"I don't know," said the bull. "The boss suddenly had a fight. As a result, he saw Tuli fighting with these people and killed more than ten people. Finally, he was trapped."

Simon Jue said: "someone will put this boy to death for me!"

Li Zhi was shocked to hear that.

"No way!"

He came to Simon Jue, "father."

Simon Jue stared at Li Zhi and said angrily, "if it wasn't for your mother, I would be killed by this boy today."

Li Zhi was shocked and said, "what's the matter, mother?"

Ximen Jue said: "she was hurt by the sword Qi. I'm afraid she'll have to keep it for a long time! It's hard to recover! "

Li Zhi turns his hair around and looks ferocious. Li Zhi knows that he must be controlled.

Li Zhi frowned and said, "I think he was plotted. Let me deal with him."

Simon shook his head. "No way!"

And Li Zhi also said, "he's my man. It's up to me to decide."

Simon Tianyin said: "second brother, he's married to his mother. Don't you take revenge for her?"

Li Zhi squinted at him and said in a cold voice, "I'm in charge of my subordinates. Kill him? I'll go through him. "

Simon said, "do you want to protect him?"

Li Zhi doesn't speak, instead, he looks at Ximen Jue. Ximen Tian says: "no, father can't let him go, otherwise I have Ximen's prestige. What can I do?"

Simon Jue looked at Li Zhi for a long time and sighed. Now he is going to marry Princess Nalan tomorrow. How did he and his son get stiff at this time.

After Li Zhi fainted Tu Li, he took out the chains and asked the bull to mention his yard to him. Nangongyun looked at Li Zhi anxiously. Without saying anything, Li Zhi took the bull and Tu Li into the room and closed the door. Li Zhi said, "bull, you go out first."

Li Zhi answers, but Li Zhi stares at Tuli and waves his hand. Li Zhi gropes on her. After exploring, he looks like a puppet.

"I said the old devil came out."

Since last time, the old guy couldn't adjust at all. After several times, the shadow appeared in Li Zhi's mind, "what are you doing? What do you want me to do? "

Li Zhi said impatiently, "what's the matter with this guy?"

The shadow said, "TND magic, where have you studied? Dark magic puppet? But it's also right. Puppet technique is different. It can lurk and attack. It may be the same as the one in your boy's body last time. "

Li Zhiyi frowned and cursed Beitang Mo, who should be behind longzhan?

So what's the matter with this person's ability to control? If the guess is right, it means that the dragon war is about to start. Li Zhi thinks that it's not right for the dragon war to start today, right??

Tomorrow is the day when they get married with Naran empire. If this thing fails, will their efforts not be in vain?

Li Zhi had a lot of thoughts in his mind, but he didn't say it was right. The victim of the assassination was Aoyue empire. Was it theirs?

Black shadow found Li Zhi in a daze and said, "what are you doing? I went to sleep."

Li Zhi said: "something! Untie him

The shadow said, "what's the matter? I'm your servant. "

"I treat you as a brother. How can you care like a woman?"

In fact, he thanks the shadow Li Zhi for helping him outside, and for my own life, the shadow says, "how do you know I'm not a girl?"

He made a layer of black air, and instantly put the black air in his mind.

Li Zhi said with a smile, "I don't believe you are still a woman? You are a sow... "

As soon as the words were finished, Li Zhi begged for mercy. "I'm wrong, I'm wrong, OK, I'm wrong, OK?"

The shadow giggled and disappeared.

Li Zhi shakes his head. It seems that you still have to find a way to get this guy away. Otherwise, you always feel a little dangerous. Before long, Tuli wakes up, opens his eyes and turns over to Li Zhi. Know how to feel all right, Tuli Gudong knelt down on the ground and said: "thank you for saving me. When you are a cow and a horse in this life, you have to repay your kindness! "

Although he was limited, he could hear things outside, especially Li Zhi's saying that anyone who wants to move his brother has to step over his body, which made Tuli moved.

Li Zhi also saw that this time Tuli was really loyal to himself. He used to gamble, but now he really bowed to a white head from the heart and said, "I didn't treat you as a smear man. You are my brother."

He pulled up his apprentice. There was a man in his heart. He had brothers in the corner of his eyes. Yes, there was nothing about SPI in his heart before. They were brothers.

Then Tuli said, "young master, may I leave?"

Li Zhi said, "what's the matter?"

Tuli said, "I want Hui people to be the head of the clan after the test! I'll be able to help you, young master

Li Zhi is stunned. For the sake of the clan leader, there will be no main force in his affair with Sibi. Of course, Li Zhi agrees.

Even if it wasn't for SPI's reason, the relationship between him and Tully would go wherever he wanted. After opening the door, Li Zhi found Leng youyou and them all in the bull, and he was also worried and looked inside.

Seeing Li Zhi come out, they are all relieved. When Manniu and Tuli go back, Leng youyou says, "Tuli planted a curse puppet."

Li Zhi nodded, "improved puppets, will you have any activities in the dark?"

Leng youyou's face changed and she said in a panic, "husband, do you doubt me?"

Li Zhi is helpless in her face twisted, said: "usually very smart, now how so stupid?"? How can I doubt you when I ask

"No notice, but this is not the dark church, is it behind the dragon war?"

Li Zhi smiles. He doesn't embarrass Leng you. Although he knows Leng you is a saint, he really doesn't know much about the dark church. At least he doesn't know anything about the Aoyue empire. It seems that this matter still depends on the wind chime.

Li Zhi said: "I guess these things, and I don't know much about them. I'll see my mother. You have a rest first."

Then he went to his mother's yard to have a try. Ximen Jue sat beside Dongfang Wan'er and said something in a soft voice.

Simon is extremely grateful for his wife's sacrifice to block such a knife, but because Li Zhi wants to keep his men, when he sees Li Zhi coming, he stands up and leaves without saying anything. Dongfang Wan'er looks pale, "why hasn't the child gone to bed yet? We're going to get married tomorrow. It's a matter of great importance. Don't neglect it. "

Dongfang Wan'er, though suffering from physical discomfort in her heart, still tells Li Zhi that her strong maternal love is lingering around him.

Li Zhi's tears welled up all of a sudden. Seeing this, Dongfang Wan'er quickly said, "what's the matter? What's the matter? My mother is OK. Just have a rest for two days."

Li Zhi is extremely regretful, "I am not filial..."

Dongfang Playboy held Li zhier in his arms, just like when he was a child, and said, "children don't blame you. You're all right. I don't have any regrets when I die."

Dongfang Wan'er's taste is very warm, which makes Li Zhi feel at ease. This is the taste of his mother. He feels very happy when he falls into Dongfang Wan'er's arms. He knows that only his mother is good in the world. A child with a mother is like a treasure. Only a mother is good in the world. A child without a mother is grass.

Li Zhi vowed in his heart that he would not let anyone hurt his mother.

After a long time, he stood up, but he was held down by Dongfang Wan'er. He said sadly, "hold it for a while in two days. I haven't held it for a long time. When I was a child, you were still behind me. You are too old to hold it."

In Li Zhi's mind, Ximen Yu was spoiled. Although he hated it, he now enjoys it.

Dongfang Wan'er said, "I'm going to Nalan Empire tomorrow. I don't know when you can see you."

Dongfang Wan'er is a very traditional woman. She is devoted to her son and husband. However, if compared, the son is more important than the husband.

"If you don't worry, I'll be back soon," Li said

Dongfang Wan'er said, "Hey, the bird will fly high when it grows up. My child is amazing."

She hopes her child will grow up. Now that the child is like this, Li Zhi is moved. Dongfang Wan'er specially looks at Li Zhi's face, holding it in her hand and looking at it again. He is rare.

I believe my son will grow up to be the top person in the world one day. Dongfang Waner said it well. Go back and have a rest tomorrow, but you may not be able to participate.

But it will do a good job for you, Li Zhi arrow, he suddenly thought of his mother was hurt by the cold, if not empty production. I'm afraid there will be problems. Li Zhi said, "I'll help you heal."

Then he grabbed Dongfang Wan'er. After wandering around his body, he found that he was really invited to a lot of cold air. After a long time, he was afraid that there would be a big problem.

He dispelled the cold directly. Li Zhi's alumni tree is down, and his mother is OK. Except for finding Ximen Jue standing in the courtyard and seeing him come out, Ximen Jue gives a cold hum and ignores him. Obviously, he is still worried about Tuli. Li Zhi said: "it's late, father has a rest early."

He knows that Ximen Jue will not give Li Zhi a good face even if he forgives him. He guesses right. After he leaves, Ximen Jue looks at Li Zhi's back and shows his love many times when he comes back to the room.

Li Zhi stopped and said, "how can the coquettish women like smoke know that there is an accident here? Is she behind it?"

Thinking of this, he turned around and returned to the beauty square. He was thinking about the relationship between li Liu, the man in black and Ruyan. At this time, Ruyan's room was already dark, there was no sound, so he was probably asleep.

Li Zhi hesitated and opened the door of my room. Of course, Li Zhi's eyes could see things at night. When I walked in, I found Li Zhi on the bed. I opened the bed tent and put my hands around his neck.

Li Zhi grabs her arm and presses Ruyan under her. I don't know if it's an illusion. I just hid for a moment.

Li Zhi's heart was burning with evil fire. He said, "if you really dare to touch me, don't regret it."

Li Zhi rubbed his body like smoke and said, "what dare I do? I'm afraid of something in particular. "

If smoke says: "I am innocent body, not afraid of trouble you come."

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