Li Zhi said without scruple: "Hey, Beibei is not. If you want to be the head of the mansion, you have to defeat the original head of the mansion. Moreover, only in the presence of the LORD God can you have a new head of the mansion. If the head of the city is not appointed directly, how can you become the head of the mansion after killing people directly?"

Beibei didn't care, "Hey, I'll tell you, but this thing is in our hands. The LORD God can appoint another one at will. Can't God make another one without this seal master?"

At this time, a huge face in the sky suddenly formed a huge face, hundreds of meters in size.

Li Zhi, who had the first reaction, said to the big face in the main sky, "Lord God."

Beibei, they responded and said, "Lord God."

The LORD God said, "you just killed the Lord of Tianbo mansion."

God will not be involved in the event.

Megaface looked at Beibei's Tianbo mansion seal and said, "did you just kill Bertram, the master of Tianbo mansion?"

Li Zhi said immediately, "yes, I have seen the God of stars."

Li Zhi only knows that the man who suddenly condenses is a God.

But it's not sure which Lord God it is. After all, there are seven in each department.

Who knows who he is?

Later Li Zhi said: "we passed by here before and were disguised as bandits and robbed by the five soldiers of Tianbo mansion. We learned that Tianbo mansion was captured. In the past thousand years, we even let our hands rob and collect money for ourselves. Originally, I didn't care with him, but he hit me unexpectedly."

The LORD God in the sky looked at Li Zhilu with a smile and said, "if you can kill him, your strength should be good."

Li Zhi respectfully said: "ah, the LORD God fallacy praised."

Although I don't agree with this, I can't show it. After all, the other party is the LORD God.

Show respect.

Sky Zhang's huge face continued to say: "your strength is also good, willing to be my Lord God messenger?"

Although the tone of inquiry, but it is the general order.

And Li Zhi said: "ah, this can't work, Lord God, I'm the messenger of the LORD God of Bauhinia."

It's hard to say if you want to be the messenger of his Lord God. The giant face in the sky has not adjusted a little,

"Oh, I see."

After a while, a gentle voice sounded, and Li Zhi came up with a gentle voice in his mind.

"Li Zhi hasn't seen you for decades. Your strength has increased a lot. Even the leader of Tianbo mansion can be killed.

It was the voice of the Bauhinia Lord God. A mass of liquid appeared in front of Li Zhi in the sky. "Little guy is doing well. This is for you. Take it and play with it."

Li Zhi did not expect that it was the power of the LORD God!

Grab it and find it's a hundred drops of Lord God power.

When he was the messenger of the LORD God, Li Zhi didn't get the power of the LORD God, but it doesn't mean that Li Zhi didn't complain at that time, and now he doesn't complain.

Only listen to the voice of the Bauhinia Lord God, "cherish some."

Li Zhi takes back the power of the LORD God and laughs in his heart. Does the LORD God of Bauhinia get a lot at a time? There are a hundred drops.

I'm quite generous to myself. If others give me more than ten drops, it's estimated that there will be more than ten drops. But the Bauhinia Lord God has given him one hundred drops of Lord God power, but it's estimated that there will be thousands of drops of Lord God power in the pot for his son, right?

Of course, people are greedy animals, and Li Zhi is not immune from vulgarity.

The star Lord God in the sky continued: "Oh, you have been chosen by the Bauhinia Lord God as the LORD God messenger. Forget it, but you burned my people. What should I do about my Tianbo mansion?"

Li Zhi thought in his heart that your Tianbo mansion is none of my business. Shouldn't it be your own way?

But I dare not say.

God, the star Lord in the sky, said, "in that case, you can be the Lord of this day's Bo house."

Li Zhi slightly a Leng, still forcing?

The huge face in the sky, seeing him in a daze, frowned a little and said, "why don't you want to?"

Li Zhina dares to say that he doesn't want to say immediately: "no, it's just LORD God. You should know that my four beast families are in great trouble now. I need to go back to protect the family. I don't have time to stay here!"

At this time, the star Lord God said, "Oh, you don't have to think about it. The Lord of the mansion and the Lord of the city are different. You can leave at will."

His face disappeared in the air, as if it had never appeared.

When the star God left, Beibei came to Li Zhi and said with a smile, "how are you, Lord of the mansion."

Li Zhi laughs, "OK, OK, I'm also the head of the mansion now."

Talosha came over and said with a smile: "Li Zhi, although I know you are Shura, I didn't expect that you can even kill the leader of Tianbo mansion. Now you are also given the title of leader of the mansion. From then on, some people in Yulan can become the leader of the mansion, which can be regarded as a place."

Li Zhi, the leader of the government who came down from the sky, was not excluded.

With this title, it should be more convenient to go to a plane war in the future.

At the same time, a huge face appeared in the sky inside the Tianbo mansion. Sure enough, everyone was extremely respectful. The LORD God's authority pressed down, and everyone knelt down.

Plath also knelt down, the voice of thunder in the sky sounded, "the former leader of the mansion has been executed, from today on, Li Zhi is the prisoner of Tianbo mansion."

This voice shocked the world, and a group of people were stunned. Who is Li Zhi? When Li Zhi subdued the commander of the army, he did not reveal his name.

So he didn't know who Li Zhi was.

But the LORD God won't explain it to them. He just said, "if your Lord comes, he will come with his seal."

Boras also guessed that the adult had lost the trunk of Tianbo mansion. It seems that his words have come true.

At this time, Xinhuo and Li Zhi in Beirut, the dark forest of Yulan, sat around the table to discuss things. Qinghuo said casually: "how is the integration of Li Zhi's fate rules and life rules?"

Several decades ago, Li Zhi told Beirut and Qinghuo the news. After all, Li Zhi absolutely trusted them.

And the three of them are a common body, everywhere, on one side of the countless world, there are probably not a few people who practice the rules of fate and life to the superior God at the same time.

However, it is the first time that such direct integration as Li Zhi appears. He is not a soul mutation, but Li Zhi breaks this tradition.

Li Zhi shook his head and said, "well, I don't know how the integration is, but every time I let them practice together, it proves one thing. Their comprehension speed is much faster than before. Over the years, my individual strength of Shenfen has reached the Seven Star demon, if Shenfen works together. It should be strong at Shura level. "

Beirut stared at Li Zhi and said in surprise: "is it so powerful? I remember your separation of life and destiny. When you first came back, you just came up to God. In 20 years, the new devil is too fast. "

Qinghuo said with a smile: "Li Zhima, Beirut, we can't guess him by ordinary people. He's just a little pervert. Now he has six gods, and the earth and wind system have reached the level of Shura. "

Li Zhi said with a smile: "it seems that it won't take long. There should be two separate minds."

Beirut and Qinghuo are curious. Looking at Li Zhi, they are very surprised. They didn't expect that you are going to break through again. Is the speed too fast?

Both of them are from the past. They understand how difficult it is for them to understand a law of elements.

Li Zhi said: "I have entered the gate according to the law of thunder and lightning. After being attacked by thunder and lightning in the sea of stars and fog, I entered the gate. After seeing the image in Guruo Island, I seem to have a little understanding of my way of destruction."

Qinghuo drank a glass of wine and said, "if lightning and destruction? They are both good at attacking

Beirut excitedly said: "now among the four rules, life, destiny and death, you have become a God, but this is destruction. Now you have realized destruction, doesn't it mean that in the future you will consider and let the four rules merge and evolve into the law of time?"

Beirut always yearns for and dares not to think about the law of time. I think that Li Zhijia's baby only knows some laws of space, but can move quickly. If he understands the law of time, how strong will he be?

But Li Zhi shook his head and said, "the law of time is not so easy to understand. Before, I tried to integrate death with life and fate, but I failed."

Qinghuo looked at Li Zhi, "what's the matter?"

Li Zhi said: "I guess there should be restrictions on the integration of the four rules. First of all, the first point is that they can only integrate if they reach the level of the superior God, and if they have to be added together to spread their ideas, it will not work."

After studying for so many years, Li Zhi has reached some threshold and gained some experience.

Beirut said to him, "in other words, do you have to break through the rules of death to make your life rules and destiny rules merge?"

Li Zhi nodded, "I guess it should be like this. Before the result, my fate God's separation first reached the upper God realm, while the life God's separation stayed in the middle God, there was no sign of fusion, but they all reached the condition of whether there was fusion before they were finished. In other words, the upper God should be the most basic condition."

Qinghuo some doubt said: "how do you conclude that the two fusion, stone man separation must be together, we all know, separation of its practical ideas can spread a lot of understanding?"

Li Zhi explained that he said: "of course, I know. I tried to let them leave before, but I couldn't understand it at all. However, when I stayed together, I could completely merge together, so I guess it was like this."

Green fire was puzzled again, he said: "then you have entered the fusion of life rules and fate rules, which are not together. Have you verified it?"

Li Zhi nodded, "I have verified."

They look at each other and shake their heads. Li Zhi's situation is not what they can guess.

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