Li Zhi said to Jennie, "let you have time to accompany your mother."

Jenny said with a smile: "mother, mother is with her father every day now, and I dare not disturb her!! Hee hee

When Li Zhi heard this, he laughed. He thought of the smile on Hogg's face. After his mother's return, he never stopped at that time. "

Li Zhi just suddenly remembered, "I heard that Keane is getting married again?"

Jennie nodded. "Yeah, this kid is with a gentle winlina."

Li Zhi smiles, "Wen Lina? Who's the familiar name? "

Jennie said helplessly: "you forget, this is Dixie's disciple! You said the girl had a good posture

Li Zhi suddenly thought, "Oh? So it's her. That's not bad. When are you going to have the wedding? "

"Next year's Yulan Festival," Jennie said immediately

Li Zhi nodded, then Li Zhi suddenly said: "someone is coming."

Jennie didn't know who it was, and then in the transmission line of the Arctic ice sheet, the light flashed and four people came out.

Camilla refined the upper God that Li Zhi gave her at the beginning, and now she is the upper God.

The leader looked at her and said to the people behind, "let's go."

The only woman who flew into the air said, "brother, is that true

The head of the white tiger clan said, "of course, they are the masters."

"I can't believe it now..."

"Don't talk about you, I'm shocked now. Li Zhi has become the main God," he said

At this time, Xuanwu said, "well, stop talking. We'll know in a moment."

Zhuque clan leader said: "I didn't find Li Zhi's divine knowledge, and you didn't find it, so it seems that he is really the LORD God."

"There should be dragon blood castle in front of us, and there are children of our family.

The four of them came, and no one could find them because of their great strength.

Taylor was the first to find out.

Tyler noticed that they were coming and said, "patriarch."

Gaith said with a smile, "Tyler, where is Li Zhi?"

"It's like it's in the palace," Tyler said

Just then a woman came up and said, "my Lord, our Lord invited four adults to the back garden."

"My father told you to go."

At this time, a voice came from Li Zhi.

"Come in, four patriarchs."

Four people look at each other and walk into the back. They find Li Zhi and Jenny talking and laughing..

Li Zhi said to them, "sit down."

Gaith said: "it's really the LORD God. Although I didn't feel the pressure in front of him, because he took the breath, he gave me a feeling of nothingness."

Gus stood up. "Lord."

In gaise's opinion, Li Zhi and them are not close, because Li Zhi grew up in Yulan. Moreover, before Yulan was bullied by others, they didn't say anything.

Today's Li Zhi and their relationship is not very close.

Li Zhi waved his hand, "forget it, just call me Li Zhi. How do you know that I am the LORD God?"

The rosefinch said respectfully, "the news that you have become the LORD God is from the destroyer. We have decided to ask ourselves."

Li Zhi nodded, and so he destroyed the Lord and told them the news that he had become the LORD God.

Li Zhi understood why Gus and his family came here. As expected, Gus looked at Li Zhi and said, "well, Li Zhi, you tell us how the four ancestors died, just because you are part of our family... Tell us."

Li Zhi pondered for a while, and finally said, "well, the four ancestors fought with the master of light for some reasons."

Gus, they were quiet.

Li Zhiping said quietly: "the battle of the LORD God affected a lot. Later, they entered the space. The four ancestors fled while fighting. The Lord of light was chasing and killing. Later, they united. But the Lord of light didn't die, and finally won the four ancestors. They are invincible, but the master of light takes the opportunity to kill all the four ancestors with the highest artifact. "

With tears in his eyes, Gus said, "it turned out to be..."

Rosefinch quickly said: "the master of light can't stop it. It's impossible. When my mother was alive, their unique skills, even the master, couldn't stop several of them, not including the master of light."

Li Zhi sighed, "but he's blocking it."

He said in his heart that light and destiny are one person. No matter how powerful their powers are, they can't break through the lofty artifact.

Gaith said, "Li Zhi..."

Li Zhi saw him.

Gaith said, "I want to ask, are you the God of your ancestors?"

Li Zhi nodded, "yes."

The head of Zhuque clan said, "now you have refined one. Do you have any more?"

Li Zhi smiles a little. He guesses that the four people want to be the God. In their eyes, this is the legacy of their parents. They should get it, but they dare not say it.

But Li Zhi didn't think so. The place where the Godhead was born was the one who had the ability to obtain it, which was the real possession of the LORD God. He said, "if the Lord Godhead falls into the hands of the light master, how can it be given to me? Let me tell you this: Beirut worked hard to get these four gods refined. "

Four people immediately understood.

"Beirut snatched it from the master of light?"

Li Zhi nodded, "yes..."

Gus said solemnly, "Li Zhi, I have one thing to ask you."

Gus took a deep breath. Li Zhi nodded and said, "OK, you say."

Just listen to Gus said: "four ancestors are the ancestors of our four god beast family. We can't pretend we don't know about their death. The four ancestors were killed by the light master. I hope you have a chance to avenge them for us!"

Other people also looked at Li Zhi, Li Zhi nodded, "OK, you can rest assured, I will not be soft."

The four were very grateful.

"Thank you! thank you! Thank you

Li Zhi said with a faint smile: "you must be tired after such a long journey. Let's talk about it at the banquet in the evening."

GAis and others didn't bother much. They left the back garden and were arranged to live nearby by the maid. Li Zhi took a fancy to Jennie and said, "Jennie, you can avoid later. My grandfather and I have something to say."

Jennie nodded, then left for a moment, Beirut and Qinghuo came.

Beirut said with a smile: "Li zhisi, the head of the beast family, has come here and found that you are the LORD God?"

Li Zhi nodded, "it's destruction."

Green fire some doubts, "why does he say this?"

Li Zhi narrowed his eyes and said, "it's strange that the master of destruction went to borrow a hundred superior gods from the four beast family. He didn't know what to do."

Beirut a frown, four beast family?

"It should have been several years ago that the four clan leaders borrowed a hundred three gods from the heaven and earth mountains for at least a few years. It's estimated that the destruction of the master was at the end of the experiment at that time, isn't it?"

Think of destruction dominating the battle at that time, that kind of space turbulence. They also understood the power of this move. He succeeded in this move by studying the four gods and beasts classics.

Beirut said, "Li Zhi, what is the level of cultivation now?"

Just listen to Li Zhi say: "now whether the wind system and water system of the earth have been perfect, except for the earth, the rest are in the comprehension and fusion. My four rules do not give the comprehension and fusion, but they are mutual fusion. They are just different attributes. It's too difficult to fuse them!"

Li Zhi is also very helpless.

Beirut said: "well, I think you'd better hurry up and open up the divinity plane. Although the earth and water system have been completed, opening up the divinity plane will let you understand more."

Qinghuo also said: "it takes a lot of time to open the divine plane, but it may be helpful to you."

When Li Zhi heard this, he opened up the throne. Facing him, he really helped a lot. After the General Lord God became the LORD God, he would open up a plane.

This is the reason why the LORD God will merge the five mysteries. Of course, if he becomes the LORD God, he will not open up any more.

For example, Qinghuo is a great consummation, and refining the main God has become the main God, so he has not been there these years. After all, it takes too much energy to open up a god plane, but what Li Zhi values is not willfulness. Opening up a plane makes use of space and time, which may be helpful to his understanding of time and space?

Several heads of the four beast family stayed in Yulan for several months before they left.

Moreover, he told Li Zhi about revenge and then left, so Li Zhi's four rules of separation are merging elements of separation.

In the turbulence of space.

He's standing in the turbulence of space.

Beirut and Qinghuo are also among them.

Beirut said: "ha ha ha, Li Zhi, it's really nice to see the opening up of two divine planes for the first time. It's rare! "

Li Zhi said before that this time he was going to open up two divine planes at one time. After all, there are two main gods.

"Green fire way:" yes, I haven't seen two

The three are very relaxed. If the enemy comes near, they will return to the Yulan plane in the first time. Li Zhi's God is divided into two parts, one is the God of the big landlord, the other is the God of the water system.

Beirut and Qinghuo stopped talking, and then the boundless light came up on Li Zhi, one yellow and the other green.

With the light flowing down on him, the power of the God becomes more and more. Creating the divine plane is the instinct of the God. Everyone who becomes the God knows the power and the magic of it. Once he opens up the divine plane, he will feel it more.

The effect of different deities is also different. Li Zhi has two deities. This time he plans to create two deities at the same time. Li Zhi's two deities are thousands of miles away. He feels that he will be very tired this time. After all, he has collected the power of deities for thousands of years, which will be used up this time.

At this time, his two gods were separated, and the boundless power of the LORD God was rippling around him. Heart movement, countless torrents into two water polo like things.

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