"Your soul attack is very strong, worthy of being the master!"

O-fu said: "although you are qualified to fight me, you will die."

Li Zhi just looked at him and said with a smile: "maybe your eyesight is better than mine, and you still have the soul to defend the supreme artifact. If I go on fighting like this, I may fall down! "

There was a look of interest on o'orff's face, and he said, "what? Is there anything else you can do? "

Li Zhi laughs, "of course, Zhigao artifact? Who didn't! "

At this time, many people found a figure rushing to come, and it had already appeared in the range of the people when they turned around. Li Zhi, wearing a white robe, separated from the turbulent flow of space just like fusion and separation.

Nowadays, Li Zhi's cultivation is constantly improving, and his understanding of the law of time is different. Time is actually divided into life and death. In other words, when life and death control, fate is life control, and destruction is death. How to integrate life and fate with separation of mind and body? In other words, Li Zhi now has mastered the power of life.

If one day destruction and death merge again, it is destruction in time.

Li Zhi came here from his comfort of fusion, and its speed has reached the extreme. The distance of hundreds of millions of miles is almost in the blink of an eye. It is precisely because of Li Zhi's influence on the change of the flow of time around, the rules of time, So when many owners see Li Zhi, they feel that this person is also very popular. The speed of the ticket has exceeded the speed of the score, and the way Li Zhi is on his way is really shocking.

"Why don't you have the smell of water system and atmosphere, but like fate?" said offee

After this question, the gods also looked at Li Zhi. They were also very confused. In the turbulent space, even Da Yuanman would be lost.

It is generally acknowledged that the LORD God also knows that Li Zhi has the land and water system. The LORD God has killed tracia now. It is reasonable to say that there should be wind. The LORD God thought it was these people.

But I didn't expect that. Li Zhi looked around and said, "it's not the separation of God and God, but the separation of fate and life."

O - Fu said: "no, the seven main gods of fate and life are here, and there is no more God. What's the matter with you?"

Li Zhi said: "I'm a soul mutator. Now these two distractions are completely integrated."

Li Zhi, this is a good explanation.

Although it is not the soul mutation, it can be said that it has surpassed the soul mutation in fusion.

Everyone was stunned, completely stupid. Li Zhitai was obsessed with the heaven. The full-fledged soul mutant has now merged the rules of connection into two parts. How can the will power plus a hundred times of strength surpass the spirit of humility? At least the people who live here are very surprised!

Now there are five levels of domination in history. If we do not stick to the principle of separation, is there any other evidence of separation? What kind of strength? What is soul variation? What are the lines of variation? Is it all variation or one or two variation?

Just when they were shocked by Li Zhi's strength, Li Zhi took out a green sword. When the sword appeared, the surrounding space was shocked, and the breath of the supreme artifact shocked them.

They recognized that this is the highest artifact of the heart!

It's not something that's happened before. O'fu can't help but say in a cold voice, "you! Have you finished the mission to Gaocheng? " Li Zhi said with a smile, "yes, this is the seventh supreme mission. I have finished it! Thanks to TIA! TIA, the crown is the mission object of the Supreme God's mission. Thank you

With a sneer on her face, TIA gritted her teeth and said, "what are you talking about? It's a token of the Supreme God. "

Li Zhi didn't have to think about it. He knew that TIA was dying of regret. The task of the Supreme God fulfilled other people's Li Zhi. He laughed, "yes, that's it."

Everyone is quietly thinking about whether he has offended Li Zhi. Now, Li Zhi has been listed as the strong one at the level of rule domination, and everyone is celebrating.

Li Zhi didn't offend him when he was the next Lord God. I won't come to trouble myself. At most, there will be only one more respectful person in the future. Of course, there will be regrets. Those who regret that time are manlu and bottie.

Although there are members of the OV camp, they are also afraid to be missed by such a strong man.

Beirut and Qinghuo were also very happy to see the expression of the crowd. Beirut said to Qinghuo, "Hey, do you see what you usually have to sell? I'm all counselled now!"

Green fire is also happy to say: "Hey, also, after we no longer have to stay in the Magnolia continent, where you want to go!"

In the past, they were afraid to go out because they were afraid of Augusta, Beirut and Qinghuo. Now that Li Zhiqiang is horizontal, they are no longer afraid.

Beirut said happily: "let's see who dares to offend us both in the future. I've been waiting for 20000 years, and finally I can go out. "

Li Zhi looked at Ao Fu and said, "let's fight, Li Zhi at this time. Identity body and earth identity, together, the weapon in hand has been changed into the supreme sword of life. "

O-fu looked at Li Zhiding and said, "you surprise me. I want to see what kind of things you can create."

Li Zhi also nodded, "so that you can have a look!"

Then, the powerful and strange fluctuation sent out a 15 million Li void shock on him. The main gods were scared and quickly retreated. A pan long with several million meters appeared behind Li Zhi.

The dragon's Dragon's head is staring at aofu coldly.

Longyin appears. Many of the main gods are silly. The green dragon behind Li Zhi is too strong. How can it be so big and so congealed? The talent power needs blood and soul to display. Blood has the power to support talent power, while soul is energy. The stronger the soul is, the stronger the talent power is.

But after all, o-fu has a soul and defends the supreme artifact, so it's useless for him. However, talent and supernatural power don't necessarily affect the soul, and so do the rules of time.

Moreover, Li Zhi has now understood the rules of life of the rules of time. At this time, exerting this talent has a great influence on time. The speed of his area is slowing down. And sold a thousand times, almost completely static.

When Li Zhi was testing his talent, his body appeared in front of o'fu again, and the supreme artifact of life in his hand stabbed at o'fu's forehead. Li Zhi's speed plus the speed of time.

This sword is almost less than before, and the main gods who watched the battle resisted the breath. After seeing this move once, it seems that this sword is no longer the four elephant o-fu's.

They were stabbed at.

If you don't like Li Zhi, those animals should think about it specially. Although o-fu is powerful and has the highest artifact of soul, Li Zhi's attack is totally material!

When Li Zhi was about to detect o-fu, o-fu broke away from the shackles of time and quickly dodged back. Li Zhi's sword could not be taken back and cut down. Although o-fu escaped Li Zhi's inevitable killing, Li Zhi's common sword was also on his neck.

O'Neal regained his mobility. But his reaction was not as good as that of Li Zhi, who suddenly became weak. After cutting off half of his body, o-fu was not hurt much. After all, he was the master of fate. After cutting off half of his body, his head and left half of his body retreated dozens of miles away from Li Zhi.

Li Zhi knew that he was going to continue to fight. When he was about to kill aofu completely, Li Zhi found that four divine beasts appeared on aofu's head. The green dragon, white tiger and Zhu que Xuanwu were still.

The violent power seems to calm down, and the transparent light says the disorder of time and space from o-fu's mouth. Li Zhi's cold mouth opens, and then two transparent lights and shadows appear. Li Zhi's soul is good at attacking fate and life, and the fused body and soul are extremely powerful.

If he didn't want to be rich in soul to defend the supreme artifact, Li Zhi would be able to kill Ao Fu with his soul attack, and the two rays would collide. It all dissipated in the end.

O-fu looked at Li Zhi and said in a quiet voice: "fierce, you can block my move."

Li Zhi also said: "I didn't expect to escape. I admire you very much."

Ao Fu is ready to re unite and refine his body. Li Zhi's sneak attack on him was leveled by AO Fu. Now Li Zhi knows that he can't sneak attack again.

Aofu, who has suffered a loss once, will certainly step up his defense, so Li Zhi simply doesn't pursue the drama, but stands in the void. Aofu said: "stop, I won't give you another chance to display Longyan. Your material attack is very strong, but without Longyin, you can't kill me. Soul attack is useless to me. Your speed is faster than I want to kill you, It's impossible for me to kill you. We've been fighting for thousands of years, and we may not get results. "

Li Zhifu was a little surprised that o-fu proposed to stop, but he understood that o-fu was right.

No one can win, and the battle has no effect. Li Zhi said, "OK, I'm curious. Tell me why you can use time and space disorder? You don't have any animal essence, do you

O-fu has no way to destroy the master. He knows the principle of space-time disorder. It takes the blood of the four beasts to perform this move. O-fu can't have it.

At this time, o-fu relieved the hostility, and explained faintly: "does utreid research institute need the menstrual blood of the four beasts? But I've studied it for a long time, and I found that it can be used without blood essence, but it's not so strong. "

Li Zhi understood. Just now, he also thought why the power of o-fu was different from utred's?

O-fu looked at Li Zhi and said, "let's put the Ogu garden there first. I'll make it back in 100000 years. Then we'll decide whether to win or lose."

Li Zhi's strength has been formally established, and now he is also regarded as an opponent. At least two people with equal strength can be the pusher. Li Zhi is also regarded as the only opponent by AO Fu, even utred. Li Zhixin said, do you really want to work out a way to transcend reincarnation?

Even so, it's just a God who can create the universe. How can you be my opponent then?

Li Zhi nodded and said, "OK, let's fight again in 100000 years. And then it's not just the garden of Orff, it's our battle of life and death. "

This time, Li Zhi and his colleagues didn't communicate. On the contrary, they said that everyone was very curious about the garden. What's the secret involved?

The first World War after 100000 years has been confirmed. Many gods who have lived for a long time sigh in their hearts. It seems that the sky has changed.

The fall of the four gods and beasts, which only took tens of thousands of years, has brought down so many main gods. Maybe after 100000 years, whether it's o-fu or Li Zhi's quotations, then it's estimated that the main ascension stage will start again.

Three hundred trillion years ago, the LORD God fell more than 20 years in a short period of 500000 years!

It can even be said that many gods rose at that time.

Later, in the black period, the main god accepted the fighting between the main God, and then the rule master completed the task of the Supreme God, and the supreme artifact obtained had the right to speak. In order to prevent the occurrence of Dictyophora, several masters of the doctrine made rules not to fight in private.

Li Zhi broke the balance.

The whole body's agreement has gone, o-fu said: "because my business delayed everyone, so let's pronounce a sentence. I think tracia was killed by his explosion. Li Zhi didn't violate the agreement when he killed him."

Looking at Ao Fu's appearance, everyone knows that whether Li Zhi has violated the rules or not, then Li Zhi must have no problem. Who dares to restrict such a strong strength?

Red also said: "of course, no crime."

Tracia nodded. "No sin."

Vivia also said, "no sin!"

Li Zhi was found not guilty at all levels.

TIA did not dare to say anything else, and he could only echo, "not guilty."

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