After that, they rushed forward and followed them all the time. After they walked out of the school, Li Zhi held her hand and covered her. They used to live in the hotel or that room. They sat on the sofa and Li Zhi was drinking.

Long linger is a little nervous. Although she is with Li Zhi to make him indulge in his body, she is still a little uncomfortable when she is ready to do things.

Does Li Zhi look at the red faced and long ling'er? Li Zhi is very satisfied with this reaction. Is this a normal girl?

Pour a glass of wine to her, said: "drink some wine, it's cold outside, warm body."

Long ling'er drinks a mouthful of wine, and Li Zhi sits next to her. Long ling'er feels the breath of a man. Li Zhi puts his hand on long ling'er's waist and says, "drinking is not like that. Do you know how to drink? That's what two people should drink together. "

After that, he took up a glass of wine and drank it, but instead of swallowing it, he got close to long ling'er's mouth. Long ling'er's heart thumped and closed her eyes. Suddenly, she felt her lips cool, and then she was occupied by Li Zhi's mouth. A glass of wine accompanied by two people's kissing also hit her mouth.

After a long time, they parted. Li Zhi said with a smile, "now you know, just drink like this!"

Long ling'er falls down in Li Zhihuai's heart. She has no strength. Li Zhi says, "has aunt gone?"

Long ling'er nodded, "um..."

She was buried in Li Zhi's chest. Li Zhi said, "let's have a good communication. Communication in bed is what we should do with our husband."

Li Zhi is also very angry now. Long ling'er falls into Li Zhihuai's arms.

He scolded something in a low voice, but Li Zhi still couldn't hear it clearly. Then the two were in bed. That kind of comfort makes long ling'er curious. Why is it different from that time?

That night made her feel terrible. Long ling'er thought in Li Zhi's arms and finally came to the conclusion that maybe her plan worked?

Simon Yu will be very infatuated with herself, suddenly her face changed, he said: "will we have children?"

Li Zhi shook his head, "no, it won't be."

Because Li Zhi controls himself with chaos Xuangong, he won't let long ling'er get pregnant easily, or even any woman get pregnant easily.


Nalan Ruyi frowned slightly at this time. She heard that Puxiu was going to go out for three months, but she didn't respond to her request. What does the great mage mean?

He didn't know what to do with the war on the mainland? She believed that Perseus had understood the civil war, but why didn't she express her opinion?

Nalan Ruyi went into pisius' study and found that pisius was closing his eyes, as if he didn't see him like this.

Nalan Ruyi has some ideas in her heart, and she can't help sighing.

She walked over gently and said nervously, "here I am, teacher."

Pisius said with a smile, "princess, please sit down. I'm just going to tell you something."

Nalan Ruyi sat opposite him, worried, a little reluctant to believe his guess, and said: "teacher, about this war, have you contacted other people?"

Pisius sighed, and his mouth twitched. It seemed that he wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it. Nalan Ruyi fell to the bottom of his heart. Generally, it seemed very troublesome. He just heard pisius say, "I'll tell you the truth, princess. Now I've contacted other people, but other people are not willing to intervene except the water system demon tutor, I can't help you with this. "

Of course, he didn't want to see the war and make the whole canglan land white, but other people were with him. One of them is actually unwilling to participate in these affairs. He wanted to be in charge, but the king of the Duchy didn't want him to be in charge.

So he had to give up.

When Nalan Ruyi heard this, he often sighed. He said to pisius, "OK, I see. Thank you, teacher. I know you have tried your best."

Pisius said: "princess, don't say that. I didn't help you. I'm sorry. Now the situation can't be reversed. What can the princess say? I don't know what your empire is up to. "

Nalan Ruyi shook her head. She sighed in a low voice, "there's no way to go back as soon as possible. War can't be avoided. Then why should our Nalan Empire be afraid?"

With these words, the momentum of his body rose to the sky, which surprised pisius. It seemed that the saint was unusual.

Pisius said, "princess, stay one night. It's getting late."

Nalan Ruyi nodded and then left.

Shuijiaoyan on the other side is not in a good mood. In fact, she is afraid to see Li Zhi. When she summoned up the courage to enter the classroom, she found that this guy didn't come. She didn't come all morning. She was so angry that her eyes were burning with water and salt, and she didn't have any mind for class.

After a few sentences, he let the children study by themselves. He ran to one side to get sulky. When he came back to the office, he smashed the desk and scolded, "what a jerk. Beat the teacher on the first day and skip class on the second day. Are there any such students? "

She didn't know why she was so angry. In fact, she didn't hate that person.

She is so old, but she is so idiotic about the relationship between men and women, even worse than a 16-year-old girl...

Ling Feng hesitated for a while during the extracurricular activities, and finally went to the water class. Last night, when he went back, he found that Li Zhi was out and didn't come back all night. He was a little worried.

In fact, she was mainly afraid to see the king of the water wizard class.

Originally, he wanted to go at a glance and didn't want to meet Junjun. However, when he just came to the door of the classroom, a girl student in the classroom pushed Junjun, "Hey! Here comes your prince charming

Jun Jun goes out quickly. Ling Feng looks inside and says to himself, "where is Li Zhi? Didn't even come to class? "

Jun Jun ran out excitedly, "are you looking for me? Bell

She took the initiative to seize the sleeve of Lingfeng, which attracted the cheers of all the girls in the class. Junjun couldn't care so much. Now she only had this Lingfeng in her eyes.

Ling Feng Leng Leng, broke away from Jun Jun's hand, sighed and said: "let's go out and talk."

Jun Jun excitedly follows him. Ling Feng laughs bitterly to himself. He blames himself for what he was playing with. What's wrong! I was taken in by a girl.

If you let Junjun know that you are also a woman, I'm afraid the other party will be crazy!

Just wanted to ask Li Zhi, but Jun Jun pulled her hand away again. She said, "I'm so happy. Thank you, thank you!"

Ling Feng interrupts her and pulls out her hand. She guesses that Jun Jun misunderstood something. Ling Feng says, "let me ask you something. Why didn't Li Zhi come to class?"

Jun Jun shook his head. "I don't know. I haven't seen him come all morning."

Ling Feng said, "what happened yesterday? Everything about your school has been spread."

Lingfeng also heard the news, and various versions of the news came.

What do you say? All the female students in the water system magician class have been forked over by Li Zhi.

Lingfeng even a red, shy look at Lingfeng.

Because yesterday she was also attacked by Li Zhi. There was ice water in her clothes.

Seeing Jun Jun's expression, Ling Feng wondered, "did Li Zhi really tease the girls in the class?"

Let her admire incomparably, after waiting for Jun Jun to finish the thing of the previous day afternoon, Ling Feng can't help laughing, this boy is too bad.

Sprinkle ice water on the chest of teachers and students?

Lingfeng said: "OK, well, class, you go back first, let's go."

Jun Jun's face is pale, "wait a minute!"

After she came to Lingfeng, Junjun said, "Lingfeng, you asked me to come out and ask Li Zhi? Didn't you come to me?

Ling Feng looked at her awkwardly, "yes, well, but this matter, oh, how to say? Sorry, I'm curious. Why didn't Li Zhi come to class? There are so many good men. Why are you so stubborn? "

Jun Jun's tears came out, "I hate you! I hate you! You bastard

Then he left with tears.

And Li Zhi and long ling'er, after several rounds of fighting in the hotel, long ling'er's strength is gone, and Li Zhi is also a little curious. She's very brave. How dare she fight with him?

After all, he didn't have a rest. After a whole day, he didn't eat any food, so he finally got rid of the child, but Li Zhi was a little tired and hungry.

He looked at longling'er and said, "are you hungry? Shall we have something to eat, or shall I bring it back for you? "

Long ling'er nodded, but she didn't have the strength to speak.

Li Zhi went downstairs to buy some things. When he came back, he found that long ling'er was asleep. He didn't have the heart to wake her up. Li Zhi put the food aside and he left again.

At night, the street view is good, and the magic lights are beautiful. Li Zhi suddenly stopped because he saw a familiar sign, which is the industry of the Phoenix family. It's a chain store selling a lot of things. I wonder if the little girl missed me.

I also think of the proud girl with golden hair, the energetic girl

At this time, you only see two familiar figures, one is wearing white sacrificial clothes, the other is his maid xiaocui'er.

It seems to feel Li Zhi's eyes. Nalan Ruyi turns his head and sees Li Zhi.

Nalan Ruyi's face flashed a strange light, and then shyly avoided the eyes of the dead. After all, that day in the bathroom, something happened to them. Li Zhi came forward and said, "ah, princess, you are interested in shopping!"

Nalan Ruyi resisted the embarrassment and met Li Zhi's eyes. She said flatly, "well, yes, I'll go back tomorrow and buy something in this street."

"Oh? Do you have to go? Are you going back tomorrow? "

Nalan Ruyi nodded, "things are not well done, the situation is tense, I want to go back."

Li Zhi's eyes flashed clearly. What he said should be the fight between the countries on the mainland. It seems that this battle is inevitable. This time, the identity of the wild dragon empire is also very interesting. It seems like a third party has stepped in.

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