Seeing this situation, knowing that his injury had not recovered, he pretended to agree to master Huanxi's double cultivation. Of course, master Huanxi was happy, and he was not prepared for Wu Ping at all. He thought happily that he had got a good Taoist partner.

When she was preparing to practice for the second time, Wu Ping took advantage of the fact that the joyful master was immersed in the process of cultivation, and even took advantage of his unpreparedness to directly hurt the joyful master! And robbed him like a robber.

The joyful master was caught off guard and ran away after being injured.

Wu Ping has to be reasonable and unforgiving again. She chases the joyful master and cuts off his leg and arm.

There's no way to be happy that the venerable disclosed his Dharma body in order to run for his life. He escaped Wu Ping's pursuit and met Yuan Hong.

When he met the venerable Huanxi, Yuan Hong felt a little familiar. Thinking that Li Zhi attached great importance to the two westerners, he rescued him.

I thought I could get a good double monk, but I didn't expect that the woman was so cruel. If it wasn't for Yuan Hong, I would have died long ago

Hearing this, Li Zhi said in his heart: it's really good. Wu Ping seems to be a little hot pepper! Hehe, the happy one is bad enough.

Listen to Li Zhi say: "this is also cause and effect, although you did not forcibly snatch her body, but also be regarded as insulting her, this kind of cause and effect also calculate end."

"It's just that she's so cruel that she even wants your life. But you've offended me. In my opinion, it's still dangerous in the East. Why don't you go back to the West first?"

It may have some influence on the calculation of the two sages in the west to know the trouble he caused, but he is naturally happy to think that there seems to be no problem with the emperor of Ming Dynasty.

As soon as I thought that the Western saints would not punish me for their love, I decided to leave now.

Li Zhi advised master Huanxi to leave as soon as possible. In fact, he was also calculating in his heart. With Wu Ping's womanly character, even if one arm of master Huanxi was cut off this time, it might not be able to dispel the hatred in his heart, and he would certainly find trouble in the West.

After all, the woman's character is that she will repay others in the West. In fact, now it's time for Wu Ping to clean up the Westerners in the East.

In this way, Wu Ping's killing of the western people will arouse the contradiction between western religion and hermeneutics. At that time, the two sides may not join hands.

Of course, Li Zhi knows that this kind of trifle may lead to the following great events, but who knows how the sages of western religion and hermeneutics calculate at this time?

If it's one step short, it's not what Li Zhi wants. So Li Zhi decided to make the fire more prosperous, so as to stir up the contradiction between the West and the East.

At that time, the calculation in Li Zhi's heart will be more successful. Maybe the saints in heaven will not think of it. Who could have thought that a little emperor in the world would start to calculate their saints? How dare it take!

Li Zhi is also taking advantage of the chaos of heaven to show his own means. If heaven is not so chaotic, the sage will figure out who is making trouble secretly, and Li Zhi will be miserable.

Now Li Zhi decided to deepen the contradiction between the East and the west, or between hermeneutics and Western religions.

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