Boyikao's father and son are now totally destroyed by his calculation. At this time, Li Zhi, the initiator of these things, is leisurely leading monkeys, dogs and riding horses around.

After the last incident, Li Zhi also knew that some people had better not offend. Last time, the golden virgin was protecting them.

Now Li Zhi also wants to be clear, if meets that kind of Super Master, does not need to ask, hastens to run first.

Li Zhi is going to visit the major checkpoints around him. This time, he comes to Sanshan pass, which is very dangerous and important.

The main reason for coming here is that Li Zhi feels that he needs to do something about it.

He did not reveal his identity. When he came to Sanshan pass, he sent someone to report to Deng Jiugong. After all, Deng Jiugong was the commander in chief of Sanshan pass, and he always respected Taoists.

I heard that there was a Taoist out there asking for an interview. Deng Jiugong met him in person.

When he came to Sanshan pass, Deng Jiugong met Li Zhi. Seeing Li Zhi dressed up, he thought to himself: Alas, this Taoist is so dressed up. Why is it so strange?

Li Zhi was wearing a black windbreaker and a mask. Although he didn't ride a dragon horse, he was both a wheezing dog and Yuan Hong.

Yuan Hong also found out, and he was relieved. It's good for him to stay with his majesty as the original God.

Moreover, after he found those strong experts around Li Zhi, he knew that it was still more difficult for him to get ahead in this cultivation. It might be better to stay with his majesty as a pet.

Li Zhi also looked at Deng Jiugong in front of him. He had black hair, upright features and a foot long beard.

Li Zhi knows that although Deng Jiugong is just a mortal now, he knows that Deng Jiugong's real ability is too strong.

You know, on that day, Deng Jiugong defeated Huang Feihu and Nezha, which shows how strong he was.

When Deng Jiugong saw Li Zhi, he saluted respectfully: "what's the matter with you in Sanshan pass

But Li Zhi chuckled, and then said to Mr. Deng Jiugong, "chief soldier, I've met Miss Chan Yu in your family. May I ask if Miss Chan Yu is here?"

Although Deng Jiugong wondered why Deng Chanyu met such an expert. He couldn't see through Li Zhi's behavior, but he didn't dare not answer. He frowned and said, "Oh, it's the emperor's fairy! The little girl left home four years ago to study arts, but she hasn't come back yet. "

Li Zhi didn't expect that Deng Chanyu wasn't here. He thought he could explain the cause and effect with Deng Chanyu. After all, he was afraid that Chan Yu would be taken away by tuxingsun's son of a bitch. That would be bad.

Li Zhi said: "four years ago, I met Miss Chanyu. I knew that Miss Chanyu was under the command of West Kunlun. Since she had not returned, she only came here to ask how the lung injury happened to the wife of the chief soldier was."

Hearing that Li Zhi said so, Deng Jiugong no longer doubted him. Originally, he still doubted Li Zhi a little. Now it seems that there should be no doubt.

He said to Li Zhi: "thanks for the emperor's concern, my wife's lung disease has not yet improved. Every time my daughter returns, she will take one or two pills, but it just suppresses the disease and can't recover."

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