The old man with white hair said, "yes, Li Zhi is so powerful. His strength is so strong after less than ten thousand years of cultivation."

Li Zhi is very wary of o'fu's admiration. After all, this guy is extremely insidious. In recent decades, there has been an investigation by a superior God on the plane of desire. It seems that he should have been sent by o'fu.

Although Yulan plane does not know its own system, careful investigation can still find clues. After seven or eight thousand years, the legend of Li Zhi's rise still spread in Yulan plane. At that time, after all, he did it when Walton and Blumer were competing.

It's destiny to have a bright mind, and it's also destiny to have Li Zhi.

Although thinking about these things, he didn't show his face. He didn't expect that the two masters had a good feeling for Li Zhi. He was a little surprised at Asia.

But although he didn't want to provoke Li Zhi, he said that Li Zhi had killed several masters of tracia. The master of death said, "wait for all the gods to come and talk about it."

Before long, other gods also came. The first one was the wind god.

Then other gods came, Augusta, Beirut, Qinghuo and Lizhi's Hercules also came. The difference was no more than an hour between heaven and earth.

So more than seventy of them have taken sixty.

Moreover, Li Zhi occupied two Beirut cities by himself and said, "Oh, there are so many people here this time, more than last time. This is the main god of amethyst. They have also come, and the main god of Xuefeng has also come."

Li Zhi and Beirut, the LORD God of Xuefeng, said, "Li Zhi, you will really get into trouble. Did you kill tracia?"

The Amethyst God said, "but are you ready for so many masters of Li Zhi?"

Li Zhi nodded. The concern of the main gods of Bauhinia and Xuefeng made Li Zhi very grateful to the people, vivia and Beirut in red, for their reasonable treatment.

Beirut said, "I'll trouble you two later."

Blood peak Lord God said: "well, Qinghuo Hello, I'm pashi."

Qinghuo said humbly, "Hello, Mr. pashi."

At this time, the voice of indifference came and said, "talk about Li Zhi."

As soon as he spoke, the people around him calmed down.

"Please sit down."

After that, the metal life changed into a huge round table, surrounded by chairs and red clothes, and said, "sit down."

As soon as the master of death said something, everyone did it. Augusta looked at Li Zhi and said, "Li Zhi, kill tracia openly, how can you explain it?"

Just then a gentle voice came, "you four Supreme gods have not forbidden us to kill."

"If you refine a God, you can have one more finger. If you don't prohibit killing, the lower gods will have a peaceful life. So we made the rules that if the lower gods didn't provoke the higher gods, you can't do it. Do it, or you'll be chased by the four of us. Today, Li Zhi suddenly killed tracia, but Li Zhi is also the next God. "

This is a voice from vivia, the God of adult life.

Looking at TIA, he said: "ah, that's right. A person's rank was lower, middle and upper, but it really depended on his strength. For example, although the original four God beasts family was the lower God, their group was the dominant one, because they could unite together with each other. The four God beasts were different. They stipulated that the four God beasts were the dominant one, Li Zhi's strength is not afraid of your jokes. Some time ago, I wanted to talk to Li Zhi. I didn't expect that Li Zhi's strength was stronger than mine. "

The crowd exclaimed, "how can it be?"

All the other gods who came from outside knew that Li Zhi had killed tracia, but they didn't expect that Li Zhi had fought with TIA, because TIA had arranged the fight between them.

When Li Zhi heard this, he took a look at the earth pressure. It was beyond Li Zhi's expectation for TIA to say that he was fighting with him.

I don't think it's going to be a shame.

After all, a master of his own level can't beat a subordinate God, a subordinate God. If he says it, he will be ridiculed by most people

But why does TIA say that?

It's obvious that there are people behind it. Who are they supporting?

Li Zhi glanced at o'fu, who was smiling so innocently! The old boy's face seems to be the same old man. Li Zhi knows that the idea should be from o'fu. O'fu's idea is to support TIA.

Otherwise, TIA would not have said such a shameful thing. Obviously, ORF is really a sinister guy!

At this time, many gods were involved in the discussion of Li Zhi, and many people quarreled, "hum, I don't think he just has two inferior gods."

"Yes, no matter how strong it is, how can the middle God be equal to TIA?"

"You have to know the difference between the lower God and the higher God. The voice of doubt surged in like a blanket of underground. You should know that the middle Lord God's house and the lower Lord God's house are only hundreds of times stronger than the will power. "

TIA said, "well, I don't know what's going on, but Li Zhi is not just the two lower gods!"

Decibel lute said with a sneer: "even so, Li Zhi is just like the middle God. He can't be your opponent, can he?"

Because of Li Zhi, Beirut is not afraid at all. TIA looked at Beirut and said, "Beirut, what do you mean? Don't forget you are the wind Department! It's also my subordinate! "

Beirut burst out laughing, "hum, I say you don't say that, OK? Do you want to laugh me to death? I got this Godhead from the white tiger. What do you have to do with it? "

TIA snorted and didn't say much. He also knew that Beirut was not his God.

So people don't appreciate it at all.

I won't be afraid of myself.

At this time, a man with long feet said: "TIA, I said that there are two main gods here. One big round God has more will power than the ordinary lower main God. At most, he is a middle main God. Isn't he your opponent?"

It must be a strong person who dominates the level.

And he's a lot more influential than Beirut.

Others echoed and asked, "yes, what's going on? Are you lying? "

TIA's almost exploded, he sighed, and finally said helplessly: "I... I've used all the tricks, even the gifted supernatural powers, but he didn't even use the gifted supernatural powers. Why do you think he is so strong? I guess he has other perfect parts, otherwise how can he be so strong?"

After that, all the people were in an uproar,

"Other big perfect parts!"

If this matter is settled, then Li Zhi's strength will be enough, including all the gods present!

Augusta also looked at Li Zhi half of the time. You should know that there have been so many years since the establishment of the universe. At present, there are not many people who are full of happiness, and only a few of the gods have reached perfection. Therefore, everyone will pay attention to the appearance of a full of happiness. How long is it suitable for Li Zhi to practice?

Ten thousand years or so, does this person have so many big and perfect parts?

Everyone didn't believe it. Even the Amethyst God couldn't believe it and looked at Li Zhi.

How many parts does he have? How many parts does Li Zhi have?

The main god of Bauhinia doesn't know, but Li is able to show outside at present. In fact, Bauhinia has found that there is a god of death and a god of thunder.

And there is the separation of destruction.

At the same time, Zijing also knows that Li Zhi has a spirit of life, and Zijing knows that there are eight parts. Several of them are not what he can know when they arrive at Da Yuanman. Now Zijing is also guessing a lot of things.

However, Li Zhi has the things of separation of mind and body, such as the new separation after the integration of life rules and fate rules. He is even less clear. At present, the only people who know the details are vivia and Beirut in red.

Seeing that all the people pay attention to themselves, Li Zhi laughs in his heart. He plans to use his strength to frighten TIA and use his strength to dominate the level.

In this way, with the power of the death masters and their people, it's nothing to kill tracia, but now things seem to have exceeded Li Zhi's plan. Li Zhi guesses that there must be an invisible hand behind him.

He glanced at the smiling ov.

Aofu is the most insidious person. Li Zhizhong thinks that aofu is powerful and resourceful. He doesn't say a word and keeps everything under control.

However, the purpose of Orff's doing this is that you also guess that you want to take this opportunity to explore your real strength. Originally, other people would not pay attention to it.

However, he has done many surprising things. Breaking the rules of heaven and earth leads to his ambition. The high God came, but he was not punished. Now he has killed another main God.

But also defeated TIA, all this is not an ordinary master who can do it? Of course, it's not impossible.

ORF felt that there was a factor beyond his control, and he had to investigate it clearly. Then, suddenly, the poster said, "I! prove! I prove that Li Zhi's strength is absolutely no worse than that of the master! Ladies and gentlemen, listen to me. When manlu and I went to carry out the mission several decades ago, we had a dispute with Li Zhi. Originally, we thought that our strength would reach Li Zhi, but we didn't expect that Li Zhi's momentum had a dominant level, so we said there was no fight, but that momentum was definitely beyond the ordinary God! "

All the people looked at manlu and quickly stood up and said, "it's true. It's on the water system God plane. The water system master can testify."

He stood up and said, "well, it seems that they did have an argument."

But I don't know what happened to Li Zhi's outburst of momentum. At that time, several main gods of the water system God plane also said, "we don't know."

But manlu's words have made many people who don't believe that Li Zhi has a strong power begin to believe it. When the LORD God reaches the level of dominance, he doesn't want to lie. Besides, it's a fact that he was defeated.

How could TIA say such a thing? There is only one real reason for the dispute, which is TIA.

At this time, Orff suddenly made a voice. He had been silent for a long time. He said, "Li Zhihua, do you have the power to dominate the level?"

In the face of everyone's accession to the WTO, Li Zhi immediately said, "that's exactly what it is."

Everyone is talking about this sentence.

"What! He really has the power to dominate the level, how can it be

"Yes, he can't be an ordinary inferior God. How can he have the power to dominate the level?"

Now I hear that Li Zhi himself has admitted that the gods who don't believe in it have completely believed in it.

They all admit it.

Then it must have been true. Soon people thought about why Li Zhi was so strong. He was just two lower gods and one was full of body. At most, he was equal to the middle God.

So how to have the power to dominate the level, is his strength already so strong, and even has been able to beat the strong man of TIA?

TIA is the old master among them. Does he really have countless big consummation?

The poster then stood up and said, "listen to me again, I sent several messengers of my Lord God to wander a few decades ago. Unexpectedly, they passed by Yulan plane, which is Li Zhi's hometown. Well, Li Zhi's name is among them, but it's very famous. Many people can tell his story."

At this time, the LORD God of Xuefeng glanced at his mouth, disdaining to say: "I said, which one of the LORD God from the material plane is not amazing and gorgeous, who is not suitable for a plane legend, is not it normal to be told? Like Li Zhi, he is so young, his deeds will certainly be worshipped in the material mask. What's so strange about it?

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