Li zhitou wore Mian Diao, and the people below could not see the expression of King Zhou.

The voice of indifference sounded.

"I stood under the heaven for three days, and got the gift of the way of heaven. Through my mouth, I got the gift of the way of heaven. I wrote four books to enlighten the people's wisdom. One is the etiquette of business, the second is the important skills of business and agriculture, the third is the calculus of business, and the fourth is the compendium of Materia Medica."

"Shang Li talks about the way of human beings, the three talents of heaven, earth and human beings. People are people-oriented. People are based on rites. Men and women are not bound by one. Men are guided by the way of gentlemen and women are guided by women's training."

"Calculus opened up the wisdom of the people. It was the first book at the time of enlightenment, in which the methods of numerical calculation were all included."

"Shangnong talks about farming. It pays attention to the time of the day, and the time of the day is the standard. For example, when the seedlings are planted in early spring, when the grain is harvested in autumn."

"In order to cure the disease and save the people, all the doctors and non doctors in the world should be familiar with it..."

"Order, abolish the martyrdom of living people, and separate officials, not princes, people, slaves, no matter their status, if they have talent and virtue can be reused!"

In the first few words, Li Zhi said that all his ministers were prostrated, claiming that he had both virtue and talent.

But when the last sentence came out, the nobles were dumbfounded, especially the officials. Someone immediately stood up against it.

First of all, we talk about the etiquette and law of ancestors, and that the death of living people can not be abolished.

The gods in the sky must be sacrificed by living people, or the gods will be angry - what should we do.

Then there was even more opposition to Li Zhi's remarks, because the aristocrats held the power. In fact, they were really afraid that Li Zhi would move their own interests.

The first four books as a reason, Li Zhi directly suppressed the voice of opposition, but Li Zhi knew that this might be a hidden danger, and they would find a way to oppose it later.

After the separation of the court, Li Zhi called all his cronies over.

Including Wen Zhong, Bigan, Shang Rong, Huang Feihu, Jiang Wenhuan and others.

When they came to the back and saw King Zhou, they all looked worried because they were shocked today.

Looking at their faces, Li Zhi knew what they were thinking.

Then Li Zhi said to several people, "well, you don't have to do this color. You can see that I have four books on the wisdom and virtues of the people today, which are of great merit! But... "

After listening to Li Zhi's words, Bigan stamped his feet and said to Li Zhi, "Alas! Your majesty, we have to worry about it. Your Majesty's four books are really good, but your majesty later said that it is absolutely impossible to abolish the martyrdom of living people and let Untouchables be officials

As an old uncle, Bigan thought more. As a royal family, Bigan thought that the appointment of slaves would affect his own power, which was not conducive to King Zhou's control of the world.

As for the burial of living people, it doesn't matter to Bigan.

Li Zhi frowned and said: "Uncle Huang, I say two things can't be changed! Now that I have made a decision, I must carry it out. Do something about it

Li Zhi's attitude is very tough. After all, Li Zhi is also very angry now. He wants to carry out the reform earlier. Now the policy implemented by Li Zhi in the slavery society will quickly evolve into a feudal society! It's a big step forward! "

In fact, the slave society is in its infancy now, but there is a lack of a person to promote it.

Li Zhi comes from later generations, so he should promote it well. You know, Li Zhi has spent a lot of money on these books!

Bargain with the system, and even owe the system a lot of points to find out the compendium of Materia Medica and farming methods.

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