Zhongyan means to see what Li Zhi can do to cope with these scenes,

After all, Li Zhi claimed that he had been ill for several months and that he was definitely not in good health. Zhongyan felt that he was not in good health and could not perform.

At that time, it's him who will lose face. The people who support Shouwang will also be disheartened. It's better to take this opportunity to suppress Shouwang!

After listening to Zhongyan's words, Li Zhi didn't expect to have such a hand all of a sudden,

Heart secret way, two shameless villains, you two know a fart!

This river and mountain is destined to be my Shouwang's, so you two villains will fight with me! you must be dreaming!

You want to see me make a fool of myself, don't you? Well, let's see Lao Tzu's natural power. You two are mentally retarded. Let's see who is disgraced today!

After all, just now, Li Zhi happened to see neutrino Qi winking at Zhongyan.

He knows that the micro open seemingly benevolent house thick, but the heart is full of a villain.

Immediately Li Zhi felt that he was not worthy to be his opponent at all!

At this time, Li Zhi found that the officials, Emperor B and Wen Zhong all looked at him with some expectation.

So he stood up and said out loud: "good! Father and emperor, since all the officials are watching their son's performance, how can they make a fool of themselves? "

Li Zhi kicked the table in front of him, stood up, jumped to the center of the field, reached behind one of the nine cows, grabbed the tail of the cow, and gave a loud drink with both hands: "good cow, come here!"

The cow howled and was immediately pulled back by Li Zhi.

How powerful is Li Zhi now?

Although these performance cattle are domesticated, they are full of bison, and their strength is more than a thousand catties?

But for Li zhilai, it's nothing.

However, Li Zhi's eyes turned, but he showed a look of some difficulty. His footman did not catch up and took a step forward.

At this time, when Weizi Qi and Zhongyan see Li Zhi's appearance, they look at each other slightly, with a smile on their faces,

Just then Li Zhi suddenly turned his head and looked at them with a strange smile on his face.

And the eyes were full of irony.

The tiny son opens eyebrow a wrinkly, the meaning not good feeling emerges from the heart.

Originally, Li Zhi grasped the tail of the bullfight with two hands, suddenly released one hand, and fixed the wild bull ready to run with one hand.

The other hand grabbed the tail of the other cow.

One hand controls two cattle in different directions, and the two bison constantly plough the land with their hooves.

But in the face of Li Zhi's power, they couldn't move at all!

All the officials looked at Li Zhi stupidly. They just saw that Li Zhi was struggling. They thought that Li Zhi was not strong enough, but who could think that after a moment, one left and one right, they could catch shuangniu!!

The generals in the main hall applauded one after another!

"Your Highness is so powerful

But Li Zhi did the same thing and pulled the remaining seven cows over. The nine cows began to roar around Li Zhi and tried their best to escape. However, no matter how hard they struggled, they could not compete with Li Zhi's strength.

A moment later, the buffalo's strength was gone, but Li Zhi did not move.

At this time, Li Zhi burst out laughing, suddenly turned his body, and nine cows were turned by him!


The bison gasped for breath and was thrown out by Li Zhi!

Emperor B also stood up when he saw the scene and couldn't help exclaiming: "my son is really divine power!"

Civil and military officials are also shouting about the three His Highness's power and so on!

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