In his impression, nangongyun and nangongjian are the same publicity, but it's not like him to be so quiet. Without aura, Li Zhi goes to her and comes to her back. He doesn't find that nangongyun seems to think of anything, "Li Zhi is a bad man, I hate you, I hate you!"

Li Zhi was startled by his scolding. Li Zhi hated me so much. How could I. When you finish this, he suddenly turns around and stares at Li Zhi.

Nangong Yun is sure that it's not an illusion, but he slips and falls off the bridge. With Li Zhiyu, he won't let him fall down. Li Zhiyi holds Nangong Yun in his arms.

A shy distance flashed across Feng Yun's face. Less than a few inches, Li Zhi could smell the continuous fragrance. Nangong Yun was stunned for a moment, and then screamed.

"Sex wolf ~!"

Then he pushes Li Zhi away from him, forgetting that there is still a little play behind him. He touches Nangong Yun, and he is drowned in the water.

Although she has a good constitution, when she comes up, she is still shivering and cold all over. "You fell down by yourself!" she says

Nangong yunqi said: "you are deliberately, you are a villain."

Then he ran into the room, followed by Li Zhi. This is Nangong Yun. He thought that Nangong Yun's character had changed and he entered the room. Suddenly I thought of something. When I looked back, I found Li Zhi looking at him in her room with a smile. I pushed Li Zhi out and closed the door. "What are you doing? The girl's room, you can't go out to change clothes! "

Nangongyun. I find Li Zhizheng eating fruit. I can't help feeling uncomfortable. This boy doesn't even change his clothes. What's the matter.

Nangong cloud said angrily: "are you peeping at me to change clothes?"

Li Zhi was not angry and said, "what do I think? Can I see it in this picture?"

Nangong said: "you are so fast, who knows."

Suddenly he looked at Li Zhi and said, "what are you doing here? Don't you have two beauties with you? "

Li Zhi smiles“ I miss you. "

Nangong cloud's mouth showed an unconscious smile, but he said: "who makes you think that I don't feel comfortable when I see you? Li Zhi's tone doesn't know who thinks that I'm pestering me every day!"

Nangong Yun snorted, "hum, isn't that because of Dongfang Xin'er? I'll compete with her. "

But her eyes are bright, Li Zhi a smile, "ah, I think you think insomnia is OK, I think you almost don't want to eat."

Nangong Yun turned around, blushed, and raised her lips. She said, "just... You can cheat people. I don't believe you..."

Li Zhi turned and left, "ah, if you don't believe me, I'll go first."

Nangong Yun's mood suddenly annoyed, he turned his hair, now Li Shixun left. Flustered up, he ran to stop Li Zhi and said with tears, "how can you do this? What do you want? "

Li zhiyileng, the girl's tone is absolutely winning, and she likes herself 100%. In fact, the lawyer thinks Nangong Yun is interested in herself.

But it's not clear who told her to fight and make trouble every time. In this way, Li Zhi knows that there are some illusions. Up to now, some things have to be busy. Sometimes she has to go to barracks and accompany Luo Yi and Yu Feng.

When Nangong Jian said this today, he thought about it. In fact, he appreciated Nangong Yun's personality. They had a better relationship together. It's better. Seeing Li Zhi's silence, Nangong Yun was hurt.

She stepped on Li Zhiran and ran back. Li Zhi screamed and grabbed Nangong Yun. Nangong Yun looked at you with tears on her face. Li Zhi wiped her tears and lifted her chin.

Nangong Yun's heart thumped. He raised his head, raised his lips, closed his eyes and waited for his first kiss. Li Zhi took back the subject and directly kissed it. At this moment, however, his heart leaped and his face turned pale.

No time to speak, directly disappeared Nangong cloud, tears flutter Shuo wait for a long time, but found that pear is disappeared, he. Gritting his teeth, he said, "I hate you so much!"

She thought Li Zhi's sudden departure was a joke. Li Zhigang has just felt that the vitality of Roy is passing away. He is so shocked that he can't care about Nangong Yun.

There is a contract between him and Roy. She can feel her life and death, but Li Zhijin finds out. Manniu and Tuli guard are relieved to see Li Zhi at the door.

Li Zhi felt that there was no difference in Roy's house, but he didn't venture in and asked, "what's the matter?"

Tuli said, "young master Roy just asked us to protect the Dharma. It is said that no one should break in except you, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable. "

Tuli remembers Luo Yi's solemnity at that time. Li Zhi said anxiously, "what's this girl doing? Does he mean that only I can go in? "

Tuli nodded and pushed the door straight in. He felt the boundary inside. He didn't work for him. Li Zhi was shocked by the solar term. The sky was dark, but the moon and stars were floating in the sky, as if she were in the universe. Isn't this the place in her room?

Li Zhi found that she was sitting cross legged without clothes. Her hair was floating. She didn't know what she was talking about. He knew. He guessed what Roy was predicting?

But why does such a prediction come from the voice of NOE? Young master, you just came to think of Li Zhi in his mind and said anxiously, "what are you doing? Stop, your life is passing!"

Roy, you said faintly: "don't worry, young master, the loss of life is only temporary. After the end of casting, you will come back. Today is the day of gene. At this time, longzhan's Dragon Qi is weak. I can calculate the fate of the wild dragon in the future."

"Are you all right then?"

Roy said, "if a young master says that, it's worth my death."

Li Zhi sad said: "you are a fool."

Roy said with a smile: "young master, you don't need to say more. Listen to me, there must be a spirit in the overcast day. Send someone to inform the church."

Li Zhi nodded and left for the church, then sent someone to inform his father to prepare him.

In fact, what is the day of yin? Li Zhi didn't know why skeletons attacked the Church of light? When Li Zhi came back.

Roy's voice trembled and said, "young master, do you believe me?"

Li Zhi said, "of course I believe you are my woman."

Roy was surprised and said, "then you take off your clothes in front of me.

Li Zhi took off his clothes.

Knowing that Luo Yi will not harm himself, the two people under the starry sky are not dressed, but Li Zhi, Luo Yi's eyes are closed, and turning over the old mantra, the stars in the sky slowly turn up, and finally the stars shine on Li Zhi and Luo Yi.

As time goes by, Li Zhi unconsciously falls into the sea of his heart. He marvels at the universe, closes his eyes, and his soul floats. He goes all out to catch up with the Church of light. When it comes to Yin, he knows better. When it comes to Yin, the Church of light, like Haojie, starts to attack from midnight.

The next morning, when the sun appears, it will end. On the overcast day, the mole is not sure that the last time was hundreds of years ago. Tuli is so worried because of his heart.

In the Church of light, rites created the Church of light. At this time, the order of warriors and priests surrounded her. Tully said coldly, "where is the bishop? I want to see him."

One of the priests said, "I'll tell you what you want."

His tone was very polite. After all, Tuli had dark green hair on his head. Tuli was told by our young master that we had to talk to your bishop face to face. Just now, the man asked, "who are you young master?"

He found that this young man was not simple. The young generation of the Moxi people even had a young master. It's young master Simon. These dozens of people are very surprised.

Simon's young master, they know the performance of the return and let the Church of light pay attention to it.

At this moment, a bishop in a sacrificial costume and a woman in a cloak came down and suddenly saw that the deep feeling was gone.

There was only tension and blazing, and pain. He probably looked at the woman, who was suddenly surprised, and then returned to normal. The old man asked, "what's the matter with you? The bright smell of his body is all around him, which makes people feel very comfortable."

Tuli looked back at the woman and said, "my young master asked me to tell you that it's time to be overcast tonight! Get ready! "

Everyone was startled. The old man looked at the sky. It was almost midnight. He said, "who is your young master?"

Tuli immediately said, "my young master is Simon's young master."

When she heard this word, the woman with the hat was all over for a while. She whispered to the old man quickly. The thief's face changed and said: "release the light barrier quickly, open the barrier!"

When the Church of light opens the border and even comes to the time of crisis, it will encounter citizens who are devastated. Everyone in the church is nervous. Soon, a white light from the top of the Church of light takes camera to monitor the light, which can spread all over the mainland. This light makes Tenglong City chaotic and everyone panics.

When I got home, I closed my door tightly. After the citizens' church opened the border, I wrapped up the Holy See of Guangming. Li Zhi didn't leave the land. He followed the woman from a distance. Wherever you go, he will go.

Suddenly the woman stopped and came to Tuli. She said, "go back. There's no need to stay here."

Tully said, "I won't go. You can't say anything. I have to stay today."

The woman didn't speak for a long time, and suddenly asked, "why do you call ximenyu young master? Don't you go back to the tribe?"

Tuli got excited. He was concerned about himself, even if it was just a friend's concern. Tuli said, "I bet shanlai that I lost. There's no limit to me. I'll go if I want to

The woman is a little absent-minded, pulled the corners of her mouth, he really did not change, at this time, suddenly in the sky. There was a cloud of wind. Suddenly, the moon seemed to be bitten in the middle of the sky. Slowly, the gap became bigger and bigger, and the moon was engulfed by something again and again.

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