Niu touzu Chang is very happy to be flattered by Li Zhi, and he is also enthusiastic about Li Zhi.

Of course, as the head of a family, it's impossible to be flattered by Li Zhi in a few words. It's because Li Zhi's strength comes down from the sky.

At this time, the little princess beside the patriarch said, "bull, is this your big brother?"

Bull spirit shock to the little princess said: "yes, he is my big brother, big brother, this is a baby!"

Yiwa's politeness surprised Li Zhi. He had a good eye, so he said with a smile, "sister-in-law, this boy didn't mention you in front of me. When he mentioned you, he was drooling."

This sentence made the little princess twist. When the patriarch heard that Li Zhi called his daughter his sister-in-law, he couldn't help but feel unhappy and said, "yiwa's men are all champions. They are warriors this time. Is it too early now?"

Li Zhi said with a smile, "don't worry, patriarch. He will surely be the first."

The bull nodded and looked at yiwa tenderly, which made Li Zhi get goose bumps. It seems that the magic of love is really big.

At this time, the name of Manniu has been called in the challenge arena.

Manniu also looked at the little princess, as if he didn't hear Li Zhi kick him, "go, don't stand silly!"

Manniu then stepped into the challenge arena. The patriarch asked people to move a chair to him and politely asked Li Zhi to sit down. Li Zhi didn't refuse.

At this time, he saw a fox girl, next to a handsome middle-aged man, the other is a very soft fox girl, looks similar to the mother and daughter he killed last time.

Li Zhi's eyes are bright and murderous. Have all the fox people become the running dogs of the dark church?

All of a sudden, the girl turned her head and looked at each other reasonably. Li Zhixin said that her keen feeling was unusual?

Li Zhi smiles at the girl and looks at her figure.

The girl looked back and said, is it an illusion?

The middle-aged fox turned his head, "what's the matter?"

She said to her father, "my father is squinting at me."

The man said with a smile, "my daughter is so beautiful. It's normal for a man to look at her."

Girls have said: "hum, that look really disgusting."

Li Zhi didn't hear their conversation, otherwise he would have changed his mind.

At this time, Manniu is fighting with several warriors in the challenge arena. Now he has Li Zhi to give to Xuangong, and he has artifact. No one can make ten moves under his hand.

Manniu clan head is very happy, yiwa is also happy, happy to go bravely.

When it was dark, man NiuGuo recognized the champion.

The Tauren leader took his daughter and said, "when the bull won the first place."

The fox girl Zhan made a request, "can this warrior compete with me?"

The head of the Tauren clan said, "Oh, it's Princess besa. The princess joked. It's not for fun. It's not good to hurt anywhere."

And Beisha coldly said: "I want to prove to you that my fox clan is not only magic!"

After that, he flew to the challenge arena.

Li Zhiyu frowned. He saw that Beisha was holding a dagger in his hand, but his attack power was not very strong. He should not be able to break through the golden bell cover of Manniu. As expected, the sound of Jingling came.

Beisha was surprised to see the bull without any damage. She used five parts of force just now, but she had a good dagger in her hand. When Beisha came back, she would be very angry at Beisha's attack.

With a roar, the root of the verdict, with a suffocating breath, rushes towards Beisha. The staff of the verdict is an artifact level weapon. Although the bull's strength is not enough, it can only play a very small power.

But even so, it's amazing. Just now, bull was merciful to his opponent.

Otherwise, the staff of judgment can easily destroy the combat effectiveness of the opponent.

Baisha's face turned white, and his body acted like a ghost. The power of the staff of judgment not only affected his mind, but also affected his mind. At this time, the bull entered a state of chaos.

Green light envelops the whole challenge arena. Besha suddenly clenches her teeth and her body disappears out of thin air. This is the advanced stealth skill of thieves.

However, in the face of experts, this kind of skill is useless, but the bull looked around in a daze. The Tauren leader was surprised and said, "there are so many powers that can't break this. Is it really stealth?"

It is said that invisibility can disappear in the air and hide the fluctuation of life.

Li Zhi frowns, impossible!

Hidden life wave?

As long as Bertha is still there, he can come over.

He found a human figure in the upper left corner of Manau. Li Zhi secretly voiced to Manau. Although it was not bright, he didn't want to let Manau lose face on his happy day.

The bull heard the sound and looked sharply to the upper left corner.

Then a forward sweep, Dangdang, in the air, a white light flashed to Maliu's neck.

Bull even a piece of green suddenly stopped, just at this time his shoulder, then all people found that bull stick from the head of Beisha is only one inch, if bull does not force.

By this time, Bertha's head had been smashed.

Killed, looking at the dagger that stimulates the bull's body? If the bull hit down, his dagger would not be able to eat, but she did not understand how the bull found out.

Are her ancestral tricks useless?

Several figures flew to the stage. They were Li zhimaning's patriarch, his daughter, the little princess of tauren, and besha's father.

One child distressed said: "bull is all right?"

With tears in his eyes, it seems that he has deep feelings for bull. Bull laughs, "it's OK, it's OK ~"

Li Zhi throws light magic, but the blood on the bull is still flowing!

Li Zhi blocked Manniu's acupoints and stopped bleeding. He looked at Beisha's hands and said, "what's the matter?"

Beisha was cold in his heart because of Li Zhi's cold eyes. He said weakly, "yes, our Fox's holy dagger. After stabbing, there is no cure for light magic."

One child immediately said harshly: "you cruel guy! Even if you come out to make trouble, it's still so insidious. We Tauren don't welcome you! "

Li Zhi looks at a child who is angry for the bull and is happy for his brother.

The middle-aged fox man said to the Manau clan leader: "it's the little girl who doesn't understand. I apologize to you. I have no face to be..."

But the head of Tauren took him by the hand and said, "Oh, what's wrong with this? Today is a happy day. How can you stay and drink, or you won't give me face!"

See his sincere tone, this fox clan man also does not refuse.

In this way, this time, the bull was able to hold the beauty home. In the evening, the bonfire was held. In Nanning, she was dressed in warrior clothes and led by EVA, who had worshipped the beast God and had become his wife.

They went to and even plopped down and knelt down in front of Li Zhi, who didn't pull him. Thanks to both of them.

In his opinion, Manniu has no parents. As his elder brother, it's also natural.

Bull said: "boss, I have today is given by big brother, my life is big brother's big brother let me die, I don't frown!"

Li Zhi picked him up and knocked on his forehead, "I said big man, what do you say on a happy day? I'm your big brother. It's useless! Make a toast! Go to the bar

Li Zhi's peach blossom luck is also constantly being accosted by little Orc girls.

Li Zhi ran away with wine in his arms. Among other things, these girls are thicker than themselves, and they can't accept it.

You see, Li Zhi ran to the hill and drank a jar of wine. So the wine of the orc is not as mellow as baihuaniang, but it's very strong. It's a man's wine.

Li Zhi took a sip of wine and suddenly said, "get out of here."

A hazy figure appeared, it is the girl fox girl besha.

Li Zhi said sarcastically: "follow me in the middle of the night, do you want to seduce me?"

He doesn't like fox. Beisha looks at her neighbor angrily and says something else. She comes here because she is curious. Li Zhi stares at him and looks more familiar.

Staring at by Li Zhi, the girl feels as if her body is numb. After all, Li Zhi's mental power has lost its essence.

She stepped back and Li Zhi said, "stop!"

Bertha stopped, turned and said, "what are you doing?"

Li Zhi said, "come here."

When she heard Li Zhi's words, she wanted to come over, but she suddenly stopped. Why did she listen to you?

Li Zhi looked at him and said, "come here quickly."

Besa said, "why should I go there? I don't care about you!"

With that, she ran down. Suddenly, her back was black, and she fell back. She was hurt when she was hit. Her nose was sore and her tears came out.

"How can you be like this!"

After scolding, she saw Li Zhi's cold murderous spirit.

This man is not going to kill me, is he?

Li Zhi light said: "northwest direction has a fox clan to be extinguished, do you know?"

Besa's face changed and her sadness came out. "I know everyone's dead. Pity my mother and sister."

Li Zhi was cold in his eyes and grabbed Beisha by the neck. It turned out that it was a family.

Beisha was caught by Li Zhi and said, "you let go, I can't breathe!"

Li Zhi's hand slowly tightened, and his back showed panic.

I'm not reconciled, I don't understand.

Why is Li Zhi a killer?

Li zhileng was stunned. Looking at the clear eyes, he couldn't help wondering why he was different from his sister and mother? Isn't it coquettish fox?

Li Zhi looked at him coldly and said, "I ask you, talk well, or you will be miserable."

Beisha looks at Li Zhi with hatred.

Li Zhi said, "Why are you not in the same place?"

Beisha keeps her mouth shut and plans to fight with Li Zhi to the end.

Li Zhi squats down and looks at Beisha coldly.

"Believe it or not, I'll kill you now."

And the girl closed her eyes, which means, if you want to kill me, I'll kill you.

Li Zhi put his hand around her neck tightly. In the end, Li Zhi let go. He believed that the girl was not with his mother and sister.

Li Zhi threatened to say: "not afraid of death? I'll take off your clothes and let you enjoy it. "

Besa trembled all over, tears came from the corner of her eyes, but she still didn't speak.

"Not yet? It's a headache. "

Beisha quietly opens her eyes and sees Li Zhi's distress. She suddenly breathes a sigh of relief, because there is no murderous spirit in Li Zhi.

"Why do you want to know?"

Li Zhi said, "I have my reasons. You'd better tell me."

Besa said softly, "then you should ask me carefully and force me to say it. If you had said it earlier, I would have told you

Li Zhi says helplessly: "OK, I ask you to tell me why."

Beisha smiles and falls into memories. It turns out that Beisha's sisters and their parents were in the same family before. Suddenly one day, their different parents quarreled. One day ten years ago, their mother left with her sister and never came back.

A few months ago, I heard that her mother's family had been killed directly, including her mother and Sister Li Zhi. Listening to this, I felt some remorse. I almost killed the girl by mistake just now.

It seems that I have to think more about things in the future. When I was sad, Mr. Xinshen recalled that maybe no one told me how big he was. In fact, he was miserable.

No mother, even the first time she came to my aunt.

Li Zhi wants to laugh.

When fish belly white flashed across the sky, she suddenly realized that Li Zhi had fallen asleep after reading some details. She angrily thought that she had something on her mind. This bastard had fallen asleep!

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