Li Zhi's eyes twinkled and said, "OK, I won't ask you. But you see we are so dirty. Do you want to take a bath? "

SPI's body was a little dirty and uncomfortable.

But he said, "I don't want to take a mandarin duck bath with you. You can do it here. I'll go up and do it."

Li Zhi just washes here with a smile. Sibi warns, "you think it's beautiful. I'll go up. You're not allowed to peep."

Li Zhi said, "you are afraid that I will peek at you. You set up a border."

SPI took a look at him and suddenly turned around and said, "don't think I didn't know it was you last time!"

Li Zhi was stunned. Unexpectedly, he was found, but how did he find out?

At this time, Li Zhi also gets into the water and washes the dirt on his body. He lies on the water and looks at the starry sky. Suddenly, he feels a little empty. He feels uncomfortable with SPI's expression. Recently, he feels that SPI is going to leave him.

With a sigh, Li Zhi didn't go to check. He knew if he was going to leave. He couldn't stop him. If the other party wasn't ready, he would drink a little wine and take out a piece of jade from the space ring.

It's the jade in the belly of the bear of the earth. It radiates soft and bright light. I always think that if it is embedded in the staff, it will be stronger than any running in, right?

He thought that he would find a magic wand to make a magic sign for SPI. SPI stood on the bank in the distance and said, "Oh, why haven't you finished washing it? It's more troublesome than me?"

After bathing, her long dark green hair exudes more charm. Li Zhi takes out a suit of clothes.

After he put on his clothes, he looked more handsome. After he jumped over, he stopped Sibi's demon and said, "it's getting late. Shall we have a rest?"

She was so weak that she said in a panic: "I don't sleep, I don't sleep..."

And Li Zhi stretched out his tongue and licked it in his ear, saying, "I'm going to sleep. Today I'm holding you."

Sibi felt that the numbness in her ear was like an electric shock. Hearing Li Zhi's words again made her blush to her neck.

I want to break away, but I'm hugged by Li Zhi.

"Then you can't do anything," said the voice the size of a mosquito

Li Zhi said with a smile, "I promise not to move. I'm a gentleman."

This sentence made Sibi stare at him. After you found an empty place, Li Zhi said mysteriously: "you should close your eyes first.

"What the hell? "Mysterious and mysterious"

But he still closed his eyes and his long eyelashes were shaking, which made Li Zhi feel stunned.

Li Zhi has ignored the terrible birthmark. When she sees Li Zhi, she doesn't respond and says, "how are you?"

Li Zhi said, "right now!"

He moved out the big bed from the ring. When Li Zhi heard that it was ok, Sibi was shocked to open her eyes. A huge and luxurious bed was made of precious wood.

What's more, she didn't know what material it was made of. She was stunned to see that the ring in Li Zhi's hand was strange. Then Li Zhi pulled his little hand and said, "let's sleep!"

SPI said in a panic, "you promised me not to move."

In fact, he knows that if he insists on taking his body, he can't refuse. Li Zhi lies down in his arms, puts his arms around Si Bi, pats him on the back, and Si Bi takes a slight breath to smell the smell of Li Zhi.

He felt very peaceful. He thought it was nice to sleep in his arms. Originally, he thought Li Zhi would make moves.

But I didn't expect that Li Zhi held him safely and didn't move any more. In fact, Li Zhi didn't want to move. Now she's in his arms.

If he wants to move, he'll be a beast. Maybe she won't refuse.

But that night Li Zhi had a very sweet sleep. Maybe the fragrance of jasmine on SPI made him fall asleep.

Vaguely, he seemed to have a dream that it rained in the sky. The gloomy and depressing rain made him very uncomfortable.

After waking up, she reluctantly showed a bitter smile. As expected, she went away. Her chest was wet. It was bitter tears. He sighed, "it's sad. Why do you want to leave?"

At this time, it wasn't dawn, but Li Zhi didn't want to sleep. He got out of bed and found it was a letter. The contents of the letter are not many words. It says Li Zhi,

"When you wake up, I leave. I'm afraid you won't let me go when you wake up, so I release a magic for you. I'm afraid I've fallen in love with you. If you're an ordinary person, I'll stay with you, but you're not, so I can't stay with you."

Seeing this, he was very confused. Why are ordinary people with him? Girls don't want to have a strong man!

Li Zhi continued to look down,

"The rule of the Moxi is that once you marry the Moxi, you can't marry another woman."

"If you are an ordinary person, I can marry you and control you firmly, but I know you are not. One day you will stand at the top of the world. You are not allowed to have an ugly person around you. I don't want you to be ridiculed and looked down upon by others, so there should be better women or a large group of better women around you. I'm gone."

Seeing this letter, Li Zhi couldn't laugh or cry. She didn't expect that what she cared about was that it might be difficult for her to be monogamous. After all, tenglongcheng had other troubles. As for the birthmark, Li Zhi didn't care either. In fact, the girl still had low self-esteem.

Li Zhixin said that I will find your little girl to see where you are going. Li Zhi is very careful. After receiving the letter, I meditated and came to this world. In fact, I experienced a lot in a few days.

When the sky was shining, Li Zhi stood up and straightened his back. He still studied the rules of the world first. The law of the jungle can't change in any world. A rising sun enveloped him, and his pride surged.

Laugh and walk towards the direction of Guangming city. Maybe you can see SPI there.

After two or three hours of rushing on the road, Li Zhi couldn't support himself. Although chaos Xuangong's physical strength was not weak, his cultivation was still too weak after several hours of rushing on the road. Suddenly, he had a flash of light. If any kind of magic, magic can fly, it's not the wind magic, but the wind magic in the sea of consciousness.

He was going to create a flying skill. His body flew into the middle of the air and rushed forward, but he fell down immediately before he got excited. Fortunately, he was ready to land on the ground. He said that his magic power was not enough!

It's too depressing, but I can't practice magic for a while. Flying consumes so much magic. What should I do?

He thought about it for a while and suddenly patted his thigh. Yes, it's a little bit difficult. Can't he just let his body run on?

Like the earth bear releasing gravity, wouldn't it be good to let your body become light? He thought of it and summoned the magic element.

The elements of the wind system make his body smooth, and then use his internal power to continue, and then use Xuangong to continue on his way. Moreover, Xuangong consumes only half of the previous ups and downs.

Just like a ghost, he walked forward for 20 minutes, and the speed of his actual effect of windblast was slowing down, but fortunately, this deformity didn't consume much magic power at all.

He set himself free again for a day's work, and finally inquired about the small town, which was only about three days away.

And Li Zhi calculated his own speed, about half a day. Looking for a hotel to stay, after eating and drinking, I didn't love to go out under the light.

In the room, Li Zhi read the magic books and found out some of them. He even read the dark magic books. There are dozens of books in front of him.

He also read it directly, from the origin of magic to the beginning, and slowly saw that time passed quickly. Unconsciously, he was immersed in the book.

After reading the last book, Li Zhi pushed the window open.

It was still a dark town outside, and now it was quiet, he said, "it's really tiring."

Looking back, I found that there were many books like hills on the desk. I didn't expect that he couldn't believe it after reading so many books. It seemed that he had strong mental power. That's good!

An ordinary mortal read so many books in one night.

Then he picked up the ultimate magic of fire, but there was no deviation between the things in his mind and those in the book. Now he really indulged in it.

However, he is not thinking about his mental power. Now he knows that magic is not simply divided into primary, intermediate and advanced levels.

Each magic knowledge is divided into eleven levels, one to three levels are primary.

Four to six is intermediate, seven to nine is advanced.

In fact, it belongs to Holy Land magic, level 11 is forbidden curse.

This kind of forbidden incantation can be overwhelming. Fireball and water polo are all first-class magic. Magic apprentices can release them.

The standard of intermediate magicians is to master level 1 to level 3 magic, and release level 4 magic. It's not easy for advanced magicians to master level 6 magic.

Release level 7 magic reluctantly. After level 7, the more powerful great mage will arrive. Level 9 is the wizard. Level 11 is the great mage.

That's the real top class.

In the forbidden curse of level 11, he only thought about himself, holding a staff to recite.

Next, the square in front of the hundred miles are turned into fly ash, or the magician watching it!

He obviously absorbed Magic Elements crazily. Among them, he found that thunder magic absorbed much faster than other magic.

It wasn't long before he woke up. At this time, there was a lot of noise outside the window. Li Zhi found that it was noon when he went downstairs to look for the restaurant. He found that there were many people in the restaurant.

He found a place to sit down and ordered two small dishes. Only then did he know that he had really stayed in his room for one night. Li Zhi ordered some fruit wine and two more dishes.

Li Zhi finds that life is really beautiful, but she is not around.

Li Zhihou remembers watching the people around him come to this world.

He hasn't observed the people around him. Most of the people who come here to eat are businessmen, some mercenaries, magicians and orcs. As for orcs and elves, he doesn't see them.

But it's no surprise that elves generally live in the elves forest, while orcs are rejected by humans. The recipients are all over the continent.

At last, he felt the border of Hengduan Mountains. After paying the bill, Li Zhi's eyes lit up. He saw a beautiful horse outside the door. He was very handsome and red.

There was no motley color, and his powerful muscles made him look very handsome. The horse was not tied, but stood there haughtily, looking at those who wanted to get close from time to time.

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