There is a castle around, and there are countless small castles nearby, forming a perfect tribe.

"I've been in hell for so many years, but I've never seen a family like this before," Catherine said in shock

Li Zhi said with a smile: "after all, the family of four sacred beasts was more brilliant than the family of four to seven material planes. Although it is declining, the glory of the past is still in the family and tribe. Of course, we should attach great importance to it. "

But Li Zhi's speed was very fast, but it took him a long time to get to the foot of the mountain. At the foot of the mountain, he saw many soldiers in blue armor, which made him feel a throb. The lowest of these soldiers were the superior gods.

And more than 10000 Li Zhi lamented that the dead camel was bigger than the horse.

Although the four beast families have declined, they are not comparable to the Morgan family. He is happy for the four beast families.

But at the same time, I also felt that... After all, comparing the Morgan family with the four beast family, it was just an insult to the family.

Of course, this kind of emotion didn't last long in Li Zhi's mind. He didn't have a special sense of belonging, just because of his blood.

Moreover, Li Zhi will not impose such feelings on Sha Sha and Bao Bao, so they are the people of the world and the soul of the world, but their hometown is still in the Yulan plane.

Their home is in the Baruch empire.

Thinking of this, Li Zhi made up his mind that whether it was for Shasha's sake or for Qinglong's sake, they should rebuild the four beast family. After all, the sense of honor and belonging in his blood still need to be used.

After the idea came into being, Li Zhibian became more confident and then said to several people behind him, "let's go in."

Li Zhi just flew down, and a man came out in front of them, "who are you?"

Ten soldiers can fly over, and the team leader yells, "this is the Qinglong clan, so hurry to leave!"

Li Zhi pointed to baby Shasha with a smile and said, "we are the branch of Qinglong people. We have come here for a long time in hell."

The baby curled his mouth and said, "yes, we've been here so long. I've worked so hard."

The captain said in doubt: "which family are you from? All the people of our family are back! I said, "boy, you can't lie to me."

It's called Xiaozi because Li Zhi is just a middle God. These soldiers only have four-star demons. Of course, the strength of five-star demons can't find Li Zhi.

One of the soldiers said, "let's make a dragon."

Li Zhi nodded directly into the state of Longhua, others all laughed..

The captain was also happy, "it's our family and pure blood, but the image behind you is not the same. The smell is a bit strange."

Longhua is a simple way to judge the members of Qinglong family.

Li Zhi's separation of spirit and wind needs to know that there are so many Qinglong's essence and blood. Compared with blood

He even surpasses the children of the Qinglong people and is more pure than the patriarch and others.

After all, the Xinglong people only gave birth to so much blood essence.

There are so many children in every family that it is impossible for everyone to have them.

Therefore, although the patriarchs are the sons and daughters of the Qinglong people.

But it can't be compared with the essence and blood of Li Zhi.

As a super beast, there are very few children. There are too many children for their bodies to bear.

I have a lumbago.

Beirut is just like Beibei, the offspring of a god eating rat, after so many generations;

The team leader sincerely said: "hard work. We retreated from all positions at the beginning. We were in a hurry. I guess you didn't come back. When we came back, many brothers were killed, so we were safe when we went home."

When he heard the word "home", Li Zhi was excited, but what he was excited about was that he returned to the world of Fengshen, with a trace of tears in his eyes.

Although Li Zhi is now very strong, as a Shura level strong man, he is also rampant in countless planes, but he still hopes to settle down the affairs of Fengshen world as soon as possible and live a stable life.

Back to the god world, back to the original world, with a lot of wives.

Sasha suddenly said in Li Zhi's ear, "my father is crying."

She had never seen it.

In the impression of Sasha, how can her father be patient?

But now I cry.

However, Li Zhi's tears evaporated in an instant. In the process of chatting, they knew that Li Zhi was the Magnolia plane.

The team leader asked other people to continue patrolling and took Li Zhi to the interior. Along the way, Li Zhi learned the situation of the four beast family from him and heard what the team leader said - very worried.

Of course, Li Zhi and his family were told some rules. They couldn't fly on the dragon road. Li Zhi was also taught very much and came to an ordinary building.

In front of the building, there is an old man who is squinting. The team leader is issol.

Issol said to the old man, "haniman."

The old man opened his eyes and said, "Oh, how did you come to me?"

Isor said, "you go and check these people. They are from the Baruch family."

Hamani laughs, "I know it's from Yulan mainland. In fact, we Qinglong people are members of the reading family. We all think they are members of the reading family, but a few people don't know. That's what you baruk family are like."

Li Zhi smiles.

"If you can name the family of Baruch, I believe you are, but the rules of the family must be tested, so I'll go with you to see the elders of your family," haniman said

Li Zhi nodded, "OK."

In fact, he still had expectations in his heart. Haniman said to ilsol, "go ahead, it's OK."

Yisuo faded, haniman said: "Oh, for a thousand years, I have finally met a member of the family who has a sense of redemption. Come with me."

Li Zhi quickly followed.

Under the leadership of haniman into a valley.

After the members of the baruk family confirmed Li Zhi's identity, it was very lively. They were members of the baruk family. They were very happy to see their descendants find themselves. That night, all the branches of the Yulan family gathered together to talk about the Yulan family.

Katherine is also very happy, baby is more small mouth can say, even if so listen to, Baruch and others are dumbfounded.

Baruch sighed and said, "Oh, Li Zhi and you are such a match. What dragon I killed in those years is not worth mentioning."

The first snowmelt battle of the Baruch family was to kill the ice dragon.

One day and one night, he killed nine dragon emperors.

This passage is recorded in the secret history of the family, but Li Zhi said with a smile: "we have all seen your deeds since childhood, patriarch."

Baruch laughed and said, "don't flatter me. Now I can't do this."

It was destined to be a sleepless night. Everyone was drunk that night.

Instead of practicing as usual, Li Zhi lay in bed thinking about the world and coming to the world.

The first thing is the arrival of the soul. When I see Wharton's confused little fat boy, I ask my brother to think of his father.

Hogg was strict with himself.

When I can't answer the question, I still beat myself with cane, and think about my father because of my mother.

Die for revenge.

The picture changed to grandfather Delin, who appeared in his mind.

"I'll test your affinity. You, um, need to meditate. Now you can start to practice with this and start carving with flat blade flow. Well, it's good now."

Another little black mouse appeared, squeaking.


"Boss, let's go. Let's go to Warcraft mountain. I'll see what Warcraft looks like. I'll fight, too!"

"Take me with you, boss, what's the matter with you? Have you come back? "

"How about Jenny and Delia? I can't watch it any more. Yo, yo, yo, hey, you're having a wedding night. "

"Boss, I'm a God."

"Hello, I'm Renault from the O'Brien empire."

"Hello, I'm Yale. I'm just half a holy ally."

"Well, third, how are you now? I've been there for several years. How's my experience? "

Li Zhi has a picture of these years in his mind.

He raised a smile from the corner of his mouth. At this time, it was a blonde girl again. She was only eleven or twelve years old. She was petite and lovely.

"Hello, I'm Delia, from the Yulan empire."

Those endless memories, countless figures appeared in his mind.

Li Zhi fell asleep unconsciously.

Li Zhi had a good sleep.

The next day, Li Zhicai woke up and a noise came.

The baby pinched his waist and pointed to a young blonde who was swearing, like a little shrew.

Katherine and Sasha also looked at the situation.

Li Zhi also guessed that there was a conflict between Baobao and other personnel. In fact, Li Zhi was not prepared to interfere with Baobao's character, which was extremely pungent.

As for strength, there are three mysteries.

Born with a strong soul, his soul has surpassed the Seven Star demon.

It's just the middle God.

When the baby saw his father coming, he quickly said, "father, he bullied me!"

Li Zhi says helplessly: "that you call back!"

The young blonde took a look at the baby, then saw Li Zhi and said, "is that your helper? I'll let you go

Li Zhi said faintly: "I'm afraid you can't afford it."

The blonde youth was stunned and laughed, "you magnolias don't even have a superior God. What qualifications do you have to say this to me?"

Li Zhi said to Sha Sha, "it's up to you, Sha Sha. Put him down in one minute."

Sasha's fist went straight for a few seconds.

The young blonde said with disdain, "don't measure yourself."

In his opinion, Li Zhi and Sha Sha are the two median gods, and he is not their opponent at all.

The young blonde roared at Shasha.

Although he felt that it was a bit disgraceful for him to bully the middle God, the other side also wanted to let him know how powerful he was.

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