Before long, but see a person's figure in the sky, it is the God, after coming, Bixiao quickly surrounded

See Bixiao came to the front, said: "teacher, is not the donkey away?"

The head of Tongtian sect gave a light smile, then suddenly calmed down and said, "Bixiao can't talk like this. Anyway, he is also the leader of the West. At least it's a saint. But what my apprentice said is quite right. He was expelled by me. When he was fighting just now, he was not an opponent. He cut off his golden arms. "

During the fight in the sky, Bixiao has already put the remaining Taoists into the array. Bixiao takes out Jinjiao scissors and cuts Yiqi xianmayuan into two parts.

Ma Yuan's fate will eventually die. He hates the traitors.

Yunxiao asked, "teacher, I don't know how to deal with these western people in Jiuqu Huanghe town."

The leader of Tongtian said: "since these people are already in Huanghe Town, Jiuqu, the West secretly helps Rouran people to fight against Dashang and plan immortality. Although they don't know what their strategy is, the two armies are fighting against each other. This battle will make the people of the West dare not make waves again. I'll go back to biyou Palace first. After this, I'll go back to Sanxian island."

Yunxiao nodded, but then he asked: "teacher, now it's a big disaster. How about the fate of my three sisters?"

The leader of Tongtian sect didn't want to talk about it, but after all, he was very fond of Sanxiao, so he thought it over and said, "before the heaven is in chaos, I guess there are many people who should be robbed in my sect, and so are you. However, since the chaos of heaven, the speculation ahead has been uncertain, but there is one thing that can be concluded, that is, you have a love disaster. "

After hearing the words of Tongtian sect leader, although his heart was shocked, Sanxiao did not dare to ask any more questions. I got up to see the teacher off.

Kong Xuan saw Tongtian sect leader come back with his own eyes, and at the same time he secretly congratulated himself that he didn't bet with his elder brother, otherwise he would lose again.

Because Kong Xuan had suffered losses twice, and he never won a bet with Li Zhi.

I lost my last bet.

Let Li Zhi dance in front of their four brothers and sisters.

And he had to dance the peacock dance, which made Kong Xuan blush.

Fortunately, later Li Ran pleaded with him, but he didn't dance. Otherwise, he would have a shadow in his heart all his life.

The victory of this battle is decided by the two battles between sages, and the West behind the Rouran clan will leave completely.

What's more, the West called Tianlong Babu was captured, and now it's handed over to Li Zhi to deal with it. Li Zhi was afraid that he would be so shameless that he would return to leave again, so he directly decapitated the Taoist of bliss.

Because the top three flowers were cut off, the five Qi in the closed chest was not much different from that of ordinary people, and the rest of the people were killed, except for Taoist aro and Tianzhong.

The use of red lotus fire by Taoist aro is quite ingenious, and Li Zhi is very interested in it.

However, Tianzhong daoren is not simple. Li Zhi left them to explore more secrets.

At the same time, Li Zhi also plans to throw these people into the road and directly use them as living objects.

I'm afraid it's a hundred times more painful than death, and Li Zhi's killing of them is justified. After all, the two countries are at war and killing each other's prisoners is nothing.

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