Because Baiyue also attaches great importance to these horses. When he sees that the horses are injured, he is naturally worried. If the infantry die, they will die. Although it is also very important, it is far from the general.

Li Zhi stood on the chariot, tall and straight, watching the other side escape.

As soon as Li Zhi waved his hand, he saw the archers stop their attack.

Behind them suddenly appeared a line of people in black. They were all wearing masks. They couldn't see their faces clearly and only showed two eyes.

However, he had a crossbow gun in his hand and a sight glass on it. There were not many people, only a hundred people. Although there were only a hundred people, they were full of murderous momentum.

The infantry in front of Baiyue also quickly set up a gathering platform. After a gathering platform was built, about 100 people stood on the gathering platform, and then quickly aimed at the cavalry of Dashang.

Mandrills don't know that King Zhou is so powerful. Seeing the man in black suddenly appeared opposite, he felt a bad premonition in his heart.

Mandrill said to the cavalry, "run away, come back quickly."

The distance between the two sides is enough to be within the range of the archer, so the mandrill is very anxious.

Li Zhi then found out that the soldiers in Baiyue were not in a hurry. Instead, they were building a platform.

He burst out laughing: "what do you think is some shabby platforms! I want to protect those people in black

At this point in the process of setting up the platform, although the speed is very fast, it is also simple, just need to put a few wooden boxes on it.

However, in this short period of time, the cavalry had run out of the range of normal archers.

The virgin stayed in the group. She had excellent eyesight. After watching for a long time, she suddenly said to the cavalry, "don't look back, run quickly."

Because she found that the cavalry ran slowly, Baiyue cavalry thought that they had dodged the range of Dashang archers.

He began to walk slowly. The words of the saint made the cavalry puzzled at first, but they didn't move.

Because mandrill laughed: "don't worry, saint. Our cavalry has escaped the range of the archers. Don't worry."

The Virgin was very anxious, but it was reasonable to hear what mandrill said.

But she always felt that something was wrong, and she couldn't say exactly what was wrong.

The saint girl frowned and looked at it. The group of people in black under King Zhou seemed to be ready.

Li Zhi said to the man in black, "you can start."

At this time, the man in black had been aiming for a long time, and the crossbow shooter was also a sniper trained by Li Zhi.

Instantly pull the trigger, whew, whew, the clear and incomparable sound came. The crossbow and arrow tearing the air, with powerful power, ran to the cavalry and shot.

The crossbow gun shot at the back of one of the cavalry, and each of the 100 crossbows and arrows issued by the more than 100 snipers aimed at one of the cavalry.

Oh, mandrill, let out a cry!

"Oh dear!"

Almost fell from the horse.

Cavalry marksman is very important, but he doesn't understand why he ran out of the range of that group of people and was killed suddenly? What's going on?

Without waiting for mandrill's heartache, the second round of crossbow shooters have already started.

Li zhirang's Crossbow shooters have been training for many days. What's more, Li Zhi selects talented people with excellent eyesight, which can be said to be born with hyperopia.

The control of weapons can be much better than others, and these people are trained by Huang Feihu.

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