He felt that his heart was not strong. Did he have any commitment?

Li Zhizhi reached out and wiped away her tears? Did I forget the promise? You tell me. "

Dongfang Xin'er said with a smile, "Oh, cousin, you see I'm so stupid. I really mean what you said when you were a child!"

Li Zhi looks at the smile of Dongfang Xin'er, and his heart is tight. He is confident, but Dongfang Xin'er is not fake at this time.

Dongfang Xin'er pretended to be happy and said: "don't have no promise when you were a child, that is to say, when you grow up, let me protect me."

Li Zhi nodded, "Oh? It's so simple. I will protect you after that. "

Dongfang Xin'er smiles, holds hands and says, "don't regret it!"

Her eyes were very dry, as if something was about to flow out.

She always had Li Zhi in her heart. She hoped that Li Zhi was her own.

Li Zhi said with a smile: "where is grandfather?"

Should find a topic, Dongfang Xin'er said: "grandfather is not here, this yard I live in, you know, and then I admit it wrong."

Just listen to Dongfang Xin'er scared said: "grandfather used to be here, later I changed the yard with him, because I think this yard is very beautiful."

Her expression has returned to normal, those complex expressions have disappeared.

Li Zhi was a little worried when he saw her like this. It's not easy for an 18-year-old girl to hide her expression like this.

Roy's voice said, "young master."

Li Zhi turns around and finds Luo Yi's figure. Standing behind him, Li Zhi asks, "what about Lao Niu and Tuli?"

Li Zhi is not surprised that Roy can come out easily. After all, Roy is a prophet, and this thing is very simple.

Roy's eyes are fixed on Dong Fang Xin'er.

East Xin son and Luo Yi looked at each other, that transparent pore let her come out, in the heart cold to oneself imposed magic.

Dongfang Xin'er said, "no! Don't look at me! elder male cousin! She's so scary

Li Zhi waved his hand, "it's OK. Roy is like this. Don't be afraid. She has no malice. My friends are still in it. I'll let them out."

Dongfang xian'er said, "I'll do it."

She wanted to flash green light on her hand, but just then there was a roaring explosion. Li Zhi took Luo Yi and scattered the light. It was amazing that the bull couldn't spread out and directly broke the array with violence.

Dongfang Xin'er finds that Li Zhi is holding Luo Yi's hand, and her eyes are cold. Sibi takes Li Zhi's heart, and she is not comfortable. Now she has a maid, and her eyes are too uncomfortable for her.

When Li Zhi passed, the magic circle had been broken.

Those magic crystal stones were broken. Man Jiu and Tu Li were relieved to see Li Zhi. "Is the boss OK?"

Li Zhi said with a smile, "you are all OK. What can I do for you?"

Bull nodded, "yes, yes! The boss is like a cockroach that can't be killed! "

Li Zhi kicked him, "go, go to your uncle. Is that how you brag?"

Manniu laughed, but Tuli's face didn't change, as if his expression had already been like this.

At this time, more than a dozen people came running. It was Dongfang Ming and his bodyguard.

"Good grandson! Are you going to tear down my yard? "

Dongfang Ming knows that Li Zhi is here, and he also knows that Li Zhi is bound to come here.

It's just that he deliberately didn't remind me. He's looking forward to his grandson and granddaughter's doing something.

With a smile, Li Zhi said, "this courtyard is not very good. I'll help you transform it."

Dongfang Ming said, "stop talking nonsense. I've seen my sister."

Dongfang Xin'er appeared in front of him, grabbed Dongfang Ming's arm and said, "grandfather, my cousin and I just talked."

Dongfang Ming was very happy. "Well, yesterday I said I wanted to see my cousin? See you today, too! "

Oriental Xin'er said coquettishly: "how can grandfather say that?! Hum

Dongfang Ming laughs, "let's go for a drink, yu'er!"

Li Zhi and Dongfang Xin'er accompany Dongfang Ming, but they don't take two steps. Manniu and Tuli conflict with Dongfang Ming's guards. Originally, Manniu and Tuli want to follow Li Zhi, but his guards stop them and keep them away from Dongfang Ming.

Bull's temper is very hot, so he put it into action directly.

Tuli is very proud in his heart. Who dares to speak to him.

The two sides are ready to start. Dongfang Ming stops and laughs, "Oh, yu'er, you're not bad!"

He didn't stop. He wanted to see the superiority of his guards and Li Zhi's guards.

Li Zhi frowned and said, "they are not servants, they are my friends."

He never regarded Manniu and Tuli as servants.

Dongfang Ming is not happy to see Li Zhi and immediately says, "Oh, my grandfather is wrong. Yu'er doesn't have to care."

He has no airs of his elders. He is a very easy-going person.

At this time, the four guards of Dongfang Ming found that Dongfang Ming didn't stop them from knowing the meaning of the master.

He directly wrapped up Manau and lituli. Regardless of those, Manau directly took out the stick of judgment, picked up the stick that Li Zhi taught him and beat him.

The fierce momentum shocked people. Dongfang Ming was surprised and said, "what, this is an artifact!"

Looking at the long stick in Manniu's hand, he was even more surprised! Why does a grandson and a valet have such a powerful weapon?

At this time, Tuli attacked with a combination of magic and fighting spirit. Dongfang Ming's guards were not ordinary. There were three swordsman levels among the four.

There is also a magic tutor level, and the four of them have been cooperating with each other for a long time. There is also an array. Li Zhi watched several people fight and knew that Manniu and Tuli were going to lose. They were fighting each other, but the other four were cooperating. As a whole.

Magicians are native magicians. They first bound bull and Tuli with gravity.

Then he recited a long spell. Li Zhi knew that the spell was advanced magic.

One is level 9 magic. Level 9 magic calls a small mountain, but another is level 11 magic, which can call a big mountain like Mount Tai and crush people!

At this time, Manau has been injured in two places, but although he is not bad at practicing Li Zhi's Vajra, he has not yet achieved great success. At most, he is iron. At this time, he was injured, and the wildness in his body was stimulated, and the bloody gas burst out.

Roar hard shoulder an arm slip wound, but long stick swept to a swordsman.

Although the swordsman was quick to hide, he didn't expect that I Manniu would take a hard blow and block it with his right hand, but he was broken by the Manniu. Then at this time, Tuli also released a water magic. Although he could bear a sword on his back, he also cut a big hole in the belly of the opposite arrow, and some intestines were flowing out.

Just as Manau and Tuli were struggling, the magician's spell appeared. A small mountain in the sky came down. Li Zhi's eyes flashed. He saw that Manau and rabbit had no strength.

When Li Zhi was about to make a move, Manau suddenly flashed a green light in his eyes, roared and waved towards the mountain above his head. Dashan was judged by the staff and played more power in the mid air!

I used to play a three-point power, but I haven't sent out this magic power.

He squatted down on his head to expose the prestige of his body. Tuli gave a low drink, "I'll help you!"

His sword will have ice, dark green hair dancing.

The green light flashed in Tuli's eyes. An animal's virtual shadow appeared around him. Tuli was roared and turned into light. Dongfang Mingjian also exclaimed, "what! It's the body of the beast! Is this man the God blood of the Moxi people? "

Li Zhi later said: "what natural blood?"

Dongfang Ming said: "the Moxi people are the descendants of the gods. One of the descendants of each generation will inherit this kind of blood, which can be used to possess the body of the divine beast."

Li Zhi thought to himself, "ah? This boy is the son of the head of the clan. I didn't expect to bet that he would be the inheritor of the head of the clan. "

Li Zhi thought about this idea in his heart. If Tuli was really the successor of the Moxi nationality, it would be much easier for him to do things with Sibi. Anyway, he was also Tuli's young master. While Li Zhi was daydreaming, Manniu and Tuli had a big drink.

The hills in the air couldn't bear it either. Their strength was smashed to one side. There was a loud noise in the air, and several buildings were flattened. However, Manniu and mopping exhausted their last strength.

Fall to the ground.

The magician also fell to the ground, he also consumed the magic, Dongfang Ming came back to see the yard was smashed half, heartache!

Li Zhi said with a smile, "Oh, grandfather, I'm sorry. My two brothers have done a lot."

He said sorry, but there was nothing on his face.

Dongfang Ming laughs, "get it! Let's just drink somewhere else! "

He told his men to take the injured man away to treat Li Zhi. Looking at the exhausted man Niu and Tu Li, they went directly behind them and instilled chaos Xuangong into them to help them to activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis. After a while, they were all alive.

Dongfang Xin'er said: "cousin, what kind of Kungfu do you have? How can you have such a powerful reply?"

Li Zhi said with a smile, "this is... Xuangong therapy. You don't understand it."

East Xin son curls a mouth to say: "I still don't want to know, don't say pull down."

Several people found a place to serve food and wine.

Dongfang Ming is in high spirits. He keeps talking to Li Zhi, and he can't do without fighting.

Dongfang xiner is so boring.

"Grandfather, I have something to do with my cousin!"

Dongfang Ming is a little stunned, at will a Zheng, "OK, don't say, don't say, a little sleepy... Yu'er, you accompany your sister to go!"

Li Zhi agrees with a smile. Of course, he knows that Dongfang Ming can't be drunk. He wants to create opportunities for himself.

Dongfang Xin'er said, "cousin, you wait for me here. I'll change my clothes."

Li Zhimei tip pick, change what clothes? Isn't this dress just changed?

When she left, Roy whispered, "young master, Miss Dongfang is very thoughtful. Be careful."

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