Fearing that liusun had already taken down the Taoist priest, suddenly another one appeared in the opposite direction. It was the Taoist priest from heaven!

The Taoist of heaven came here and said, "Wu that Taoist! Let go of my younger martial brother... "

Before the goods had finished speaking, he saw sun again use the immortal rope. The rope was like a golden lightning, which tied all the Taoists in heaven at once.

As soon as they finished talking, they were cleaned up... It can be seen that there are more than two kinds of goods... Just now I've seen how powerful they are. Don't you pay attention?

But seeing that he was afraid to leave sun, he immediately came up to the left and right, and took the hook lock to hook the Taoist priest back first.

Just as he was about to take back all the Taoists in heaven, he saw another one coming from the opposite side. However, he was wearing a plain Taoist robe, with an ugly face and a trace of blood red light in his eyes. The man came and said, "don't be afraid to leave your grandson. Don't let go of the two Taoists!"

Afraid to leave sun looked at the visitor, the heart way, this person is also too ugly, right?

He is only five feet tall. He has blue white face, blood red eyes, two tusks and a bald head. I don't know what it is.

Then the man said, "I'm Ma Yuan, an immortal of jiejiao! Mr. Tao is here! Don't let go of the Dragon friends and heaven friends, or I will kill you! "

Hearing what he said, sun frowned: "you are under the sect of jiejiao, and that's also a branch of our sect. Why do you collude with the West here?"

Hearing the words of detaining sun, Yiqi xianma yuan obviously didn't care too much. He sneered: "what do you care about me, what do you care about! I just get along well with them. Besides, I am also deciding whether to join the western religion or not. "

Just at this time, a flash of light flashed by. It turned out that the blissful Taoist suddenly rushed into the battlefield and rescued the Tianzhong Taoist who had not been taken away by others.

Afraid to leave sun, Ma Yuan takes a look at Ma Yuan. Ma Yuan thinks to himself that the purpose of his coming out this time is to save people. Now he has saved one. He has achieved his goal, so he will leave directly.

But fearing liusun to find out that Ma Yuan left, he didn't pursue him any more, because just now he used his breath to detect and found that Ma Yuan's breath was strange, powerful and difficult to deal with.

So he didn't pursue again. Otherwise, there might be something else. He was afraid that he didn't pursue again, but some people didn't want to.

But Deng Hua was shouting: "don't go! Look at my magic weapon

See Deng Hua hand holding Fang Tian painting halberd, rushed to a Qi Xian Ma Yuan.

A gas fairy Ma Yuan see behind a young man, heart is not happy, since want to hit me also accompany!

After a few rounds of fighting, Deng Hua's martial arts is still much better than that of Ma Yuan, an immortal. Ma Yuan is only able to parry, but has no fighting power.

At this time, but see Deng Hua suddenly speed up, pounce, in Ma Yuan's thigh cut off a piece of meat, painful Ma Yuan cry.

Ma Yuan took a hard look at Deng Hua, and then he saw Deng Hua and said, "look for death! Look at my mana

Then, a bone shelf suddenly grew up from behind Ma Yuan. The bone shelf suddenly expanded and became tens of feet in size. It suddenly caught Deng Hua, stepped on Deng Hua's thighs with two feet, and grabbed his arms with two hands. Then, Ma Yuan suddenly recited the mantra and recited some words.

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