Then the prototype appeared. In the original place, a huge strange bird with a height of 100 Zhang appeared. It looked like a Phoenix, but it wasn't a Phoenix, but it didn't listen to a phoenix with nine long heads!

The most important thing is that her feathers are not the golden red of Phoenix, but dark red, just like the dark red after a few hours of hard work.

At this time, there was a smell of corrosion on his body. The smell of corrosion was like sulfuric acid. From time to time, a dark red flame fell from her body. Every time it fell, it burned the ground and corroded a big hole.

But the nine strange birds suddenly flapped their wings, and instantly emitted boundless viscous flame from above. The flame was like water, not water, just like viscous sulfuric acid.

Li Zhi quickly hid behind, and in an instant, Ying Long waved his hand and put a shield in front of him. The Milky frost shield blocked the sulfuric acid like things in front of him.

At this time, Li Ran snorted angrily. A pair of bony wings grew up behind him, and the bony wings soared up. But seeing Li Ran flying into the air, Li Ran said to Yinglong, "brother dragon, protect my brother!"

Li Zhiyi turned to Yinglong and said, "that's a good name."

Li Ran face flashed a trace of embarrassment, no way, now he was Li Ran uniform do not want.

See Li Ran suddenly flapping his wings, instantly countless sharp and incomparable sword, bang nailed in front of the strange bird.

There are thousands of pieces of bone in that sword breath. In the picture, every time with boundless sword breath, it is nailed in place. Seeing the strange bird fall to the ground, Li Zhi is relieved: I didn't expect this guy to be so powerful.

If it turns out to be Da Luo Jinxian, the three of them may not be able to deal with her.

"This thing is really powerful. I don't know what kind of goblin it is!"

But Li Ran said to Li Zhi, "brother, I don't know the origin of this thing?"

Li Zhi didn't expect Li ran to know her: "Oh? Fourth sister, do you know this thing? "

Li Ran nodded: "don't you know? I tell you, she also has a name, ghost car. She has nine heads. Although her cultivation is not as good as it used to be, she only has the realm of true immortals, but it's hard for ordinary true immortals to be her opponent. "

Li zhiting's ghost car's name, this just reflects, unexpectedly is she?

Li Zhi remembers that there seems to be an introduction to the ghost car in Shanhaijing. Because its sound is like the sound of a wheel, it is named ghost car.

"In the wilderness, there are mountains called the Arctic ark. The sea water flows northward. There are nine gods, and the human face and the bird's body are called the nine phoenixes."

In other words, Jiufeng is the essence of nine pheasants. No wonder this guy is so powerful.

However, Li Zhi didn't find out that Jiufeng, who had been killed by him, was slowly waking up.

At this time, Li Zhi had already left. Naturally, he didn't find this sign. After returning, Li Zhi was in a good mood.

Now that the nine head pheasant essence has been killed by him, he is not afraid. Thinking of this, Li Zhi decides to go to Tianxin island. After all, last time he made an agreement with Han Zhixian, he will go when he has nothing to do.

He ran to Tianxin island at random. However, he didn't see hanzhixian on Tianxin island. He had no choice but to rush to Jinao island.

As soon as he went to the island, he met Zhao Jiang. Zhao Jiang was one of the most rational figures among the ten Heavenly Kings. After seeing him, Zhao Jiang frowned and said, "emperor! I tell you, you must go to my soul falling array today, or I will not forgive you! "

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