At that time, the common people in the world will certainly gnash their teeth at the hermeneutics. Moreover, Jiang Ziya's reputation has been damaged, and Li Zhian has planted him as a traitor. How can the common people believe Jiang Ziya again?

But it's a coincidence that Jiang Ziya ran away when Li Zhi left Chaoge!

Li Zhi has to sigh that his mother's way of heaven is really changeable. Even if heaven is in chaos, Li Zhi also finds out that Jiang Ziya is worthy of the title of God. When Jiang Ziya became the prime minister in the imperial court, he used his Majesty's favor to eradicate his dissidents by all kinds of intrigues, which led to many unjust cases.

Recently, Jiang Ziya found that someone was investigating him. He was worried that the matter would be revealed, so he took all his belongings away. Even Lianfa's wife gave up and wrote a letter of divorce.

Moreover, according to the investigation of the East Hall, the West Hall and the royal guards, Jiang Ziya had ulterior motives. When he fled that day, he ran to Guli in an attempt to kill Xibo Hou Jichang, in order to stir up the contradiction between Chaoge and Xiqi.

However, Jiang Ziya was found to have failed in his treachery. It can be inferred from this that the murder of boyikao may be related to Jiang Ziya.

The emperor's majesty is very angry about this. He feels that Jiang Ziya is ashamed of his favor. Anyone who catches Jiang Ziya or kills Jiang Ziya can go to Chaoge to reward ten thousand Marquis and get ten thousand stone grain!

Li Zhi's strategy is also good. He directly buttoned up Jiang Ziya's excrement basin, which put Jiang Ziya on the top of the storm. Because Jiang Ziya offended a lot of people when he implemented the new deal, in this way, it made everyone in the world gnash their teeth.

Now Jiang Ziya defected, and his majesty killed him. At this time, these nobles were very happy, even less resentful to Li Zhi.

I think that his Majesty King Zhou may be confused by treacherous officials, and everyone's focus is on Jiang Ziya.

Moreover, Li Zhiping calmed the anger that Jiang Ziya had offended those nobles when he implemented the new deal last time, and carried out the new deal as usual. In this way, the effect was unexpectedly smooth.

Now Jiang Ziya is despised by the nobles and resented by the common people. Now Jiang Ziya is ruined. Although he knew that he might be cleaned up, he didn't expect that the emperor wanted to deal with him in the way of fame.

Well, his reputation is completely ruined. Originally, he planned to go to Jifa, but now his reputation... Jiang Ziya thought that even Jifa didn't dare to take him in, so he had to hide and wait for the time to come!

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