Lingfeng said, "where is that stone?"

"What am I going to do here? It's too dangerous!"

Li Zhi found the stone in the center of the skull's eyebrow.

But then I waved my hand, it doesn't matter.

What else does Ling Feng have to say? Li Zhi says, "what? Don't be like a woman."

Li Zhishun changed his clothes. After finishing, Li Zhi suddenly felt that there was a strange wave in jiejie. To his surprise, he couldn't say more. He quickly flew to the ceiling and hugged Lingfeng.

Two people hold together, Ling Feng did not struggle, she knew that Li Zhi must do so for a reason.

Then a figure came in, a woman in her forties, wearing a water blue robe. Li Zhi and Ling Feng stuck together. A strange smell rushed into Li Zhi's nose, which made Li Zhi ready to move again. He restrained his spirit and said how this boy was as fragrant as a woman.

Ling Feng turned around because she was too close to Li Zhi. She turned red and her heart was beating.

Li Zhi said softly, "who is this?"

Lingfeng said, "shuilinglong is shuijiaoyan's grandmother."

Li Zhi said in secret, I'll go. I'm so young, but I can't let people live.

Water Linglong swept one eye, the sky suddenly looked, suddenly looked to the sky magic stone walked past.

"Well?! What a pity! Why is the magic stone missing? "

At this time, a bloodstain on the floor had not been wiped, and Li Zhigang didn't notice.

Shuilinglong looks around on guard. There is no hiding place. She looks up and finds that there is no abnormality, while Lizhi and them are hiding in the shadow. Shuilinglong can't see if she doesn't fly up.

After thinking about it, I turned around and wanted to go.

Lingfeng whispered, "let's go down."

Li Zhiyi frowned, "no! Wait a minute

I don't know that the characters who have lived for so many years must have become elite.

Sure enough, Li Zhi's voice just fell, water Linglong ran out, she looked at the room, "is it the person left?"

Finish saying to walk again, bell breeze looking at Lin Zhi just want to ask, estimate just go down of words was caught by water exquisite long,.

"She should be gone. Let's leave now."

In fact, she was afraid of being held by Li Zhi, which made her feel shocked. Li Zhi shook his head, "can you be patient? How easy is the old man to deal with? "

Seeing Ling Feng's soft body, she wriggles, which makes Li Zhi's body have some reactions. He is a little embarrassed. When Li Zhi says so, Ling Feng doesn't move any more.

I don't know why she listened to Li Zhi so much

At this time, the figure appeared again, she said: "who? Who is it? Are there other people? "

Shuilinglong meditates for a while, which makes Li Zhi anxious. The more anxious he is, the worse things are going. Instead of going out, shuilinglong sits down to meditate.

Ling Feng said, "what can I do now? Li Zhi has no choice but to wait. What else can I do?"

After a short time, Li Zhi pasted himself on the ceiling. This skill is a bit similar to that of suction cup. It costs a lot of Xuangong. Moreover, Li Zhi's current level is not high, and he is still very hard to hold a person.

Li Zhi said, "help me wipe my sweat."

There was a lot of sweat on Li Zhi's head.

When Lingfeng heard the discussion here, she helped Li Zhi wipe his sweat.

Shuilinglong meditated for a long time.

About an afternoon.

Li Zhi is exhausted.

Lingfeng is OK, just a gesture, and Li Zhi with the second level of chaos Xuangong, just now, shuilinglong opened his eyes, and then went downstairs.

As soon as Li Zhixin was relieved, his hands immediately slipped down. Fortunately, Ling Feng caught him quickly. Li Zhi lay on the ground with stiff limbs and slowly began to recover his Xuangong. He felt even more tired than the war.

Unconsciously, Li Zhi breathes steadily, and he falls asleep. Ling Feng watches Li Zhi fall asleep, and his heart beats faster when he looks at his handsome face. I don't know what's wrong, but he kisses Li Zhi.

Sometimes Ling Feng closed his eyes and got closer to Li Zhi. When he saw that he was going to kiss him at the next moment, Li Zhi suddenly said vaguely, "where are you, Sibi?"

At this time, Ling Feng was scared to shiver. He jumped up in his heart and almost fainted in his mind. He took a deep breath and found that Li Zhigang was just talking in his sleep.

The little hand pinched his face pad, and he was thinking about what happened to him. What was the behavior just now?

Do you like him? It's impossible. How can you like him? Like him?

I'm out of my mind!

In order to avoid the situation just now, she did not dare to get close to Li Zhi, and she did not dare to look at Li Zhi's face again. She took out Li Zhi's notes and began to read them slowly.

But how to see can not find the feeling, no way, immersed in it.

I always want to see Li Zhi secretly.

At this time, in another room, a pair of grandsons and grandsons were sitting in it, and there were two grandsons and grandsons of the water family.

Water beauties them.

Shuijiaoyan and shuilinglou are not suitable to sit in the same word. They don't speak and keep silent. Finally, shuijiaoyan stands up and says: "I'm ok. I'm ok. I'll go back to sleep first."

Water Linglong cold said: "you stop! We haven't seen each other for a long time. Is that how you treat me? "

Water Jiao Yan coldly looking at water Linglong said: "then how do you want to treat you now is not that you want to be like this?"

Water Linglong silent, she stood up, "you say it again, you say it again!"

Water Jiao Yan said: "say again a few times, not all the same, are you caused."

Then a slap came.

But the speed is very slow. I want shuijiaoyan to hide.

But water Jiao Yan stubborn stand there, motionless, sleep also with eyes staring at water, Linglong face expressionless said: "this is you give me the 60th slap, I remember."

As like as two peas, the water looks like what looks like his father. "She looks so soft and soft." why do you look like this? Why can't they be like their grandparents and grandchildren? "

Shuijiaoyan sneered, and the mist in her eyes said, "like other people, how do others treat their granddaughter? Have you ever laughed at me from childhood? Don't praise me, don't be gentle with me, I ask you! What's going on? "

Water Linglong heart a shiver said: "in order to be good to you, I'm afraid you go on your mother's road..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly stopped, shuijiaoyan hysterically said: "say! What happened to my mother? What's wrong with my mother? My mother and my father are dead, aren't they? You are the murderer. You forced them to die! "

Shuilinglong looked at shuijiaoyan and said, "shut up! I raised you. Is that how you hurt me? "

Shuijiaoyan left crying.

Li Zhizheng is going to protest and his stomach is growling.

This is a woman who is running away and weeping in a low voice. Li Zhi wanted to get out of the way and found that it was shuijiaoyan. At this time, he didn't get out of the way and held him directly.

Water Jiao Yan eyes with mist, see is Li Zhiwa cry in his arms, Li Zhi sigh tone to the bell wind said: "you first rest."

Ling Feng nodded and said, "well, she has something to do. Please comfort her. I'll go first."

When she left, she felt sour in her heart. She seemed very reluctant to cry uncontrollably before going to bed. The heartbreaking cry was heartbreaking. It was unforgivable who hurt her heart.

Li Zhishen sighed that his clothes might be scrapped again.

After a long time, shuijiaoyan stopped crying. Finally, she leans weakly in Li Zhi's arms, and Li Zhi takes her to the back mountain. She calms down, her eyes are still swollen, and looks at the front stupidly.

Li Zhi didn't ask. At this time, he knew he couldn't ask anything, and she would naturally say.

After a long time, shuijiaoyan said, "don't you ask?"

"What happened?"

Water Jiao Yan hum a, "you have no sincerity, I let you ask you just ask."

But now the tone is a little better, Li Zhi said: "ah, teacher, you tell me who bullied you, I'll teach him!"

Shuijiaoyan took a deep breath and suddenly asked, "does your grandmother hurt you?"

Li Zhi thought, "I don't have a grandmother."

He guessed that it should have something to do with shuijiaoyan's grandmother, shuilinglong?

"Do your parents love you?"

Li Zhi was puzzled, but he said, "of course, doesn't your father hurt you?"

Shuijiaoyan sighed, "I didn't. they died not long after I was born."

Li Zhi was surprised and said, "how could this happen? How did they die? "

Who is shuilinglong?

Her son and daughter-in-law just died?

Who on earth is so bold?

Shuilinglong is the best!

Water Jiao Yan excited said: "I don't know, how to ask, my grandmother didn't answer me, I just heard that they were forced to die by my grandmother, because she didn't want my parents together, so try her best."

Like this?

"And when I was a child, I didn't meet the requirements. My grandmother beat me. I hate her to death!"

Li zhileng is stunned. Is it true that people are more poisonous than tigers? Shuilinglong is also famous for her kindness.

She talked about how strict water Linglong was to her!

At last, she asked, "Li Zhi, do you think I should hate her for what she has done to me?"

Li Zhi nodded, "hate! You have to hate her. She's the enemy you have to kill your parents! You should wait for her to crack her head when she is asleep, and then come to pay homage to your parents! "

Shuijiaoyan was stunned. She thought Li Zhi would be reasonable, but Li Zhi was more extreme than her. She couldn't help saying: "it's all gossip, and it's not necessarily true. I'm so strict with you, and I'll be so good..."

After that, shuijiaoyan also reacted. Seeing Li Zhi smiling at herself, she hit Li Zhi and said, "just play with me!"

Li Zhi said with a smile: "you know the truth, but you've got your own corner. Your grandmother should not do it. There's something hidden in it."

Water Jiao Yan said with a smile: "Oh, you really are, you are a teacher or I am a teacher, to reason with me?"

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