Tuli nodded, "yes!"

Li Zhi and Tuli hugged and said, "come on, you must pass the test. Let's have a good drink next time."

Li Zhi's words, let Tuli feel that kind of warm care, it is absolutely from the heart.

Then Li Zhi said to the bull, "go to the door and wait. Let's go on the road together."

The old cow was very happy! Boss

As soon as Li Zhiyi turned around, he followed several women to wave their hands, and then disappeared in the sight of everyone.

Nangong cloud chased two steps, and his emotion didn't resist to burst out. His tears came down, and his tears also came out.

However, he is not as vulnerable as nangongyun. After a while, he stops and pats nangongyun to comfort him, "OK, Xiao Yun, don't cry! All the banquets that come to an end are for a better reunion, aren't they? "

The North Hall Mo nods, he still has to go to the barracks, he believes that in the near future and will be able to charge together, but also will.

Only know her appearance will go to the palace, found that Nalan Ruyi has been familiar with the dress, found that Li Zhi came, Xiaocui can be anxious, now hurry to strength, after all, Li Zhi is now the son-in-law.

Li Zhi said, "did you sleep well?"

Nalan Ruyi glanced at his mouth. "You don't care. I slept well. You look like you slept well last night."

Li Zhi sighed, "Oh, how to say it, how to say goodbye to the beloved woman, how can it be better?"

Nalan Ruyi stares at Li Zhi and ignores him. Xiaocui looks at her Princess and looks at the green horse. She laughs. Nalan Ruyi says, "you're laughing, stinky girl."

Xiaocui said: "Oh, princess, don't suffer. You two are like happy enemies!"

She has been with Nalan Ruyi for many years. They are sisters. Generally speaking, she knows that the princess will not blame herself, so she has something to say. Nalan Ruyi said, "yes, you are right."

Xiaocui said, "yes, so are you married?"

That Nalan Ruyi stares, but Li Zhi finds that Li Zhi is sitting at the table, staring out of the window in a daze. What doesn't come makes Nalan Ruyi upset. This guy ignores himself again.

Who does Li Zhi think about? He thinks about Ruyan. This woman is too mysterious, mysterious

I feel afraid that it's not clear what role he is now, whether he is an enemy or a friend. Just at this time, the staff of the etiquette Department came and did Li zhiruyan's business.

Anyway, every day information will be sent to the side under the escort of Skynet. At guanziling, Li Zhi and Nalan Ruyi fight with the four stars of longzhan, and longzhan gives a lot of things.

Then he handed all the documents to Li Zhi, and soon their carriage started. There were hundreds of guards for Li Zhi. It was strange that he thought that his father would come, but he didn't.

Only Manniu is waiting outside the door. The carriage leaves the door. Li Zhi walks south. She lies on her pillow and sleeps. She has a Yuyan in her heart. It should be fun to go back this time. The sky is full of sunshine.

Li Zhi lifted the curtain and said to the team leader outside, "let's camp on the spot and go on the road after dinner."

The team leader answered the order and quickly went to repair. At this time, it was hot in summer. Although it had no effect on Li Zhi, the soldiers were miserable. Their armor was too thick. They were too hot in the hot sun.

Xiaocui'er in the carriage was also full of sweat. After all, he was just an ordinary person. Xiaocui fanned and said, "Oh, hurry back. It's not hot in Nalan city."

Li Zhi said strangely: "is Nalan cool

Xiaocui said, "yes, it's cool by the sea."

Li Zhi thought, oh, I haven't seen the seaside for a long time. Now Xiaocui said that, which made him miss it. After getting out of the carriage, Li Zhi helped Nalan Ruyi. After all, Nalan Ruyi didn't refuse the standard etiquette, and led Li Zhi's men to the car.

"How long will it take to get to Nalan city?" Li said

Nalan Ruyi said, "it's almost ten days away."

She took out a bottle of water and drank it, while Li Zhi stared at her. Nalan Ruyi was embarrassed by Li Zhi and said, "what do you think I'm doing? Do I have flowers on my face? "

Li Zhi shook his head, "no, no, it's so beautiful and attractive."

Nalan Ruyi is the most mouth raised a trace of smile, but said angrily: "glib."

For Li Zhi praising her so much, she is still very happy. Li Zhisong has a small stab on his shoulder. He is still kind. Knowing that he is very hot, Li Zhi says, "little girl, do you want to help you?"

Xiaocui said, "how can I help you?"

Li Zhi teased and said, "well, I'll help you if you kiss me."

Xiaocui immediately blushed, "you hate the son-in-law also bully me!"

Nalan Ruyi left over, Li Zhi said helplessly: "Oh", I'll make a joke with the little girl, why do you want to eat me?

Nalan Ruyi snorted, Li Zhi waved his hand, light and shadow appeared, and instantly a half human high ice appeared.

Xiaocui is very happy, and then he is happy. He touches the ice with his hand and rubs the ice with his face.

Li Zhi said with a smile, "how about fun?"

All of a sudden, he changed his face and said, "notice that there are a lot of people coming.

After hearing Li Zhi's words, the escort quickly dressed up and took Li Zhi to them. Surrounded by the Central Committee, Manniu, of course, is also standing beside Li Zhi, carrying the rod of judgment.

Li Zhi has built up his own dignity in recent years. These diseases admire him so much that he is vulnerable to many people. Li Zhi said: "more than 1000 strong evil spirits have strong strength."

Li Zhineng felt that there was a trace of spiritual power in the surging momentum. Soon after, the other party was all riding.

With such a large number of people, Li Zhi's eyes were scared by the hundreds of guards, far more than ordinary people. He saw the leader. Squinting, he said, "it's her."

Nalan Ruyi said, "who is it?"

With a smile, Li Zhi said, "a woman who once met."


Nalan Ruyi stares at Li Zhiyi in a bad mood. Nalan Ruyi hums, "you! You know women

At this time, the horse ran over, and Nalan Ruyi saw the person in front of her. The person in front of her was a very hot woman. She was wearing red leather armor and a bow on her back.

"It was her..."

Nalan Ruyi said: "originally, lenghongniang."

Now the head of lightning mercenary regiment, she knows Leng Hongniang well. It's a legend. She's a girl, but she has such a reputation. The level of mercenary is very high.

Leng Hongniang has come near. Everyone's horse stops. Li Zhigan goes to see why Leng Hongniang's mercenaries are so famous. Although there are only 1000 mercenaries, they are very powerful. They even have the level of Swordsman and mage.

They cooperate with tacit understanding, it can be said that if there is no Li Zhi want to deal with Nalan Ruyi's team, almost no effort to destroy.

But Leng Hongniang is not a madman. What did she do to provoke Naran Empire?

Leng Hongniang's eyes flashed and stopped on Li Zhi. She went over and said, "ah, I'm Leng Hongniang. I've seen Princess Ruyi. If master Ximen is disturbed, I'll forgive you."

Li Zhi smiles. This woman is in charge of such a large mercenary regiment. She drives in her own escort car. Then she comes to her and says, "elder sister, let's meet again."

Leng Hongniang smiles, "you are not afraid of your princess when you talk like this?"

Li Zhi glanced at Nalan Ruyi and said, "she's not so careful."

Nalan Ruyi glanced at Li Zhi and nodded to Leng Hongniang. "I heard that Leng's leader Daming didn't let men down when he saw women today. That's true."

Leng Hongniang said with a smile, "the princess is so beautiful. I have heard the name of the princess for a long time. Young Simon is very lucky."

Finish saying she laughs hot figure, let a person swallow saliva.

Li Zhi rolled his eyes, "well, well, you two don't be sour. I said, elder sister, did you find the forbidden area task this time?"

"For a lot of people, there is no complete exit. This time, we are going to cooperate with the iron blood mercenary regiment of Nalan to see if we can get the things inside. Raytheon's left eye."

Li Zhi said, "Oh? You're going to that little duchy. "The Duchy of aye?"

Li Zhi knew that the iron mercenary regiment was very powerful. It was not much different from Leng Hongniang's regiment. Leng Hongniang said, "no? We are going to Nalan city of Nalan Empire to join the iron mercenary regiment and buy some more things. "

Li Zhi nodded, "Oh, can we go the same way?"

Li Zhi appreciated Leng Hongniang's tone very much. He also took a glance at Nalan Ruyi and said, "how can I object if the princess doesn't object?"

Nalan Ruyi said, "I'd like to, too. It's just the right time to find a partner."

For those who are not close to her, she certainly has a reserved smile. Leng Hongniang doesn't care. She turns around and orders someone to fix it. After a while, she can go on the road together. Leng Hongniang and Nalan Ruyi and Li Zhi sit together. The others are resting.

In the morning, everyone was eating, and Li Zhisheng brought a lot of things. He took out several dishes and put them on the ground, and then he used Xuangong to do some steaming work. Li Zhi said, "elder sister, don't you want to have a drink together?"

Leng Hongniang said with a smile, "well, that's what I mean. If you don't tell me, I'm going to drink with you."

Li Zhi called the bull over to have dinner with several people. Leng Hongniang had a lot of knowledge. She had never seen anything strange in the past few years when she led the mercenary regiment to travel south and North, so it was very interesting to talk about it.

Li Zhi is also very interested in Nalan Ruyi. Nalan Ruyi is also very interested in Leng Hongliang, and even has a good feeling. He is not so distant.

Li Zhi said: "I said, what's interesting about the big sister's thunder god forbidden area?"

He thought of the days when he had gone on an adventure with them. If she has a chance, she really wants to see it. Leng Hongniang said, "many people are lost in love. So far, no one has been able to break through."

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