Sibi breathes in unison and subconsciously thinks that Li Zhi is playing with her.

But seeing that the other person's expression didn't look like cheating at all, she said angrily, "I'm not your fiancee, what are you talking about?"

Li Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, then patted his chest and said, "Oh, fortunately you are not so good."

This sentence almost made Sibi faint. She knew that she would be angry to death if she spoke to Li Zhi again. She took a deep breath and said, "I'm a saint! Do you know, saint of the Church of light? "

"I don't know, but I knew my daughter-in-law's name was SPI."

SPI was so mad that she roared, "I don't care about you!"

He glared at Li Zhi's eyes and was ready to leave. At this time, Li Shi found that she had already soared into the air and used the floating technique. Li Zhi immediately said, "Hey, I say you are a saint. You throw me in the wilderness. What should I do if I am eaten by Warcraft?"

He pretended to be pathetic.

When she heard what he said, she hesitated for a moment and said suspiciously, "didn't you say you were a saint? Isn't a saint supposed to help people? Aren't you

"I'm not a fake, of course," said SPI angrily, "but you say you're a man with no power to bind a chicken. How can you come to the forest?"

She also found a loophole in Li Zhi's painting. She thought it was not normal. There were so many Warcraft in the wilderness in the nearest city for several days, but the people in front of her were clean and tidy though there was a little dust on her clothes.

Li zhileng was stunned. I didn't expect that the other party had a brain.

It seems that she is not big chested and brainless. He said, "Oh, I went to Tenglong city. I went from Tenglong city to Guangming city to find my daughter-in-law. I heard that she was ill, so I had to take the path. But in the afternoon, a blue bird threw me here. Fortunately, I fell on the branch, otherwise I would die."

After hearing these words, Sibi frowned and said, is it the high-level Warcraft of shenyufeng Shenying?

Li Zhi's expression is very vivid. No matter how vicious she is, he is also a little girl, and Li Zhi's performance is too exquisite, so she has no doubt.

SPI said helplessly: "although you are very annoying, but fortunately you also believe in the God of light, then I'll go along with you. It's too late tonight. Let's sleep out."

Li Zhi is meaningless. He was going to be here.

It's just one more woman around. In fact, if Sibi didn't have the bottom of her face, it would be very beautiful. Li Zhi felt sorry for him. Sibi gently sang, "God of light has given me strength to protect my surroundings."

Then there was a border around.

Li Zhi said strangely, "what kind of magic is it? How can it not react?"

SPI looked at him and said, "what is this? What do you know? I think it's transparent! I can't see it on the surface, you see! "

Then he picked up a stone from the ground and threw it forward. Sure enough, the stone fell down when it arrived at that place.

Li was a little surprised. How could it be? There's no reason. If SPI meets this barrier, what happens when she takes a bath. Let oneself rush in, think carefully not quite right, when he jumped in, he really felt the resistance.

But he didn't feel too much. Seeing Li Zhi's astonishment, Li Zhi thought he was stunned. This holy light border is also his most proud magic, which can only be performed in the realm of a wizard.

"I want to ask you something," said SPI, pretending not to care. Li Zhi, did you see anyone else tonight? "

In fact, she is still worried. After all, she has been seen. "

Li Zhi said quietly: "no, I don't know about other people. I'll see you.

Li Zhixin said, "I can't admit it even if I'm killed. I'll go and peek at people myself."

SPI face unnaturally said: "Oh, well, then, I practice, you find a place to sleep."

She sat by the river, and soon she was in the state of cultivation.

Li Zhi knows that the magician in the state of meditation does not have strong fluctuations, and generally will not wake up.

Li Zhi went to the place just now and found that the place where the stone fell should be close. He took a look, so he stretched out his hand first, and found that there was something in the way.

But that thing is as thin as paper. It's easy to stretch out. Li Zhi is very interested in this kind of thing. If jiejie is really immune to him, it's interesting.

He tried several times, and sure enough, he could pass easily. When chaos Xuangong met the enchantment, he directly absorbed the magic energy inside. If Li Zhi relied on the enchantment, it would not take long for the enchantment to disappear.

Li Zhi is very excited about his discovery, and a little puzzled about SPI. Is it too easy for him to trust others?

Even if he doesn't have the ability to penetrate the border, SPI is so obvious in front of him. If he cares, I'm afraid the other party has been threatened.

Li Zhi thinks that he should practice for a while?

The first level of chaos Xuangong has been running independently. The power of Li Zhi's soul is very powerful, and the skill is created by himself, but it needs to be re cultivated.

It's better to practice the magic of the world directly. According to the meditation and inspirational ideas in books, he knows that it is to communicate the magic elements in the air. Generally speaking, if it is fire constitution, the fire and Magic Elements in the air will dominate.

If it's other, it's other elements that dominate. In fact, the cultivation of magic and Dharma is similar. They are all about inner peace, absorbing magic elements, or absorbing free energy in the air.

Li Zhi realized that there was a ray of light in haidang. There was purple lightning in that ray. It was not as dark as the meditation book said. So he looked at the purple ray doubtfully and felt very familiar with it. After he found it, those purple rays seemed to feel his thoughts, just like he was coquetry.

Around him, Li Zhi found that this is the electrical energy he absorbed? That should be the energy in the prison. Li Zhi thought, is it really that kind of element?

According to the truth, the book says that no one can use several other magic, although there are many unknown areas, but the energy of lightning, thunder magic is not one of them? Think about it

It's better to summon the magic elements in the air instead of wasting them to see what kind of constitution it is. Its spiritual power calls Li Zhi's heart in the air. He finds that the sky resonates with it, and then the blue energy flows into the sea, and then the red, yellow, white and dark, all kinds of colors and multicolored lights are integrated into his body.

Li Zhi also found other colors, one is lightning magic, the other is cyan magic, it is estimated that it is a new element. Li Zhi suddenly had a brainstorm, and his consciousness of the sea sent out a wave of affinity.

"Hello, you guys."

He found that the magic elements are not lifeless as they are written in the book. He felt that these magic elements had emotions and liked him around him.

In this way immersed in absorbing magic, I do not know how long, he found that all the magic elements continue to gather, the speed is also slow.

He thought in his mind that the slow absorption was due to the bottleneck?

In fact, this is not the case at all. It's because he absorbed too many magic elements, too fast. He absorbed all the magic elements around him, and the speed of Li Zhi's absorption was too frightening. At this time, it was already dawn, and the birds began to sing.

Li Zhi stood up, intoxicated with the fresh air. Looking at the child's practice, Li Zhi wondered if he wanted to try the thunder magic in the sea of consciousness?

And what is the cyan energy magic element? Let's try the lightning energy first. With a move of mind, he tried his best to penetrate the lightning magic. Could it be that this is the lightning magic? He always thought that magic should not be so simple. Then he patted his head and finally knew what was wrong.

The energy emitted by fingertips is the energy of one's own body. The magic element is in one's own body, but it doesn't resonate with the air, so it can't produce powerful magic.

Li Zhi thought that if he used thunder magic to fight, there would be no lightning magic in the world. Suddenly, the other side would be cut into pieces by lightning. Must it be very enjoyable?

Heart is not as good as action. Now he realizes that the thunder in the sea starts to trigger the thunder attribute in the air. Now he can't understand why the spell should be added when the magic is triggered?

It's ok if he doesn't recite it. At this time, he can't think so much. He is the first one who doesn't recite it in this experiment. He feels the constant call of lightning magic in the air, just like the call of lightning magic in his body.

There was a blue glow in the sky.

The blue light flickered in the clouds, which made Li Zhi very happy!

He has created a new kind of magic, lightning magic!

But just when Li Zhi thought that the lightning was going to hit the target he wanted to add, he felt that it was dark in front of him.

The thunder and lightning in the sky suddenly dissipated, and the brightness was restored. He checked the sea of consciousness and found that there were only a few magic elements left.

There are too few magic elements in the sea of consciousness to summon a large-scale magic.

Li Zhi has no choice but to think that he is a genius. Now he can't even let out a little magic. In fact, he doesn't know the rules of the world. Lightning is very powerful. The magic he called just now is too powerful.

With the lightning magic he absorbed all night, he couldn't summon it!

So how much magic does powerful magic need?

Since lightning magic is not successful, try the blue magic?

His mental power released the cyan element again. Li Zhi didn't know what the cyan was, er, a magic element. With the release of the blue magic elements, Li Zhi didn't know how to control them. Because there was no magic, he yelled, "Damn it! Out

Then there was an accident

There was a gust of wind blowing in the holy light barrier. Fortunately, the wind came and went quickly.

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