Several people gathered around the fire to see if they had ever seen the chicken. They had to roast it for half an hour before Li Zhi put out the fire.

He took out the chicken and punched it. The mud cracked. Then, alas, the mud fell off and the oil was torn apart. After the rich and incomparable fragrance came, Lingfeng said, "hurry up! Give me a taste

She tore off a drumstick and ate it. She said, "Oh, wow, it's delicious

Then Li Zhiji was eaten by five people.

When people look at Li Zhi, they must not have enough to eat. Li Zhi said: "look what I'm doing. If you want to eat, you can take it yourself."

Then he caught a few pheasants, let them wash and let them make a profit. At this time, when you were preparing to make a crow chicken, you felt something was in the mud, and he grabbed it.

Then he washed it with washing water and found that it was purple gold coin. Li Zhi was surprised, "how can there be purple gold coin in this place?"

After he handed over a few people came, water Jiao Yan also said: "purple gold coin what strange."

Li Zhi glanced at her, did not speak, but began to study.

Ling Feng took the purple gold coin and said, "Oh, my purple gold coin has no date. It's estimated that it was more than 1000 years ago. Because the date of the purple gold coin was only a thousand years ago. "

Li Zhi frowned and said, "go on and see what's good."

Several five people began to dig, and soon they found several purple gold coins, while Lingfeng found a pair of armor, and others found some jewelry.

At this time, Jun Jun screamed in horror, "ah, hand! It's a hand

After several people looked, they found that what Junjun dug was actually a black handed water. After playing a magic on the campus.

Only then discovered is the individual guards the ancient Lingfeng to say: "how can have the dead person's hand?"

Li Zhi turned the song over and found that there was a gap in the back of his hand. It was probably the damage he suffered when he was fighting with people.

Li Zhi said: "of course, it should be below. There should be more than one person below."

When we continued to dig, one corpse after another was dug out. There were magicians, soldiers, all kinds of people, including holy weapons. Several people didn't have the financial resources. They were very happy.

It's just curiosity. So many experts have died here. Is there any fight here? Li Zhi thought about why this magic forest Warcraft is not of high level, but has so many treasures? Give Way. What's the matter with so many treasures here?

When they continued to dig, several people were preparing to go ashore in the suburb of Beijing, and the whole riverbed collapsed. Where he went, there was a huge chamber of secrets, in which there were human skeletons, together with some pieces of clothes.

When their weapon Li Zhi returned home, he jumped in directly. The pungent smell came out. He quickly closed his breath and found the hole.

It's just a corner of the chamber of secrets. There are also thousands of human skeletons. Finally, a few people jumped down to see the scene of such an attack, and several women screamed.

They stayed here for just two days, but they were surprised too much. In the past few times, people were happy to look for things.

But this time they came to Simon, whose heart was really stimulated, I was repulsed and said, "what's the matter? Why are there so many dead people in the God of light?"

When she leans against Li Zhi, Li Zhi's eyes sweep past, and suddenly she stops.

A piece of clothes was found on one of the bones. The fragments had been returned, but the pattern could be seen. Ling Feng said, "it's the Phoenix logo, which is very similar to the Phoenix family."

"As like as two peas", Li Zhi frowned.

Thousands of years ago, there were so many people in the crazy family who died here. He thought of the hatred of the Phoenix family, that is, the flame villa and the ice and snow palace mentioned by the elf elder. He couldn't spare a word to find it.

The skeleton is still intact, with the sign of ice flower embroidered on it.

It's the dress style of women in ice and snow palace,.

It's appalling that so many people died in the two sects.

Judging from the level of these shareholders, they should all be experts. Although they are not lower than the level of senior soldiers and senior magicians, we can see how powerful the two sects were at that time.

Now there is only one woman left in the ice palace.

Although the flame villa has also been rebuilt, for example, the Yufeng family has their own. Save strength 100 add up also may not be ice woman's opponent.

What's the reason for their two sects' failure? They can't recover their vitality for thousands of years. Shuijiaoyan frowned and said, "what are you doing? What's the matter? "

Li zhitan's tone is a little sad. After all, these two sects are closely related to him. No matter Wu Shuang or Yu Feng, their relationship with her is so good. If they fight again because of the sectarian dispute, it's not good.

Li Zhi said: "this should not be just a secret room. Let's see if there are other secret room mechanisms."

Several people began to look for it. Because there are too many bones on the ground, many of them block the wall. It's very troublesome. This is Ling Feng who whispered: "Li Zhi, there are many good things in this bone. Let's make a small sum of money."

Li Zhi said with a smile, "if you have money, you can pick it up. No one will stop you. If that person is dead, you must benefit future generations."

At this time, Jun Jun said, "I found the mechanism."

When he said that he wanted to twist a stone on the wall, Li Zhi felt a sense of crisis in his heart. He said, "don't move!"

Experts in design organs usually don't design doors so obviously. Many of them are disguised, but it's too late. Junjun turns the stone and looks at Li Zhi strangely

It didn't change for a long time. Li Zhi sighed. It seemed that it was a fake organ. Just when Li Zhi reminded them, the chamber of Secrets vibrated, which could not reflect the fact that the army was just collapsing in a moment. The wind and water were attacking Li Zhi. Just in time to catch the wind, was engulfed by water.

His internal force breathed in Lingfeng, but he wanted to find someone else. But the flood was too big, and he could only see the white. At this time, the vortex began to form. Li Zhi and Lingfeng were involved in the rotation, and they must make Li Zhi confused.

I don't know how long after that, Ling Feng's body is stiff, and the strength of his hand is getting stronger and stronger. Li Zhi is not right.

It seems that Ling Feng can't hold on for such a long time, but they are still spinning. Lingfeng's hand is more and more tight, and his body is shaking. Li Zhi is helpless and seems to sacrifice.

The Qi gathered in the mouth and then it was crossed by Lingfeng.

Li Zhi's mouth is opposite to each other. He is afraid that Ling Feng will suffocate and die. However, the water is so soft that Li Zhi thinks that Ling Feng's mouth feels like a woman's.

It's no different from a girl, but soon this idea scared him into a cold sweat. He stayed with Lingfeng for too long. Is there something wrong with his sexual orientation?

Get rid of this idea. Lingfeng feels much more special than Li Zhi. He likes Li Zhi at first, but at this time, he is loved by Li Zhi. His body and mind are gone, and he is shaking.

Her heart beat as if to the chest all spurt out, general unconscious embrace Li Zhi to enjoy the first kiss, slowly bell wind more and more clear move.

She is not only satisfied with kissing, but also has no experience. She doesn't know how to kiss. She kisses Li Zhi instinctively.

When Li Zhi saw the other side's strong kiss, he thought. He was not popular enough. He quickly used the Qi of Dantian to pass Xuangong through. However, he felt the kiss and put his tongue out.

At that moment, Li Zhi was going crazy. He thought how the two men could kiss when they walked together, but he didn't resist the feeling, which made him feel very comfortable.

To say that two people kissing are instinctive things, soon mastered the trick, Ling Feng began to join in, kissing Li Zhi, that kind of feeling will be immortal, two people to sink, whirlpool back to throw them on the water, Li Zhiqing wake up.

He left his lips and held Lingfeng in his office. He found that it was an underground cave with a river under it. The ions fell down and released several magic powers. He saw Lingfeng faint at this time.

When he thought of the kiss he had just had with Lingfeng, he had a strange feeling in his heart. He put Lingfeng in a flat place and looked around. He found that it was very cold.

I don't feel the airflow, but I don't feel suffocated. It's strange.

At this time, Ling Feng slowly and closely looks at Li Zhi. She pretends to faint. She doesn't know how to face Li Zhi. He thinks that Li Zhi's strength should know what he pretends, but Li Zhi doesn't expose himself. Maybe she doesn't know what to do.

Ling Feng smiles bitterly in her heart and knows that Li Zhi should be more miserable than she is. At least she knows what's going on. Li Zhi doesn't know if Li Zhi should tell him the situation. Just as Ling Feng hesitates and Li Zhi comes to him, Li Zhi says in doubt: "don't you wake up, is your clothes wet? Change it for him

Lingfeng thinks whether to wake up or not. She thinks that if Li Zhi changes her clothes, she will know that she is a woman. She makes a decision. If so, it's good.

Li Zhi reaches for Lingfeng's clothes and hesitates to take them back.

Then she pulls her wrist. After Xuangong's operation, the other party's clothes dry quickly. Lingfeng opens her eyes and looks at Li Zhi angrily, "what a fool! idiot! Stupid

Li Zhi saw her wake up and said awkwardly, "you, do you feel better?"

Ling Feng pushed Li Zhi away and said angrily, "don't worry about Li Zhi's wood!"

Li Zhi looks at Ling Feng, looks at the feminine expression, and sighs in his heart. It seems that you are also interested in yourself. Li Zhi can't accept how to get two men together, but it's a good thing to make it clear.

Li Zhi scratched his head and said, "I'll tell you something..."

He thought it over. How to think not to hurt Ling Feng's heart, Ling Feng stares at him and says: "what's the matter?"

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