Li Zhi said with a smile, "it's nothing. I like the barbed head best. I think that none of the barbed heads in the city were very powerful at the beginning, but seeing me was the same as seeing a mouse and a cat."

He knew that beitangze didn't agree, but he still scared him first.

North Tang Ze wry smile, "not I refuse, just this soldier is indispensable."

Seeing beitangze saying this, Li Zhi was not too lazy to waste his breath, and then said, "OK, I'll visit the head office, right?"

Beitangze took Li Zhi and they turned around. At this time, the soldiers practiced Shenfeng army in the early morning. They also had cavalry magic like others. There were others. After a turn, they found that their performance was good and not weak.

But it's not outstanding.

Li Zhi said: "how about your Shenfeng camp?"

"They train hard, they're outside," he said

Li Zhi said, "that little brother wants to broaden his horizons. What do you think?"

Beitangze didn't refuse. He signed a few tactics and took Li Zhi to the special Shenfeng camp. Li Zhi was faster than a horse, but he ran faster. People couldn't keep up with him, so it was better to ride a horse.

After a while, the horse went into the valley and heard the sound of training, and the sound of shouting.

The speed of entering made beitangze speechless. Li Zhi stood in the sky and looked at the two groups of soldiers below. It seemed that they should be in combat exercises, one in black and the other in white.

The two sides are fighting each other, and the white side is beating the black side. It's a good match, but the tactics are too traditional. The leader has some skills, but his thinking is a little narrow.

At this time, several people behind beitangze rushed into the gorge, and Li Zhi also fell down. When he saw beitangze coming, the soldiers, no matter black or white, gathered together. Except for a few seriously injured young generals with white robes in their armor, the man who came jumped off the horse.

Seeing Li Zhi, he was stunned for a moment and bowed to salute, "when did the commander of the army come?"

Beitang ink?

Li Zhi recognized it.

Beitangze said: "it's Xiaomei. Shenfeng camp is her. If you want to take her away, she won't agree."

Beitang Mo took off his helmet and looked at Li Zhi with fire in his eyes. "Don't try to take my people away!" he said

Li Zhi said with a smile, "Miss Beitang is a woman, not a man, OK!

To tell you the truth, Li Zhi's armor is much more beautiful than what she wore yesterday. If Li Zhi's words had deep meaning, she didn't think of them. She changed her face in the scene last night.

North Tang Mo said: "no matter what you say, my people don't want to take away."

After a while, her eyes fell back. She knew what they had done last night. With a smile, Li Zhi said that Shenfeng camp was a small army, and there were even 300 magicians. But for Li zhilai, it doesn't have to be this thing. For him, in a few months, he can build an army far superior to this sacred wind.

It's just that magicians are not easy to do, because others can be done. Magicians are not batch.

Li Zhi said with a smile, "I must. I have an imperial edict. Do you want to resist it?"

North Hall Mo zhengse said: "I'm so loyal to your majesty and won't resist orders. Your majesty said that you have the right to choose soldiers and let us cooperate. We said that you can choose the whole Shenbing regiment at will outside the Shentong camp. It's useless for you to go there and tell us."

Li Zhi knew that it was useless for him to tell where he was going. He said, "I know. It's just that I'm not angry to see such an elite army of Shenfeng camp being controlled by a girl who doesn't know military law and doesn't know military affairs."

Beitangmo, who was still indifferent, suddenly changed her face when she heard him. She said that she could stand everything, but she couldn't say that she couldn't do it in the army, because she taught it.

"I can't? When I was in the army, you were still bullying others in the street. Why do you say I can't do it? "

Seeing beitangze's face turned red, Li Zhi shakes his head. This woman has some talent, but she can't make her heart calm.

Li Zhi said with disdain, "if you can't do it, you can't do it. The white side that you lead is much better than the black side, but it took a lot of effort to do it. Children know better than you."

Beitang Mo points to Li Zhicong and is speechless.

"Calm down," he said

Beitangmo seems to wake up like a cold water. Just now, she was so furious. Why did her father and elder brother educate her so that she would not be surprised. Hide your emotions.

How to recover calm and say: "Simon Yu said that you are very good, how about we compare?"

Li Zhi said with a smile, "I can give it to you, but what do you want to win if you are bigger than me?"

"If you win, I can give you five thousand Shenfeng soldiers to win!"

Li Zhimei tip a pick, "are you sure?"

North Hall Mo says: "I am a word nine Ding!"

Li Zhi said, "OK, although it's only 5000, it doesn't matter."

"What are you going to do, little sister?" he said

Beitang Moze said: "I have this right, don't I?

Beitangze was helpless, but there was a glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes.

Li Zhizheng had a look of satisfaction. He didn't understand why beitangze didn't object?

The air is a little wrong, just want to say in the North Hall Mo: "I said ximenyu, you just said that relying on our white side's strength is stronger than the black side? Now I'll lead the black side and you lead the white side to see who's good? "

Li Zhi waved his hand, "no, absolutely not."

The North Hall didn't say: "don't you dare? Go away if you don't dare

Li Zhi's eyes narrowed and he didn't speak. He's a bull. Tuli can't stand it any more. How dare he insult the young master? "

Flash toward the North Tower pretended to be the past, and the North Hall mo. Our guards rushed to protect her.

Bull roared, "Tuli, I'll teach this girl a lesson. You can deal with those who don't know what to do!"

The ruling stick sweeps toward the North Hall mo. after being with Li Zhi for such a long time, he is extremely arrogant.

Beitangze looks at Li Zhi in surprise and finds that he has not stopped him.

The next thing shocked him. He saw that his sister was forced to step back by the Tauren soldiers, and there was no chance to fight back.

And the cold young man was the same with dozens of soldiers, but each of them had the strength above swordsman.

The big stick fixed her forehead and broke all the hair bands on her head.

With black hair, the other side of the convex force had already moved several guards. The bull glared and said, "if you dare to talk, I'll break your head!"

He doesn't know how to be pitiful. For a moment, Shenfeng camp was frying pan. When he saw that the commander-in-chief had been bullied, he couldn't bear it any more and wanted to chop Li Zhi off.

Beitangze didn't make a sound. He didn't expect that Li Zhi's men were so powerful and loyal.

When Beitang Mo came back, he thought he would be knocked to death just now.

But looking at Li Zhi, looking at his own North Hall Mo a hand back, "ximenyu, did you compare?"

Li Zhi hey hey, "compare, don't say not compare."

The North Hall Mo gnaws teeth to say: "that you still say no?"

Li Zhi said with a smile: "I said no, because now I bully people, so you give me 200 people, lest I say you say I bully you."

Beitang Mo was about to run away, and said fiercely: "well, this is what you said. If you lose, you will climb around the city, around the Dragon City, and call ximenyu a pig at the same time!"

Li Zhidian surrenders, which makes the North Hall Mo ran. Doesn't the Ximen family care about their faces?

With two hundred people to deal with him, 20000 people, this is not Li Zhi, hahaha, "don't worry, I have too many two hundred people."

When Li Zhi said that, beitangze had no choice but to let him go. He wanted to see how Li Zhi could use it. Two hundred people worked for 20000 people.

It's not the same between the two people, but it's easier to deal with 20000 people.

A lot of thoughts flashed through my mind, and a smile appeared at the corner of my mouth, similar to a smile, but a little strange.

Seeing Li Zhi's smile this time, beitangmo felt uncomfortable and had a bad feeling. He frowned and depressed this feeling. He thought that there were only two hundred people on the other side. How could he beat him twenty thousand? That coldly said to Li Zhi: "you go to choose people, pick whatever you want."

Li Zhi said with a smile, "choose you. Do you think it's ok?"

Think of last night two people ambiguous, ambiguous moment, North Hall Mo see Li Zhi's expression, know what he is thinking, glared at him and said: "do you think?"

Li Zhi walked up to her and whispered, "fireworks are beautiful, right?"

The body of North Hall Mo is tiny a quiver, angry voice says: "don't talk nonsense, otherwise I kill you!"

Li Zhi said with a smile, "I didn't talk nonsense. Don't you know?"

Then she blew a breath of heat in her ear and felt her body tremble. Thinking of last night, she probably had a deep memory of her. Beitangmo almost wanted to commit suicide. She turned to the soldier in the distance and said, "I said that I was bitten by a dog last night. You can publicize it casually."

Li Zhi smiles and looks at beitangze. Li Zhi doesn't speak, but keeps up with beitangmo.

It's not right to look at these.

Li Zhi didn't care. In fact, at the beginning, he didn't think that these people could help him. Ten thousand to ten thousand, if these people didn't cooperate, they would still lose.

Li Zhi's eyes, among the soldiers in black, "casually light you, and you, and you, come out.

Looking at Li Zhi, beitangmo is a little puzzled. These people should be the lowest level of Shenfeng camp. They all have no ability. Otherwise, she won't forget them.

She thought Li Zhi would choose the magicians and the strong, but she didn't expect that he would choose the ones who have no reputation, and it is estimated that they are the weakest among them.

Li Zhi said to Beitang Mo, "it's over."

North Hall Mo can't help but say: "do you really pick them?"

She didn't know what happened to Li Zhi and how the other Party chose the weakest. She should be happy when she was in such a mood. The last 200 people said, "it's the best for them."

The North Hall Mo says: "good, that goes to prepare."

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