
Li Zhi said: "I have heard of the teachings of Yuqing saints. They teach all kinds of people and educate all the heaven. The saints should have done nothing. But I admire them so much. The Enlightenment of all living beings coincides with many of my wonderful ideas. In several major sects, only the truncated religion bishops all living beings. They are all of one mind, no matter congenital, postnatal, human, demon, All witches can listen to the preaching of the master. The leader has great wisdom, which is similar to the new decree of our court. But I dare not compare with the leader. I'm far from the leader. This is true. Please believe me

After hearing this, Tongtian sect leader laughed: "how can I not believe you? That day, in the Nuwa temple, you talked with Nuwa. I know that. You have courage and insight. How dare you talk to that girl? Well, Nu Wa, what do you want to tell me when you come here? "

Li Zhi quickly said: "this time I'm here, there's really something important. When I went to the west, I asked the leader to help me in the dilemma of Rouran people."

Hearing Li Zhi's words, the leader of Tongtian said calmly, "I really can't help in the world."

Li Zhi shook his head and said, "it's not a human thing. If it is, how dare I disturb the sage!"

Then he talked about the fact that some people in the West had entered the army of Rouran and were ready to invade the East.

The head of Tongtian sect nodded. He said to Li Zhi, "since the Westerners want to invade the eastern land, it's impossible. The two westerners also like to be quiet and have nothing to do with the world. How can that be so?"

Li Zhi sneered: "I'm afraid it's the same in ordinary times, but the west is poor. Now many disciples in the west come to the east to steal disciples! Magic weapon! What's more, this is what we have learned from the two westerners, and we are ahead of each other because of murder and robbery. Even if our big business is defeated, what can we do? It's just a change of Dynasty, but it involves the theory of Qi Yun, such as the struggle of Qi Yun between the East and the West! "

"It's true, but I have three brothers in the East. They were born together. How can they be afraid of him and the two in the west?"

Li Zhi, the master of Tongtian sect, knows a lot about it, but Li Zhicheng finds that the master of Tongtian sect means to protect his brother.

It seems that he still doesn't believe in the origin of hermeneutics. Will he unite with foreign teachers to deal with him?

Of course, Li Zhi now finds that Tong Tian will not believe him even now. If he can't persuade him any more, it will not be good to arouse Tong Tian's antipathy at that time!

He's here to form an alliance, not a feud.

So Li Zhi went on to say to himself, "I don't know what the religious leader thinks about it. What did empress Nu Wa say that day about the 600 years of the great Shang Dynasty?"

The head of Tongtian sect shook his head and said with a smile, "I don't know the chaos of heaven."

Li Zhi nodded. As expected, it was so chaotic. Nu Wa was just acting according to the original plot.

She's just a bitch!

Listen to Li Zhi continue to say: "decline is not necessarily death! Prosperity and decline, decline and prosperity, between the replacement is also my big business opportunities! Sage, I won't give up easily! "

Tongtian sect leader listened to Li Zhi's words and nodded slightly.

I was a little surprised in my heart. I didn't expect that the emperor was very powerful and knowledgeable.

In fact, the leader of Tongtian didn't tell the truth. It was not that he didn't know the fate of Dashang that day. It was just that he couldn't tell it in front of Li Zhi.

In fact, what their six sages reasonably put forward is that big business will die!

But at that time, Li Zhi had not come to the world, and all the weather was not chaotic. But now Li Zhi actually came, and things have changed. After a little consideration, the leader of Tongtian sect politely refused Li Zhi.

After the Tongtian sect leader finished speaking, Li Zhi sighed in his heart.

But I didn't give up!

He said: "in that case, I'd like to invite you! Can the religious leader predict the future for me? Don't let me do it for nothing! If it's true, you can't be deceived in the future, then I will hand over the business to the people of the East, and I won't let the foreigners in the West kiss me in the East! "

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