But the strangest thing is that Li Er is behind Li Zhi with a sickle.

When there was no movement, I stood behind Li Zhi, who was extremely energetic.

"Damn, Li Er, er Zi, what's the matter with you? What's the matter? "

Li Zhi thought, can this bone really have wisdom?

Ling Feng said pleasantly, "Oh, you are really a magician, and you are also a necromancer. This skeleton is so handsome!"

Li Zhixin said that only Lingfeng can call a skeleton handsome, right?

Lingfeng said: "I said, you talk to the skeleton to understand?"

Li Zhi turned back and said, "Oh, it's hard to say. In case he can really understand."

Ling Feng looked at the skeletons behind Li Zhi in surprise and said, "Oh, don't pull. How can skeletons be conscious?"

Li Zhibai waved his hand and did not entangle him any more. Li Zhibai said, "what is that black stone?"

Lingfeng said, "Heaven devil, stone. There is a dark smell inside, but it can affect people's mind. People who hear it will be controlled. "

Li Zhiyi was stunned and said, "where is the voice? Why didn't I hear that? "

Lingfeng said, "I'm suppressed by this array. Otherwise, do you think I dare to use it?"

Li Zhi nodded and reached for the demon, the stone, and then there were strange waves on the stone. Suddenly, Li Zhi felt cold, and he felt that there was an eye in the stone, which was black, freezing Li Zhi's soul. "

Li Zhi stepped back in fright, sweating.

Lingfeng said, "what's the matter?"

Li Zhishen took a deep breath and said, "I feel like there was an eye in it just now."

Ling Feng said, "impossible. What eyes are there?"

Li Zhi said strangely, "don't you really see it?"

Ling Feng shook his head. "I really don't have it."

Li Zhi frowned. It shouldn't be an illusion just now. The feeling of Iceman is still in hand.

Li Zhi said, "do you know the origin of this stone?"

It is very important for Li Zhi to guess the origin of this stone.

Ling Feng shook his head. "I don't know, and there are few records of this stone. I only know that he appeared here tens of thousands of years ago, but he was suppressed here only about 100 years ago. I don't know anything else."

Li Zhi nods and no longer asks. Ling Feng... Li Zhi knows that he didn't cheat himself. He wants to study. However, he felt that he should be more cautious. After all, the feeling just now was not right.

Looking back, Li Zhi looks at Lingfeng.

This boy should be a member of the dark church, but he doesn't like the dark church. Li Zhi stares at Lingfeng, and Lingfeng says unnaturally: "what do you think I'm doing? What's the matter? "

Li Zhi said, "well, I have a question. Are you from the dark church?"

Ling Feng sighed and said, "I know you are biased against the dark teachings, but I don't cheat you. I do."

Li Zhi Leng Leng, "how do you know I have prejudice?"

Lingfeng waved his hand, "I know, anyway, I know you don't care so much."

Li Zhi shakes his head and says that he has become stupid. He has been fighting against the dark church all the time, but Ling Feng has such a high position in the dark church that he will surely know.

But the white lotus... Has something to do with the darkness?

He frowned. Lingfeng said cautiously, "are you angry?"

In fact, he didn't know about Li Zhi until later. He thought Li Zhi was good and didn't want to lose this friend with him. Li Zhi raised his head and said, "since you know I'm here, why didn't anyone pursue me?"

Ling Feng shook his head, "I don't know, but I only know that last time I was annihilated in the mountains, there was no one on it, trying to deal with you."

Will the dark church be afraid of him? He didn't think it should be like this. He didn't have any experience. Then Li Zhi said, "don't you know your saint, youyou?"

Hearing Leng youyou's name, Ling Feng showed a strange smile on her face.

Li Zhi pondered, "well, you know the son of the dark church, the son of the Pope."

Ling Feng nodded, "you know, he is very handsome, elegant, and nice to you!"

When Li Zhi heard this, he sent out a powerful murderous spirit. "If he dares to make a good idea, I will kill him and chop him up!"

Feeling the murderous spirit of Li Zhi, Ling Feng turned pale and stepped back, saying, "don't worry, our childe is not that kind of person."

Li Zhi nodded. Seeing Ling Feng, his face turned pale. He felt that he had released too much murderous Qi.

Ling Feng said with lingering fear: "how many people did you kill?"

Li Zhibai waved his hand, "I'm not sure I've counted it."

Ling Feng is so cruel.

Li Zhi squinted at his green haired zombie and said, "Ling Feng, are we brothers?"

Ling Feng nodded. Li Zhi said, "give me the dark summoning skill."

The bell breeze white he one eye, "Oh, originally like this, must take to study for you."

Li zhiyileng, summoning skill?! You know, this thing is priceless!

He believed that Ling Feng knew about it. He said that just now, but people didn't want to give it to him. Looking at the secret script, he was moved. Li Zhi felt that he had no friends.

Moved by the fact that people brought such a precious thing to him, Li Zhi gave him Xiuge's notes directly.

"Reciprocity. Here you are."

Ling Feng waved his hand, "what are you doing?" what the hell!! This, this, this, this!!!! This is the note of note revisal! I've been waiting for a day

He didn't care much when he saw the note, but he was almost dumbfounded when he saw it.

Li Zhi nodded, "unintentional gains, which should help you."

Ling Feng said, "this is priceless."

Li Zhi said with a smile, "isn't that a priceless treasure you gave me? Although I don't like the dark church, you are my brother

When they got what they wanted, they looked at it and did not worry that anyone would come. Except Puxiu, no one else would come. Li Zhi opened the summoning technique inside and became more and more obsessed with it.

In one of the new world opened for her, he admired the person who created the magic, and the green hair zombie summoned by Lingfeng was just a creature. There were too many powerful things on it.

But it takes a lot of mental and dark magic power, plus luck and summoning. It's not immortal.

Because after he went back, there was the law of the jungle. When he was killed in the fight, he didn't have it. He soon became familiar with this book. After reading the book, he wanted to have a try.

He glanced at the bell wind reading beside him. He found that Lingfeng was also reading a book, and then Li Zhinian started to spell. A black light was flowing on him, and then the powerful magic wave woke Lingfeng up.

When he saw that Li Zhi was casting his summoning skill, he was worried. Ma Li Zhi also gave me recklessness. How could he not know that the lack of magic power would be backfired?

Li Zhi's eyes narrowed and his spiritual power radiated out.

Then he opened the space channel. His magic power is higher than others, but his realm is not high.

So he can only summon the undead creatures who are not very high. Suddenly, the space is broken, and Lingfeng says nervously: "succeed! To succeed

While Li Zhi stares at the shrinking crack in the space, he yells, "you, Ma, you!! Get out of here

Then the space flashed, and three shining monsters appeared.

Ling Feng said in disbelief: "my God, you! You summoned the king of silver armor! King of silver armour

"The king of silver armour?"

Li Zhi stares at the silver armor in front of him. The king of soldiers is wearing colored armor, and his head is covered with armor. It's terrifying.

But there was a surge of murderous spirit.

Ling Feng looked at Li Zhi and said, "are you the great mage?"

Li Zhi said with a smile, "I'm just a senior magician."

Lingfeng said: "you are so lucky. Even if the great mage releases this thing, you can't summon it. If you succeed every time, you can form the undead army. Then he can be emperor himself."

Li Zhi said with a smile: "you remember that I summoned three silver armored soldiers at one time, which is much better than your green haired zombie."

Ling Feng turns his mouth. He is really envious of Li Zhi. He is lucky and makes him feel unbalanced. He is at least a wizard, but he can't compare with Li Zhi.

Li Zhi looked at the eighteen skeletons. He didn't know which one was more powerful?

Heart read a move, let Li Er single pick, three soldiers king.

In fact, he doesn't look down on the silver armour king. Li Er is too strong!

All of a sudden, Li Er's eyes flashed red, and then he hit the three silver armour soldiers.

The king of silver armour's reaction was a little slower, and the light was shining. After Li Er's sickle slipped past, three King of silver armour fell on the wall. If there was no border in the room, I'm afraid these three guys could break the wall.

The king of silver armour stood up as Li Zhi thought, because Li Zhi also knew that if he could not catch Li Eryi's move, the damage would be too useless.

The chest of the three King silver armour soldiers was torn open, but nothing happened. They all had some wisdom. After Li's second hand suffered losses, they roared and rushed to Li Er.

Four guys fight, Li Er attack speed is very fast, but three soldiers Wang is not bad Li Er what, their defense is very strong.

Ling Feng said enviously: "this skeleton is really handsome! The attack is also strong, the defense is also good, how has recognized you primarily! "

Li Zhi said with a smile, "good character, good character! I'm lucky. You don't know. I'm so good

Li Zhixin said that his skeletons didn't dare to be taken out in front of outsiders, but they didn't matter in front of Lingfeng.

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