Li Zhi pointed the table with his hand. He said, "call your men, let them train well, wait for me in a few days, and go down to lead the troops for me. Don't make a joke."

At this time, after going to court, long Zhan returned to his study's shady face and suddenly slapped the table. The table was broken by him and he said: "Ximen family, Dongfang family, Nangong family! One day I will uproot you and kill you! Leave none of you

A cold voice came from behind, "Your Majesty, why should you lose your temper? Let them be proud for a while, and then they will never come back.

Hearing this voice, long Zhan didn't panic. Instead, he said faintly: "commander, I can't swallow this tone. Ximen doesn't pay much attention to me. Without my approval, he even put Ximen Yu in the army and gave him a general position, leading tens of thousands of troops. How unreasonable!"

He kicked a foot again, the table which was broken by him, the military adviser said faintly: "why is your majesty angry? This is also an opportunity. It's better to give him troops, and then we'll put in people to monitor him. "

Long Zhan sighed, "the military adviser doesn't know. That boy is no longer a dandy. It's hard to deal with him. If he had known that he should have killed him in those years, there would have been nothing today."

The military strategist said, "control him first, but you can't control him. When you put in people to do it, even if his strength is improved, you don't pay attention to it."

Long Zhan nodded, "can only do so, I go to decorate."

All of a sudden, he stares at the fragments of the table that he has kicked. He draws out a picture of a little girl. It's his baby, long ling'er. He looks at the daughter and her mother in the picture. They look like her mother.

But why fall in love with the Simon family? Is the daughter going to betray herself?

Long Zhan was very painful in his heart, thinking about it.

Seeing this, the military adviser said, "Oh, your majesty, don't worry. The little princess thinks that this is a heavy burden. Maybe she will give him a blow at that time. How could she fall in love with someone who defiled her

Long Zhan sighed, "I hope so."

He felt that the situation was definitely not like this. Long Zhan shook his head and said to the shadow, "the situation of the military division is not good now. Their three families have united. Should we move our secret pieces?"

The military strategist gave a strange smile.

"It's time for us to move our chess pieces in the dark."

Long Zhan turned his head and opened the cloth on the outer wall. It turned out that it was a military layout. There were more than three million troops in the Guanglun empire.

There are only 800000 under control, 200000 in March, and the tigers. The Ximen family of he Tianying's Legion has 300000 soldiers, but there are definitely more than 100000. The Nangong family and the Dongfang family control more than 200000 cases, and the forces are scattered all over the place.

His own troops and his command have an advantage over the Simon family, but if the Simon family. He has no advantage in fighting within the imperial capital.

He couldn't transfer all the troops of the whole country to the imperial capital. At that time, why should there be civil war? He was directly annexed by other countries. The military adviser said faintly: "why should your majesty worry? The dragon family of the mad dragon empire is what the people want. If your majesty does not lose the people's support, Simon will never be able to do anything. What your majesty wants to do is to disintegrate him from the inside. "

Long Zhan was used to this kind of military behavior. He was not surprised and said, "is there any other way for a military adviser besides chess?"

The military adviser said with a smile: "Simon Yu's coming back is a variable, but it has a benefit."

The dragon war order said, "what's the advantage?"

"Did your majesty forget?" said the sergeant? Simon's family has two sons. The eldest is uncomfortable. Simon Tian has ambition and he wants to be the head of the family. Let's provoke their brothers to kill each other. Isn't that good? "

Long Zhan burst out laughing, "this is good! Let them kill each other! When they mess up, we can take advantage of the situation. "

The sergeant laughed and the shadow dissipated.

But in the end, I left a sentence, "if someone suddenly turns around, it would be better."

Long Zhan began to think, and then he began to laugh. Although he was smiling, his eyes were fierce and violent. He looked strange and strange, as if he was a psychopath.

Li Zhi stayed in the barracks until the afternoon, and he was still in business. He had a big meal. Anyway, the soldiers trained a lot, so the food was delicious. After the meal, there were some fruits. Li Zhi was very satisfied. Besides, he was not very picky.

In the afternoon, the sun turned into a state of setting sun. It was golden on the road. At last, the sun set. Li Zhi also had an understanding of the dinosaur legion, so he was confused about the most elite troops. But he had to admit that it was good, especially the Knights' order, which was really strong.

In the afternoon, he saw the cavalry exercise. It was a sea of people. They rushed out like a torrent of steel. The cavalry was powerless in the era of bright weapons. They could tear open the enemy's defense. When the two armies faced each other, they were even more powerful.

When you walk home, you come to the door.

Seeing Dongfang Wan'er chatting with an old man, the old man's white hair was in mental distress. Seeing him coming in, Dongfang Wan'er said, "come on, your grandfather is here. Don't you want to see him soon."

Who is the man that Li Zhi immediately remembered? Isn't this dongfangming? I'm also my grandfather!

He came in immediately and said, "I'd like to meet my grandfather. He's looking younger and younger, like a teenager younger than before."

It's not unnatural. In Li Zhi's memory, ximenyu and his grandfather are always like this, and his grandfather is also very fond of himself. Dongfang Ming laughs, "this boy is more and more eloquent! Boy, ha ha ha. "

He patted the strong fighting spirit on Li Zhi's shoulder and drilled into his body.

When Li Zhi smiles, chaos Xuangong immediately automatically protects his body and shakes out this power.

Dongfang Ming's hand was numb, but he was very happy to say: "good boy, good boy, I didn't believe your mother said that your skill has improved. Now I find that it's really good. What's the state of smelly boy? "

Li Zhi was full of deep blue.

Dongfang Ming was stunned for a long time before he said, "my God, how old is this boy? He is a great swordsman?"

Li Zhi said with a smile, "grandfather, is my realm still complete?"

I wonder what my grandfather would think if he told me that he was a magician in the whole department?

Dongfang Ming came back and said happily, "I'm so satisfied. I said that our grandson can't be a waste."

Li Zhi laughed, but he thought to himself, "your grandson is really useless, but now that he doesn't have it, I am.".

"Well, good boy," said Dongfang, with a wisp of beard, "my grandfather's stroll has gone, and your cousin has come back."

"What cousin?"

Dongfang Wan'er said, "Xin'er, Dongfang Xin'er! When I was a child, you two were very well, and he said that he would marry you. "

Li zhileng immediately remembered, "isn't she in the Church of light? What else did you become a saint? Did I see her when I was a child? "

Li Zhi felt that there was no such person in his memory. Dongfang Wan'er said, "well, it was when you were a child. Of course you can't remember it. Xin'er was taken away by Pope Guangming later."

Li Zhi recalled some of them and could only make a hazy impression.

Dongfang Wan'er said, "OK, if you can't remember it, you can't remember it. Go and have a look tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. This little girl is so beautiful that you can't make Li Zhi dizzy."

Is it so beautiful for Li Zhi to turn his lips secretly? Which woman is not peerless? No matter how beautiful they are, they are almost the same.

When it's dark, Dongfang Ming goes back to his home after dinner, and then tells Li Zhi to go to see her earlier. When Li Zhi returns to the yard, he finds Tuli in his house. Looking at the sky in the yard, as if there was something on my mind.

Li Zhi waved his hand to let Manniu and aunt Luo go back. After Luo Yi and Manniu left, Li Shifei went up to the room and said to Tuli: "come and come to the roof, sit and look at the sky, and it's interesting to look at the stars on the roof."

Tu Li nodded and flew to Li Zhi to sit down. Li Zhi said, "what's on your mind?"

Tu Li nodded, "something's on my mind."

Li Zhi asked: "for love, right?"

He nodded.

Li Zhi looked at the sky and found that there was a trace of tenderness in the cold expression of the land. Li Zhi could know what was going on with his buttocks. He thought about it and said, "don't tell me, let me guess. There is such a man who likes a woman coldly, but is not good at expression. He just guards her side and fantasizes that some girls can tell her in person, but things go against his wishes. The girl doesn't have such a day in her heart. What happened to the girl? With the shadow of other men in his heart, this man decides to go far away. "

Tu Li stares at Li Zhi with big eyes, "how does the young master know?"

Li Zhi said with a smile, "there are words in your eyes. I read them out."

Tuli knew that Li Zhi was teasing him.

There must be something in his eyes. I can't help admiring Li Zhi's observation.

Li Zhi said, "why don't you tell me? Isn't it beautiful? "

Tuli blushed and said, "beautiful. She is the most beautiful in the world."

"Tut Tut, in this world, this man is also a rare animal. Oh, it's strange that the girl didn't see you."

Tully shook his head and said, "I don't deserve her. I'm not good enough."

But Li Zhi laughed, "who said that you are not worthy? I want to say that you can be worthy of any girl in the world. It's just fate. It's hard to say that if you have worked hard, there will be no regret. Do you think that no one in the world who is not worthy is equal, especially in the world of love, if you start, it would be good, but now he has fallen in love, Everyone else is too late. "

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