At this time, in the original xibohou mansion, the plaque in xibohou mansion has been replaced and turned into a mansion without house number, because after the monsoon comes here, people will be the new xibohou.

Although Li Zhi is said to be a temporary Xibo Marquis, due to the support of the people and the orders of his majesty, the monsoon now seems to be a real Xibo marquis.

At this time, there was a melancholy cloud in the original residence of Xibo Hou Jichang, but there were two people in the side hall of another place, one of them was sitting at the top, and she was a woman.

He was in his forties, dignified, but with tears in his eyes, sadness and anger in his eyes, and a young man kneeling below, looking like he was 18 or 19.

He bowed down, but did not dare to get up. Seeing the woman above, he suddenly asked in a trembling voice, "why on earth are you doing this?"

They are Ji Fa and his mother.

Taisu is the biological mother of Jifa and boyikao. She is also the eldest wife of Jichang and has a high status.

Ji Fa knelt on the ground, lowered his head, motionless, he leaned over and said: "I don't know what my mother means. Why on earth do I say that?"

Tai Su patted the table in front of him and said: "you dare to cheat me!"

Ji Fa knelt on the ground and still quibbled: "mother, I really don't know what my mother means. What's the matter with my mother? I hope my mother will make it clear what the child has done wrong. "

Hearing that Jifa was still quibbling, she trembled with anger. She pointed to Jifa and said, "OK, OK, I tell you, why do you want to kill your brother boyikao? Tell me

Jifa heard Taisu's words, and his expression changed suddenly. But then he said calmly: "why does mother say that? My elder brother and I are compatriots. How can I kill my elder brother? It has long been rumored that in order to stir up the conflict between Chaoge and Xiqi, Eshun sent someone to kill his elder brother. Moreover, it is also rumored that his majesty killed his elder brother. "

After hearing Ji Fa's words, Tai Su closed her eyes, and tears began to flow. Unexpectedly, at this time, she would be cheated by her son.

She said with tears, "don't deceive me any more. Do you know that Zhizi is not like his mother? You can hide from others. How can you hide from your mother?"

Ji Fa knelt down on the ground and said in a sick voice: "I don't have this matter. It's not what I did!"

Hearing that Taisu was at the top and seeing that Jifa was still so cunning, she said angrily, "don't you really think I don't know? Your dark guard sent out more than 100 people half a month ago! Can you tell me where I went? Dark Wei is good at killing. Do you really think I'm stupid? "

After hearing Taisu's words, Jifa trembled. Unexpectedly, the fact that he sent the dark guard was known.

When Taisu saw that Jifa didn't speak, she knew what she was investigating. She was afraid that it was the same as what she thought in her heart. She asked with tears, "Why are you like this? Are you brothers?"

At this time, Ji Fa also raised his head and said, "mother, don't you know that brother Boyi Kao is singing? Now in Chaoge, he committed a lot of crimes, and the emperor took this opportunity to report his affairs to the world on Da Shang day. Now monsoon takes this opportunity to win the hearts of the people, and the people in Xiqi no longer believe in my family. I have no choice but to take this bad policy. As my mother said, it's my elder brother after all, and I will be very sad to kill him. "

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