Lucia said sheepishly, "I'm not coming back? You know what? I'll have a good time out this time. I'll introduce some friends to you... "

She pointed to Li Zhi and said, "this is my good friend... Li Zhi, Manniu, youyou and Wushuang. This is my good friend Nika..."

Li Zhi said with a smile, "Oh? So I'm just a good friend? "

Lucia blushed and said, "this..."

She continued to blush and said, "this is Li Zhi, my husband. Is he handsome?"

Nika's eyes widened. "What? Princess! Princess, you! You know we can't intermarry with human beings! The queen knows it's no good! "

Lucia said pitifully, "I can't manage so much. I like him so much. I'm his man already."

Nica looked at Lucia in shock. She didn't expect that she should do such a rebellious thing. It was very lively.

Lucia took Nica's hand. "Let's take our friends in first."

Nica was embarrassed and said, "princess, we don't allow outsiders to enter the forest."

Lucia said, "this is not an outsider. This is my man. Let them in. My mother has them. I'll explain! "

Nika has a bad look at Li Zhi. She thinks that Lucia has been cheated.

Although these people look good, but know people know face, not heart ah.

Nika said, "no, it's going to be elves day soon. Well, I'll inform the queen first, and he will agree to see you."

Nica was resolute, and Lucia couldn't come to Li Zhi and said, "Li Zhi, I'm sorry..."

Li Zhi touched Lucia's head and said, "well, we'd better not break your rules. Don't embarrass you for a long time."

At this time, strong energy burst out in the air. Li Zhi was matchless. They looked at each other and saw that the kidney of the elves was not small. Besides the queen of the elves, it was estimated that the elders also came.

Li Zhi thought that the mother-in-law looked very powerful, and then several figures appeared. Li Zhi found that several figures appeared not far away. Standing in front of him was a 25-6-year-old woman. She was extremely elegant, with a concave and convex figure and tender skin.

It's much better than Leng you. Ripe peaches.

Behind him are a group of old people, old men and old women. Maybe they are elders?

Lucia ran over and said, "mother."

When Li Zhi came back, he found that this woman was the queen of the elves. Is she too young?

You look so beautiful. Will you have other ideas after you get along for a long time?

The queen of the elves talks to Lucia. Lucia blushes and nods. The Queen looks at Li Zhi and finally stares at him.

There was a chill on his face, and the overwhelming momentum came down.

The grass and trees around him all moved, and Li Zhi showed a smile at the corner of his mouth. The interior was moving, and chaos Xuangong was directly arranged around him to look at him.

A strange color flashed in the eyes of the fairy queen, and the bull next to Li Zhi was forced back a few steps.

But lengyouyou and Wushuang didn't move.

This can see the strength of the gap, see the other side aggressive, Li Zhi is not polite. Xinjian Mobile has a strong and incomparable spirit, and the spirit has pressed around.

Li Zhi's spirit is so powerful that he doesn't know how strong it is. But the fairy queen's face turned white. He stepped back half a step. When the seven elders behind him felt something wrong, they all stepped forward and suddenly suppressed Li Zhi.

The strongest members of the elves are not Li Zhi. They can resist Li Zhi and feel that they are facing the vast universe. The viscera felt uncomfortable for a while, as if they were burnt out by the fire.

Matchless and Leng youYou are about to come and do it. Li Zhi said in a soft voice in their ears, "don't move me."

In fact, it's not that Li Zhi doesn't want to ask them to help, but that the mental power of the eight people in front of him has formed a strange turbo force. If external forces enter, Li Zhi will be crushed. Like a small boat in the sea, he may be crushed by the waves at any time.

Lucia helplessly watched the fight between the two sides, tears were streaming down, are her relatives, how to do? See Li Zhi's look.

Her heart will be broken, but she can't do anything.

Li Zhiping breathes his internal organs,

He was very angry. He didn't expect that the kind elves would kill him.

All of a sudden, he showed a strange look. He suddenly formed a big hand and grasped the belly of the fairy queen.

Hard pinch!

The belly was pinched to hear the queen scream, and the whirlpool of dazzle spirit power formed by several people directly split. Li Zhi took the opportunity to retreat.

The fairy queen and the elders stepped back and turned pale.

Li Zhi looks at the fairy queen and smiles. Suddenly he spurts out a mouthful of blood.

Leng youyou exclaimed, "Li Zhi!"

Her cold eyes directed at the elves.

Several people's forehead Black Lotus flash send a shade of light.

When Lucia saw Li Zhi spitting blood, she burst into tears and glared at the fairy queen. She held Li Zhi's hand and said, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault..."

Li Zhi shook his head, "it's OK."

He secretly held Leng youyou and told her not to act rashly. After all, the dark Vatican is still naked now. Li Zhi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at the fairy queen and said, "it's very soft, not bad."

Such words are inexplicable, but the fairy queen's face is red.

Then she stares at Li Zhi. Her status is so noble and her body is pure. Although she is a fairy queen, she has children. However, the children are not born by him and her husband, but by the fairy tree.

But now she was touched by Li Zhi. Originally, she didn't want to kill Li Zhi. She wanted to try to find out the details. By the way, she taught him a lesson. However, the spirit of the other party was too strong. Later, after several elders joined, she couldn't stop. Li Zhi said sarcastically, "how do you lead guests of the elves? It's very special that we are not welcome to leave. Why be so cruel? "

Li Zhixin said that other people would have died thousands of times if it had not been for his strong mental power.

Li Zhi waved his hand and said, "let's go."

A few elder leagues of the elves came around. Li Zhi's eyes narrowed. Lucia looked at the queen of elves. The queen of elves sighed. It's true that her daughter has grown up.

She said, "are you Li Zhi? I was wrong just now, but you cheated my daughter after all. Now please go in, lest you say we don't know how to treat guests. "

Lucia was happy. "Thank you, mother! That's very kind of you

The queen gave her a white look.

Li Zhi didn't expect the queen to have such amorous feelings when she was angry.

However, I think my daughter was cheated and ran away. I think she would be very angry. Under the leadership of the fairy queen, Li Zhi and her daughter entered the fairy forest.

After going in, Li Zhi found that Lucia really didn't talk nonsense. She was so beautiful. Everyone was intoxicated in it, whether it was a stream or a plant or a tree.

Small animals are also very docile, not afraid of people at the foot of the shuttle.

Lucia said to one side, "how about the fairy forest, isn't it beautiful?"

She took Li Zhi's hand and did not avoid suspicion at all.

Li Zhiyi said with a smile, "well, it's very beautiful. It's good to provide for the aged."

Lucia said, "yes, yes, that's good. How about living here?"

Li Zhi said with a smile, "that's not good. This kind of environment will wear away people's spirit. People should work hard. Cough..."

He felt a pain in his lungs, which must have been a pain just now.

Leng youyou said, "did you hurt the meridians?"

Last time Li Zhi explained it to him. Although she didn't understand it, she didn't understand it, but she also remembered the word.

Li Zhi nodded, "if you have nothing to do, just take a breath."

They didn't have to worry about sleeping all night. After walking around, they saw a piece of grass. There were exquisite wooden houses built in the grass, which should be the house of the elves. There were many elves children playing. The elves queen and several elders came back, and the elves came to see them.

They look at Li Zhi curiously. Because of many elves, they have never gone out of the spiritual forest or seen the outside world in their life. They have never seen the pagoda of the elves queen of other races. Got a big palace.

Inside, of course, the palace is also made of wood, which is very close to nature. After leaving Lucia, I arranged Li Zhi and them in a courtyard. Now Li Zhi really wants to make fun of them.

He flew a few kisses at Lucia. But I didn't expect to be seen by the fairy queen. She was so angry that her teeth itched. She took her daughter out to the house and said, "Lucia, tell me about these days. Hurry up."

Lucia leaned on the shoulder of the fairy queen. Suddenly she rubbed her head and said, "it's not as comfortable as Li Zhi's shoulder."

She didn't say it too clearly. The queen didn't hear it clearly. If she heard it clearly, she would scold her. Lucia told the story of the outside world, "Oh, I'll tell my mother..."

As time went by, it was evening. At this time, Lucia talked about how Guangming city and Li Zhi got to know each other, and then went to the event.

And then how to say that Li Zhi killed people by the earthworm, and transferred Li Zhi and he Leng to the secret room. When it comes to adventure, he is also worried and laughs when it comes to happiness.

Listening to her daughter talking about the fairy queen, it seems that some of her views on Li Zhi have changed a lot. Lucia said that this young man is not simple, brave and resourceful, but a good match.

A few elders in the clan are not sure if they will agree to intermarry with human beings?

Then Lucia waved and a bow appeared in her hand. What do you think it is, mother? Seeing the appearance of the spirit bow, the spirit king's look changed. Where did you get it

Lucia said with a smile: "Li Zhi found it for me from the ruins!"

After the fairy queen took the bow, she found that it was indeed the fairy God bow, so he said, "great, you have found the fairy God bow that has been lost for two thousand years."

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