look. "

Looking at these battle images, Li Zhi knew that they were extremely precious.

If these values are taken out for sale, I'm afraid they are even different from McDonald's and their explosive customers in Zijingshan.

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