When she got back to the main hall, Yili hastened to discuss the matter.

But yiliha said above: "the big business is really powerful! Today's first battle, but it fell so low! Although the loss is not big, but if it goes on like this, it will be difficult to win in the future! I'd like to ask the military adviser... What's the best plan, but I can't... I'll use that poison method to poison all the people on the other side! "

But the national master frowned and said, "I'm afraid this method can't work. Last time Huang Feihu came here for the first time, he didn't take precautions and got into a poisonous scheme. Now he has already taken precautions. Besides, the poisonous technique can hurt Tianhe. If he's not careful, he will be punished by heaven. Even the king may not be able to stand it! The last time you used it, you used it. It has already provoked cause and effect. Well, I'll invite a few Taoist friends to come here and crush the spirit of the great merchants with Taoist art. It will certainly increase our army's momentum and morale, and we won't have to be afraid of them at that time! "

Yiliha knows that even if he uses the poison casting spell now, it will take some effort. Moreover, if people on the opposite side are on guard, these poisons may not succeed.

He couldn't agree with the master's plan.

Back in the camp, Li Zhi interrogates dukra, who was captured today. After all, dukra, as a few generals of Rouran clan, must know a lot of secret things. Moreover, he finds that the magic cast by the Taoists today is very similar to that of the west, and he doesn't know if it's the bald donkeys.

After Dukla was captured, he didn't mention a word. Even after a while of beating, he refused to disclose it. If ordinary people must be punished, it may not be useful.

Besides, Li Zhi also knows that people like dukra must have a way to avoid the pain of skin and flesh. If not, he accidentally committed suicide.

Dukla also thought that he was not weak, and he clamored to let King Zhou die.

But what they are facing is Li Zhi. Li Zhi orders people to bring up the equipment brought by the Ministry of work. It's a large chair with the whole Ducla on it. Then, a hood appears from the top of the chair and presses it on the top of Ducla's head.

In the middle of the head cover, hundreds of needles were punctured and inserted directly into the top of dukra's head.

The needles were thinner than hair, and they were inserted into his brain, and then a current flowed through his brain, which made him dull.

On the monitor in front of the chair, there were circles of images. After Li Zhi set the hypnotic mode, he began to ask questions. Like a fool, dukra was completely controlled by the radio waves in his mind.

You can answer whatever you ask. In the Ruoran clan, there is indeed a national teacher who came uninvited. His origin is quite extraordinary, and his name is Taoist bliss. Powerful. Yiliha respected him as a national teacher, and he was very resourceful, and there were many Taoist friends who had powerful magic power, and there were many Taoist friends. However, the names of these Taoist friends were quite strange. They were called Tianzhong Taoist and Longzhong Taoist. Taoist qianpo, Taoist aro

Listen to these names, Li Zhi sneers, isn't it Babu Tianlong? As for hiding? Besides, you've all called out your names. Do you really think anyone doesn't know?

In fact, Li Zhi doesn't want to think about it. Who has the ability to know so much information?

However, through this incident, Li Zhi began to think about it carefully. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the inside story was amazing!

Now he is afraid to come up with the reason why the whole Rouran tribe dare to invade Dashang!

After the whole outline appeared, Li Zhi immediately called Kong Xuan and others over, and lit the mailbox to let them know. Shen Gongbao, come here.


The next day, there was still a battle to be fought, but when he came to the front of the two armies, Li Zhicai found that there were not many troops on the opposite side.

It seems that there are only a few thousand people, but in front of them, there are a few more people in cloaks.

Li Zhixin was puzzled that these people asked the strange people of Dashang to do something strange.

However, the battle still needs to be fought. Let Chen Qi, the fourth general of the magic family and Yuan Hong get out of the station, and let LV Yue's three disciples meet him at any time.

The leader on the opposite side is the national teacher of Rouran, who is known as the blissful Taoist.

There were also several monks behind him, including the Taoist priest of heaven yesterday. But seeing that the national master, Taoist blissful, took off his cloak and showed his face inside, FA Li Zhi found that he still had long hair. He said in his heart that these bald donkeys pretended to have long hair. Don't you deserve it? Do you have hair?

But the blissful Taoist pointed to Chen Qi and said, "Chen Qi! Do you know that Ducla is my apprentice? Yesterday, you beat my apprentice. Today, do you dare to fight with me? "

Chen Qi just wanted to speak, but was pulled by Yuan Hong.

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